Busy Busy

A 274-post collection

Wednesday, Rant and PLNs

I am definitely going to share some thoughts about the game, What Remains of Edith Finch. I also have goals to acquire things to make a different kind of bread cutter guide for Miss Chaos.

Step one - finding a small wooden bread board for cheap - has been a bit of a stumbling block. If I get my nonsense out early today, I shall try some other venues to acquire the necessary materials.

The idea being that, if slicing bread vertically is too difficult, then attempting the same horizontally might be better.

Once that thing is done, I can consider acquiring a bread machine for Miss Chaos. All to reduce the chemical content of her diet and to get her making food for herself. Get her used to making food for herself.

She knows how to cook, but my girl would much rather just open a packet and consume. Not a great lifestyle choice.

ANYWAY. I'm doing my wrist stretchies and working on things. I hope to get a majority of it done very soon indeed.

Hocus Pocus, I need to focus.

Sunday, I've Done it Again

My schedule is getting large again. Lots of stuff going on this incoming week.

Monday: Driving and Physio
Tuesday: Helping MeMum go place and do thing
Wednesday: Finally, the NBN connection (and driving)
Maybe Wednesday but likely Thursday: Baking the Crimbo presents for everyone. (And driving)

I will perhaps have more time to chill on Friday, but I have doubts. Something else is bound to pop up.

I have the rest of today, though, and I'm going to enjoy it.

...alongside the

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Friday, Mor Shenanigans

I have to drop off Mayhem early this AM so I can do the shrink zoom meeting happening today.

Which means hoping he remembers to launch early.

I did finally get to signal for help at the GameMaker community. Yay. I've yet to make a start on my weekly rant.


I'm just so tired and the day hasn't even begun.

Maybe I'll get everything done today. Including cleaning the Catio.

I need all the luck I can get.

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Wednesday, More Experts and Rant

I have a divided day because experts in the middle of the afternoon. I know what's going to wind up in my extended rant for today, but I do not know when I'll be able to finish and publish that thing.

I know I'll get at least a couple of sentences into my novel because waiting room. Yay.

Meanwhile, I'm doing what I can whilst I can. Including my stretchies.

Moving on to an attempt at my Instant Story.

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Monday, Busy Week Ahead

Today, I have Physio. Tomorrow, I'm off to see MeMum for tech nonsense. Wednesday, I'm seeing different experts and so on.

I will attempt to get my offerings out in good time, but... Time is not on my side.

And I have to get at least eggs at some point.

I also have a phone with an expanding battery [Not my current phone, my old one] that I need to take to a safe disposal point. There's expired meds I need to

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Monday, Tentative PLNs

I needed all of Sunday to recover from parkrun, but I managed my morning regime before it was time to do the runaround for Mayhem.

I might spare myself some aggravation and go do the shopping before I settle myself into making today's offerings. It needs must to be done and then I have less to fret about on Tuesday. Because Tuesday has become more crowded than expected! Huzzah.

The Sullage people, as I mentioned, are having a look at the system

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

At least I remembered my pills with my coffee today. So there's that. The downside is I had the little container full of pills with me for at least a firkin week. Forgotten every single time I was out and needed to take them. Yay.

I need to get back onto the anxiety meds I've run out of. They're non-prescription and specialised so it's a bit of a slog to get them seen to. And, of course, ex$pen$ive.

And speaking

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Thursday, First Treatment, Shopping, and Time Lack of Management

I got my feet sonic'd and one foot lasered. It didn't hurt until after I was done shopping at Costco.

The sonic sounds like my nebuliser and feels like a particularly vigorous massage machine. I almost fell asleep. Almost. I almost drooled. Almost.

The laser, made to "warm up" the muscles and tendons responsible, was surprisingly cold. I didn't feel any burning sensations until I was well into my shopping.

And in a small handful of minutes, I'll be offski to fetch

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Monday, the Shenanigans Continueth

Oh boy howdy do I like to pile on the horseshit. Because scheduling stuff, I'm attempting to do my daily offerings whilst roaming. Driving Mayhem to work and turning around when home or almost home is a frustration. It's actually more sensible to hang out at his destination until he's good to go home. Bit of a pain in the butt, but not as painful as spending three to four hours constantly on the road.

Plus I have shopping that needs must

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Tuesday, Errands Done and Further PLNs

I dropped Beloved off just in time for the train. I finished tormenting my feet, then hauled my butt all over everywhere to get a few necessities. Including more meds for my asthma. Huzzah.

I even have a lot of good feedback about Pseuducku.

Now I have to find and devote some time to drawing the missing buttons and, perhaps, working on some interactivity. One baby step at a time.

I am going to put my offerings out there, including the Patreon

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Tuesday, Free? Time?

I got shopping to do, Patreon posts to make [I forgot again], offerings to create and some chapters to record. I also have some mock-ups to create and test.

I also have to re-size my prototype since I've made a mistake regarding the screenie, all so I can create a mock-up for the progress part of my Pseuducku logs.

Kind of feeling a little lucky that Beloved's in crunch time and I have the hours to spare.

I have a knack of

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Thursday, Further Disorganisation

So here's my day so far:

  • Wake late and commence the self-care regimes
  • Foot torture and commence stretches
  • Drive Mayhem to work
  • Drive home
  • Attempt to complete stretches
  • Phone call from Mayhem
  • Drive there and back again to fetch Mayhem
  • Complete stretches and half a chapter.

and now it's 2 in the afternoon and I am just now getting to today's blog entry. Offerings very soon, I should hope.

I also hope to figure out buttons in Gamemaker, but I'll probably end

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Monday, Errands Ahoy

I don't have a story to share with the Archive today, and I need to get stuff and things at place. So therefore I am headed out to get all the things we need.

Might be a pinch, this week. Because I had to pay for my hair, because Beloved got an e-bike for the work commute. A necessary expenditure, true. But also a hecking expenditure. A needful dent in the wall of money between us and a true disaster.

I like

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Thursday, Late Start and Flexible Times

The good news is that Mayhem may have flexible hours at work henceforth. The bad news is that I have to hang around for a bit lest I have to turn around when halfway home.

The good news is that I get some work done and a breakfast whilst out and about. The bad news is that I start later and work slower as a direct result.

I forgot to do the piece, yesterday. I can hope to do something today. At

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Monday, Busy Bean

So here's my day, starting with last night, because sleep issues.

  • Needed white noise to fall asleep, it was super-effective
  • Woke up close to 6, got on with my PLNs to be ready for the doc
  • Fed the cats
  • Check my time versus Mayhem's work time
  • Detect conflict, shit a brick
  • Get Mayhem going for an early drop-off
  • Long drive #1
  • Head on down to inner Brisbane for special doc's
  • Long drive #2
  • Have to drive around thrice to get a park
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