Amalgam Universe

A 2196-post collection

Challenge #03763-J110: Recycled Staff

I have died many times now. Each time I am reborn, I have all of the memories of my past life, and the lives before that. I was warned about this, but until my job is done, and they're all safe, I accepted this fate. -- Anon Guest

Sometimes, it's a pain in the arse to be indispensable. It's a worse pain in the arse to be indispensable on a Deregger ship with appropriated B'Nari tech. The instant the CEO noticed my abilities, I was added to the Backup Rolls.

They used the B'Nari brain backup system on me. An implant to keep me connected to some gizmo that keeps... me up to date.

I know the arguments, so don't even start, okay? You can wax lyrical all you like about whether I have a soul any more. Whether or not I'm alive or just a computer program who thinks I'm alive. You can write it all down on thick, rough paper and then stick it up your personal waste vent for all I care. Soul or not. Alive or not. It doesn't matter. What matters is that it flakkin' SUCKS.

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Challenge #03760-J107: All is Not Lost

I have often wondered. Individuals that birth children who are Pax Humanis members. Do they get to raise their own children, or is that a case by case situation? -- Anon Guest

Els tried hard not to panic. Deep breaths Just because her child Aed had tested low on empathy was not the end of the world. There were still things that could be done. Courses they could take.

Educator Kam seemed to read Els' thoughts. "Just because they tested low does

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Challenge #03759-J106: They Seek Them Here...

What do I do for a living? I'm a smuggler. What do I smuggle? People. From where to where? From Deregger places safely into the Alliance. Hey, it pays good, I make people happy, and I get to pretend to be a scoundrel and get a few laughs. Life is good. -- Anon Guest

Let me tell you something for free. It's not easy when you do cogniscent trafficking for the greater good. High risk, high reward... sure. It's very much that.

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Challenge #03758-J105: Step One

Due to the horrors in their past, they spent most of their time inebriated. It wasn't until, in a drunken fit, they took a swing at a member of Pax Humanis, that someone dragged them to a therapist, and get them cleaned up before it was too late. -- Fighting Fit

[AN: No word of a lie, if this happened in the core of the Alliance, there would have been an intervention WAY sooner than that. So this is happening around the

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Challenge #03754-J101: Broken, Free

Even the CRC security were going to need therapy after seeing THAT mess. The body looks like it'd been through ten levels of hell before being allowed to die. The shaking person in the center, rocking, weeping, knife in hand, still bore the shackles of their bane, before they flipped, and freed themselves. -- Anon Guest

Their name was Chain, and they had died. They should have died. They remembered the feel of the blade, their stolen blade, slicing through their throat.

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Challenge #03751-J098: Earth.bak

What do I do for a living? I work as a biologist in planet-sized zoo. We raise animals that are almost extinct and help reintroduce them, safely, to habitats that are suited for them without disrupting the local ecosystem. I love my work. -- Anon Guest

It took years to find it. It took a team of Deep Time AI's to terraform it. We went to inhabit the ark and work on the next part. Seeding the world with endangered creatures. Each

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Challenge #03750-J097: Learn the Hard Way

They flinched away any time someone came close to talk. They kept to themselves, eyes down, shoulders slumped. But when someone took a swing at Mr. Sunshine, before he could react, they were all over the person, beating them to a pulp in defense of the man. -- Anon Guest

People become members of Pax Humanis because they are dangerous, and can't otherwise prevent that danger. They're kept apart in safe environments, receive therapy, and are supervised to be sure their danger

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Challenge #03745-J092: Conquering Family

This small one, you ask, was meat. Found them as a baby, was going to raise them to make them big enough to be a real meal. Yes they are human, they are my child. They are VORAX! Touch them, and you will suffer before I let you die. -- Anon Guest

This is mine, by right of conquest. I decide what is done with it. Touch it and lose a limb. This was small, and soft, and vulnerable. This... was meat.

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Challenge #03741-J088: Makes Scents

A pleasant scent to you may be offensive, or even dangerous to others. Please be careful about how much perfume you wear. -- The New Guy

Personal hygiene is, in the Galactic Alliance, personal. The most many expect is to keep the self-generated pathogens to oneself. That said, there are many who equate hygiene with the simulation of hygiene. Makeup, scents, wigs, flashy clothing, anything and everything but actually keeping clean.

Most of those methods are harmless. Except in the cases of

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Challenge #03740-J087: Neurotransmitter Teeter Totter

A ship's human with a history of aloof behavior and carefully planned schedules (and rapid improvisation when called for) abruptly becomes cheerful and bubbly and five times as effective. When asked why... they explain that, for the first time in their life, they have proper medication for brain chemistry balance, and that EVERYTHING THEY'VE DONE SO FAR has been without sufficient neurotransmitters, and that they don't see a reason to work less hard just because all of life suddenly got much easier.

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Challenge #03737-J084: Salty, Fatty, Sweet, and Deep Fried

It makes me wonder, as I sit here looking out the port at the stars. How are the Alliance handling the idea of the Thranityr, especially the Vorax subvariant, no longer being a major danger ever since us humans came along to teach them the foods that we, ourselves, are constantly being told to eat in moderation? -- Anon Guest

It was an old argument against Deathworlders. Let one in and more will follow. And now it seemed to be coming true

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Challenge #03735-J082: Strangers With Candy

A teen looking around furtively hands Jay and Lilicoon a large box of chocolates and asks softly. "Please, help me." Before hurrying away. Not long after, two large individuals claiming that the person "belongs to them", demands to know where the runaway has gotten to. -- Anon Guest

"Delivery," said the kid. They didn't appear to have anything amiss with them upon first glance, but Jay knew how to look beyond that. It was all in the eyes. Eyes made to open

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Challenge #03732-J079: A Lesson to Absorb

They were the child of THE wealthiest people in the entire alliance. And yet, all they wanted was to live a quiet life with their friends. Sadly, there were those Deregger tourists that came in, and were mean to their friends just because their friends didn't have as much time. Well, time to teach these Dereggers a lesson in respect! --Anon Guest

Freaking... arrogant people who thought they were above everyone else. They were the worst. Every summer season, they came to

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Challenge #03727-J074: Impending Addition

Let’s see, you’re pumped full or hormones that spike your heart rate, drain you of nutrients, messes with your sleep cycle, and make daily task physically taxing.

Are you infected with a parasite, or is this a weird way to tell me that you’re pregnant? -- Anon Guest

"I told you last year that I was planning to reproduce," Human Sal sighed and tried not to fall asleep in his very comfy chair. "I got all the paperwork done

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Challenge #03724-J071: Lessons for All

It's hard being a teacher and coming up with a lesson plan that incorporates the needs of Deathworlders and Havenworlders together. But I love how fast children adapt, and learn how to be gentle and caring with each other, with the right kind of education from us, and their parents. -- Lessons

Whenever a Deathworlder comes to the class, it's always a good idea to spend a day or two on "gentle touch" and why they must ask first. There's always a

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