Amalgam Universe

A 2196-post collection

Challenge #03785-J132: Mutually Assured Therapy

Their companion is furry, fluffy, and knows humans need occasional tactile contact. Sitting next to the human during the work day, they don't mind the occasional back - rub. Actually, that feels really nice on the stressful days. -- Anon Guest

Humans will try to pet anything. How wonderful, they say, to live in a universe full of creatures that like to be petted. In that circumstance, it's generally a good idea for the Ships' Human to have a Companion who's eminently pet-able.

They tend to be on the Havenworlder side of the classes of cogniscents. Just like Companion Nuan, who had a fine down of feathers, and ze also had a sincere love of Human contact.

Human Fons had a great love of touching and feeling fluffy things. The shipboard Skitties, her soft toys, and of course Companion Nuan. Who was currently leaning into 'scritchies'.

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Challenge #03784-J131: Learn or...

CEO -- "It's not FAIR!"

"It's that or you go to prison"

CEO -- "Then how in the name of hell am I supposed to control them this way?"

"You could always try being fair and giving them what you promised."

CEO -- "THAT is blackmail!"

"You have your two choices, so choose."

The CEO is ordered by the CRC to either have all of their interactions live-streamed 24 / 7, including board room meetings, work in the office, and so forth, along

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Challenge #03783-J130: We Lucky Crew

I'm a Lucker. I had the fantastic idea of only hiring other Luckers to crew my ship, so we could hunt pirates and collect the bounties on them. We're all Luckers, bad news for Pirates. But man, this is getting boring! -- DaniAndShali

Testing your luck isn't fun when you know it's certain. It's even less fun when there's like fifty people exactly like you manning a ship.

It's just... too easy.

No challenge. We're the luckiest bunch of bounty hunters in

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Challenge #03782-J129: They Do That For Fun

Humans scare the hell out of the others around them playing a Dungeons and Dragons tabletop game. -- Anon Guest

"Fireball. Just fireball. Only fireball," recited Human Lars. Ze was doing a funny voice.

"I'll take 'memes from the dawn of time' for five hundred, Alex," quipped Human Oish. He was evidently playing with several oddly-shaped solid objects.

"Just flakkin' roll an attack," sighed Human George. Ze had hir head on the table. "I wanna get something flakkin' DONE this sesh. Powers

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Challenge #03781-J128: Crickey, What a Beauty

A planet is found to be a near duplicate of the nation on Earth known as Australia. Its indigenous plants and wildlife are nearly duplicate of that nation, except here, animals that humans drove into extinction still live. Convergent evolution at its finest. The N'Ozzies LOVE it! -- Anon Guest

If there were any further proof needed that Humans are "space orcs" as they put it, they usually look no further than N'Oz. A planet terraformed to be a copy of the

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Challenge #03779-J126: Just One Little Snag

The human, expending almost the last of their energy, gets the cave set up so they, and their Havenworlder crew, manages to have at least basic food/water/shelter until help arrives, then collapses. Now it is up to the Havenworlders to keep their friend alive, for they have a massive and dangerous concussion, with only the most basic of basic equipment left. Until help shows. -- Anon Guest

Companion Xuan dug his claws into the soft fabric of Human Nol's work

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Challenge #03778-J125: Listen to the Echoes

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result. Dereggers have that layer of insanity down in spades. These dereggers keep trying to find out why dereg empires keep falling. And then absolutely refuse to accept the results. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Because doubling down on bad decisions and ignoring replicable data is what that side of the political spectrum does best]

"Obviously our brothers in righteousness allowed themselves to become soft

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Challenge #03777-J124: Promises, Promises

You helped me when I needed it most. You may be a killer, but if you ever loose strength, to where you think you can't go on, I will be there for you. If you cannot walk, I will be your legs. This I promise you. -- Anon Guest

They were all poor, weak, and struggling masses yearning to break free. The typical Deregger escapees. The fact that their pilot was a jump-and-dump mass murderer for profit, and the fact that she

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Challenge #03776-J123: Greetings From Onfim to Danilo

A school finds a time capsule buried in the era of human kind's first interplanetary flight. Inside of it are little keepsakes and letters left by the young children of the past. -- Anon Guest

It was meant to be opened a century after it was finally buried, in 2132, TCE[1]. By then, several things had gone awry. Things got forgotten. Mistakes were made. A school no longer needed was demolished to make room for fields. A field is eventually taken

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Challenge #03775-J122: A Study in Strings

They claim to follow "Q", but they need to get a clue. -- Fighting Fit

[AN: Well, if I wasn't on their hit list before...]

"The point was never believing all the conspiracy theories at once. The point was never in making them all into one mega-conspiracy. The point was not even in gaining proof," said the lecturer. "The point was to sound like they knew more than everyone else, and therefore get angry about the imagined injustices they were allegedly suffering.

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Challenge #03772-J119: Therapeutic Anger

Your painful tortures will not break me. Each day you force me through this, and my will, will never break. One day I will escape you. One day my legs will carry me, and I will walk away, free!

Havenworlder to patient - "Alright, it's time for physical therapy again. Worry not, your legs will recover from your accident, I promise." -- Anon Guest

Another day, another session in the torture room. Human Isle had to do it, even though ze hated

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Challenge #03770-J117: Big Chaos

Small Human Child: "For some reason, I always do a chaos if I'm not next to Rennie at bed time."

Small Child's Parent: "It's true. You don't want to see it. I didn't want to see it last night. Can you play quietly until I'm ready to go to bed?"

SHC: "Maybe." -- Escla

Companion Ghayth considered the very small Human currently playing with their KidReader(tm)[1]. They were peacefully guiding a digital effigy on a randomly-generated world. Chopping trees and

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Challenge #03768-J115: Don't Pet the Plants

The expedition lands on a planet that is a Havenworld, an incredible paradise. Unfortunately, several of the very, otherwise harmless, plants, act for the ship's crew the way catnip is for most cats. The plant is utterly harmless otherwise. -- Anon Guest

It was a beautiful Havenworld. Nothing living there was even cusp-cogniscent, so it was relatively young[1]. The plantlife was short and squishy and easy to both harvest and consume. And, according to the last transmission, smelled real good.


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Challenge #03767-J114: While You're Away From Your Body...

They're a bookworm, they thought they had died. They awaken in a place that is rows upon rows of books further than the eye could see, almost more than a mind could possibly fathom. An eternity to read them all, with comforts, meals, and even washrooms. What is this wonderous world? -- Anon Guest

It was a wonderfully comfortable bed. Darlenydd didn't really want to wake up, but the looming cluster of recollection kept poking her towards consciousness. There had been some

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Challenge #03764-J111: Flying, BYO Wings

Humans are NUTS! This one bought something called a hang-glider. Are they jumping off that massive cliff with that thing? This is CRAZY! Thank the powers I have wings and can at least follow! -- Anon Guest

Humans cannot fly on their own. This is known. This does not, however, stop them from slipping the surly bonds of gravity by any other means.

This one was a giant kite. Aluminium tubes, brightly-coloured silk, and very little else. There was a sling attached

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