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Busy Busy

A 284-post collection

Thursday, Physio, Spandek, and Ouchies

I have been reminded to do my wrist stretchies by a persistent pain in my right wrist. At least the container bite from packaging rice has healed. But I still need to wear the thumb splint because nerve janglies.

It's time to take off. BRB.

I return.

Even the physio can't figure out what the hell I did to myself. I shall continue with rest and being very careful with how I handle the household taps.

I also have to keep today's offerings short and sweet because my wrist is being NASTY today. I'm taking the rest of today off to rest. I've put Voltaren and Goanna Oil on the wrist and I have the bracer on.

Maybe with rest and minimal work, I'll be better tomorrow.

As long as I remember all of my stretchies.

Healing is slow and annoying.

Monday, Backup Reads and Shopping PLNs

The cats need food, the fam needs protein, flavour, and little things. I have a bit of a Leyland's Tour ahead of me, which will commence as soon as the group's done with the backup reads. I have five stops this time and I can only hope I have enough money to cover our needs.

I'm good at juggling finances.

When I get back, that's when my offerings shall occur. Which means I can focus on being Prepared(tm) for social time

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Sunday, Game Nights and Interesting PLNs

I need to get more supplies for the fam. I actually left the house to get meds, today. Considering the backup reads, the plans with Beloved for Tuesday... and some in-fam tech issues... I'm going to be a busy bean this coming week.

Fun times.

I have my second loaf in the incubator and baking today. Yay. I forgot to turn on the incubator so I have to add another hour after the current timer runs out.


One more hour into

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Sunday, Game Night and Preparations

I am making sure the battery is charged for my Christmas chainsaw. All so I can head on down to MeMum's tomorrow and help her be rid of some overgrowth in the way of other things.

The plus side is that she finally has the other side of her insurance claim finalised. Just one more room to go and all is theoretically well.

just in time for the next flood season

Fingers crossed, all the measures put in so far will prevent

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Thursday, Forgotten Blog and Shopping

I need to be positive. I need to share the love. With that in mind, I will make some time to talk about my favourite Pratchett book - Nation.

Everything output-related is delayed today because Firefox obliterated my tab hoard. I have the barest necessities back, and that's a start. But damnit, it hurts every time.

And it still firkin crashes my compy when I try to upload a pic using Firefox -_-

Everything I post that wants an image is

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Friday, Physio and PLNs

I need to get Sillicea pills so my knees won't get worse. I also have to see my Physio today. So that gives me a chance to go place and acquire thing all in one trip.

I couldn't find a tutorial on text boxes that I could understand, so I tried to improvise one and I'll be testing that and finding out what the hell I need to do to make it work properly.

I will therefore, eventually, understand text boxes and

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Tuesday, Pitchathon and Patreon

There's an event on Bluesky called #2025Pit in which authors give their elevator pitch to the app in the hopes of picking up representation.

I pitched: Adapting, B'Nar, Clockwork Souls, Beauties and the Beastly, and ADT because why not?

I have found a video tutorial for pop-up text windows for GameMaker, and I will be using that for a default error message first.

Then putting that into each and every function call so that the WIP will not have any errors for

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Saturday, No Parkrun and Mor Pruning

Since the Christmas chainsaw has the exact sound profile of a toy, we're relatively free to go out pruning at the crack of dawn as well as the afternoon.

We were doing quite well this morning, until the battery ran flat.

We will get more branches cut down this afternoon. I've signed up the spawn to help out and spell me on the pruning work. Theoretically, we can get the branches away from the fence a lot faster than if it was

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Tuesday, Shopping PLNs

We need a few things, but I need to go to different places to get them. So I'm due for a Leyland's Tour today.

As soon as all the shops are open, of course.

My attempt to get the printer working was an outright failure. Hashtag, I tried.

But I also got all the buttons done, so my GameMaker time will be in placing them on the boards, and then learning how to make each function do what I want it to

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Wednesday, Rant and PLNs

I am definitely going to share some thoughts about the game, What Remains of Edith Finch. I also have goals to acquire things to make a different kind of bread cutter guide for Miss Chaos.

Step one - finding a small wooden bread board for cheap - has been a bit of a stumbling block. If I get my nonsense out early today, I shall try some other venues to acquire the necessary materials.

The idea being that, if slicing bread vertically

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Sunday, I've Done it Again

My schedule is getting large again. Lots of stuff going on this incoming week.

Monday: Driving and Physio
Tuesday: Helping MeMum go place and do thing
Wednesday: Finally, the NBN connection (and driving)
Maybe Wednesday but likely Thursday: Baking the Crimbo presents for everyone. (And driving)

I will perhaps have more time to chill on Friday, but I have doubts. Something else is bound to pop up.

I have the rest of today, though, and I'm going to enjoy it.

...alongside the

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Friday, Mor Shenanigans

I have to drop off Mayhem early this AM so I can do the shrink zoom meeting happening today.

Which means hoping he remembers to launch early.

I did finally get to signal for help at the GameMaker community. Yay. I've yet to make a start on my weekly rant.


I'm just so tired and the day hasn't even begun.

Maybe I'll get everything done today. Including cleaning the Catio.

I need all the luck I can get.

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Wednesday, More Experts and Rant

I have a divided day because experts in the middle of the afternoon. I know what's going to wind up in my extended rant for today, but I do not know when I'll be able to finish and publish that thing.

I know I'll get at least a couple of sentences into my novel because waiting room. Yay.

Meanwhile, I'm doing what I can whilst I can. Including my stretchies.

Moving on to an attempt at my Instant Story.

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Monday, Busy Week Ahead

Today, I have Physio. Tomorrow, I'm off to see MeMum for tech nonsense. Wednesday, I'm seeing different experts and so on.

I will attempt to get my offerings out in good time, but... Time is not on my side.

And I have to get at least eggs at some point.

I also have a phone with an expanding battery [Not my current phone, my old one] that I need to take to a safe disposal point. There's expired meds I need to

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