Busy Busy

A 274-post collection

Thursday, Rushed and Bamfoozled

I forgot about Wordpress Wednesday, yesterday. Caught up this morning with what it was likely to be anyway: another installation of the fanficcy version of A Devil's Tale. The pro version of which is going to be 111 chapters and is STILL nowhere near being finished.

I'm getting closer to individuating all the chapters for mum. I may change the folder name so it's more universal. And if the Master Document won't let me edit it any more, I can always write the individual chapters "live".

So far, editing the longer doc is merely irritating. I have lived with immense amounts of lag before.

Stitching it all together might be a problem for Future InterNutter and hir editor. Maybe. I shall seek advice from the writing group when the time comes.

Less panicking about tomorrows that may never arrive. More dealing with the stuff in front of me.

I still have tagging, chambering, and chapter individuation to do. Which will probably happen sideways because of course it will.

I'm used to it at this point.

Let's get stuff done.

Tuesday, Patreon + Shrink

I think I shall be kind to myself today. There's a lot to tax my energies in spite of my best efforts.

As the title suggests, I'm chatting with my Shrink, today. There's also the Patreon posts to do, as well as the chambering, summarising, tagging, and individuation to do.

On the plus side, I now have the shelf I got for my birthday installed. Well. Stage One.

I've yet to enquire about Stage Two.

Beloved has Wanderlust, so tomorrow's date night

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Date?

I am still dedicated to tagging stories for the app, and that takes some time. I have NO idea what I'm writing for Wordpress today, so it might be another installment of the fanficcy version of A Devil's Tale.

Or I might have to go on another rant about all the stuff I have to deal with.

But at least Jolie has an appointment about her teeth. Also on the good side, Beloved and I are reforging intimacy together now that things

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Tuesday, Patreon and Other Nonsense

I need to fix the footnotes for B'Nar -- This will be happening _after I fix the chapters. Nothing is ever easy.

Le sigh.

Today, I must unearth or create stuff for my Patreon patrons, build a chamber of dungeon for my players to dragon in, do the first formatting pass for B'Nar at minimum, and perhaps devote some hours to creating articles for Alfarell.

Goblins and Brownies to start with. Since I put them in A Devil's Tale.

Now that

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Wednesday, Le Scramble

I have Chaos to ship off to camp, a doctor's appointment, and Date Night happening in 24 hours.


I also should gather up samples from all of my books and figure out how to develop press kits for each of them.

Or at least suitably satisfying blurbs about them for my potential publishers to use.


I think I might arrange all the samples first. That's easier. For ALL the books. Even the unfinished trilogy and A Devil's Tale.

Because go

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Tuesday, Patreon and Shrinky Dinks

I forgot I had a shrink appointment today. Whoopsy doodles. Fortunately, automated systems saved my butt and I can keep an eye on the time.

So I can rant about the publishing slog BUT I gotta remember to talk about self-blame and get some strategies because I need that AND I've been forgetting for a large amount of time. If I forget again, my Beloved will be ticked.

Chaos is going on an overnight thing again tomorrow, and she seems to enjoy

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Sunday, Continuing Shenanigans

There might not be a game night tonight? My crew of maniacs have no other plns and might call the whole thing off.

Which might make Monday a bit more interesting. Or less so.

Monday's stream may be heinously late because I slept all firkin night. We shall see.

Beloved is visiting Capt. S again and things aren't looking too happy for her. I have other shenanigans and can't be there and fulfill audience expectations and stay sane.

I have finished the

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Saturday, Absolute Chaos!

Beloved initially had PLNs to take most of the fam to Scenic Coominya for the benefit of Capt S. BUT Miss Chaos has a hair appointment and I firkin need sleep in order to function.

Therefore Beloved has elected to only ask KIABIL if he wants to come along and is leaving Mayhem at home. She may be alone on the journey. I hope not.

Today should be the day that one annoyance gets dealt with. Hopefully permanently.

As for tonight... Beloved

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Thursday, William Tell Overture

Today is Mayhem's bifdy and what he gets on graduating to official adulthood is working for his keep. If he can't pay rent, he pays sweat equity.

Welcome to adulting, kiddo. Nobody rides for free.

My PLNs today involve travelling down to MeMum's, taking her shopping for nonsense whilst Mayhem does the tech support. He's already demonstrated that I can't trust him to wait for Miss Chaos, so...

I'm taking him with me and that cuts my time in half. Blargh. BUT.

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Thursday, Appointments and Such

I need to book Jolie in for her dental check-up. I need to talk to my quack about flu shots and Rona booster(s). I also need to get a wriggle on with Miss Chaos' NDIS horseshit so we can sign her on to SLES [School Leavers Employment Service].

I have been procrastinating on such for TOO long. And according to other parentals of other disabled kids, we have to find the case manager ourselves.

What. The. Shit.

FUCKing red tape

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Wednesday, Date Nite and Tight Schedule

We have a hair appointment later today, Beloved has beauty treatments, we have social engagements, and we have a date tonight.

It's Beloved's turn to buzz around like a fly in a bottle, today.

As for me, I was up until almost midnight packing meals for later consumption. We're never buying three kilos of salmon again. There's a LOT of salmon meals.

Thank the Powers that I love salmon.

We also wound up with a surplus of kale. Never buying three firkin

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Friday, Divergent Paths

Beloved is offski on assorted nonsense with the relatives. I am lingering at home to both rest for tomorrow, and wait for a delivery.

Tomorrow involves more travel all over the countryside. Huzzah.

I have a nice outfit for the occasion, and it needs to be rearranged with steam because of how it was packed. High volume object in low-volume bag. You know how it goes.

I may or may not have time to rearrange the Box of House set with my

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Thursday, Understandable Delays

I did not write my Wordpress yesterday. It's not looking that great today. My Beloved is taking me on a whirlwind journey of Retail Therapy(tm) with a distant in-law who also knows fashion and style.

It's going to be fun, and expensive and I do NOT have time for a thinkpiece. Lucky for all of y'all I have LOADS of fiction rattling around in my Google Drive so you get to see some of that.

...it's probably going to be about

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Tuesday, Shrinkydinks

It's difficult to work this morning since Jolie is making it known that she really really missed me by getting between me and my keyboard. Poor thing.

I have a shrink visit today, so she's going to be more of a sad baby about the whole pack of noise, and it can't be helped because I NEED my shrink today.

It's been a frazzling time.

We're in the process of evicting all the garbage in our house. My work yesterday was sorting

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Sunday, Complicated Day

So. Capt S is having a day in which she should not be without some fam nearby for comfort and succour. We have plns to visit her in the morning, because I need to sleep for D&D tonight, we need to get going ASAP because Capt S is two hours' drive away.

As a direct result, I am streaming at 4AM and missing out on the Tale Foundry readings. I shall catch the VOD1 at a later time.


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