Amalgam Universe

A 2196-post collection

Challenge #03986-J334: Outsourcing Horror

The Lucker who is a deadly killer is on a world hunting down the brutal deregger CEO's that had driven the innocent populace to their knees. They bump into Sunshine and Jay who's there on the same mission. They make a good team. -- Anon Guest

I do love Gilbert and Sullivan. Their compositions and lyrics have incredible staying power. One of my favourites is from The Mikado, and the words may change, but the chorus remains the same.

I've got them on my list. They ne-ver will be missed...

There are definitely individuals who make repeated decisions that make the universe around them worse. People whose best way to serve their society is as fertiliser. The latest example of allegedly cogniscent life should definitely help the vegetable gardens of the starving into abundant growth.

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Challenge #03981-J329: Unexpected Defences

Mr. Sunshine and Jay are on a station and see a human bullying a havenworlder. Before they can interfere, the havenworlder grabs the human and flips them to the ground like the, now very shocked, human was a rag-doll. And how proud that havenworlder looks when security takes the bully away! -- Anon Guest

Everyone agreed, it all happened so fast. Things always happened fast in the Edge Territories. Especially those on the very cusp of becoming fully part of the Galactic

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Challenge #03979-J327: Soft Hearted

Human to furry deathworlder.

"Can I give you a hug?"

Deathworlder to Human

"oh... kay...?"

Human hugs deathworlder with tears sliding down their face.

"Thank you, I needed this." -- Anon Guest

Ty looked down towards the slowly growing wet patch on her chest. The Ships' Human, Seph, was breathing erratically. His hands tangled in and clinging to her fur. Even though Ty had never taken Companion training, she had read the most important parts of the manual. So she petted Human

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Challenge #03977-J325: Out of the Frying Pan

"Well, that was stupid."

"Hey it worked didn't it? We're alive aren't we?"

"Yeah.... but still...."

"If it worked, and we got out, then it wasn't stupid."

"I guess....." -- Anon Guest

"It also depends how one defines 'out'," said Tordd as ze looked out the windows to their landing ground. "True, we have survived the crash, but we are also trapped in a lifepod on something of a Deathworld."

"Okay," said Human Raf, already rooting about in the compartments for whatever

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Challenge #03975-J323: Try Though They Might...

Sofflox is a beautiful, but oddly deadly - to non-natives anyhow, havenworld. Before, people had to wear full livesuits to leave the protected areas due to the spores of that world. Thanks to a couple of scientists born on that world, and human researchers, they come up with a special, clear, full-face mask that filters out all of the harmful stuff, so a person CAN visit without the full suit. It's still a little annoying, but at least a little more comfortable.

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Challenge #03974-J322: Proof Against Humans

The ship with some ship humans encounter a very frightening problem as the pirate ship comes barrelling toward them. The pirates are humans, too. -- Anon Guest

Edges are dangerous. People or things either get cut by them or fall off them. They have ways of causing harm. The same remains with the Edge Territories. Here there be hives of scum and villainy. Here there be pirates.

Here, also, there be Humans.

Everyone venturing into the Edge knows that it's best to

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Challenge #03973-J321: Sufficiently Enforced Motivation

I ordered my people to send OUR product out disguised as THEIR product. They caught us, then those BRUTES descended. It would take longer to describe what they DID to me before they threw me in that cage and to the CRC than it took them to do it. I'm terrified of chocolate now. -- Lessons

Honestly? After what they did? The minor dismemberment was a relief. It was only pain. It wasn't as relentless as

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Challenge #03972-J320: A Debt Repaid

Mr. Sunshine was on a terraformed station helping to destroy it. Why? The dereggers that ran it had used child-slaves as their "cleaning crew". An old "friend", a level 2 deathworlder, is stuck in a fight with deregger security trying to get themself, and several of these children, to their ship so they can escape, but they need a help in the fight. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Terraforming is kind of difficult in an artificial environment.

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Challenge #03967-J315: Inspiration for Technology

We've designed a building where, if the bricks break, they grow back, if we need new quarters, we grow them. This building is based on nanotech and plants, and we're happy to say, it's working well, even for the humans. -- Fighting Fit

First: bricks should not break. There's something about the clay here that doesn't bind properly, and shipping the right kind of clay would end up costing Years[1]. A more local solution is more amenable than a distant one,

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Challenge #03965-J313: Delayed Virtue Signal

When it came to CEO's I was one of the worst.

I'm nearing the end of my life, and have sent a file and an anonymous complaint to the CRC, about myself. I know the Pax Humanis will come soon to end me. I've already sent my security away so they will find no resistance when they come in.

Why did I do this? Because as I've grown older, I've gained something. A conscience.

I deserve the punishment they will put upon

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Challenge #03961-J309: An Attempt Was Made

Biowarfare, one of the nastiest of all weapons. A dying person falls against Sunshine as he stalks a dereg world to hunt his target. The pale lips whisper "They're about to attack CRC, warn them." And hands the killer a file warning of the disease, engineered to try to circumvent the immunoflu. -- Anon Guest

The datachip was smaller than Mr Sunshine's fingernail. Light and small and easy to lose. Mr Sunshine added it to a case in his pocket. He knew

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Challenge #03960-J308: Theory V Practice

break pasta

throw pasta in kettle


open ketchup bottle

sprinkle diced pineapple

“Human, I have recreated the dish known as spaghetti”

“I probably don’t have Italian ancestors, but something is screaming” -- Anon Guest

To damn Companion Mu with faint praise, Human Rain could only say that ze had the concept correct. Cook pasta in boiling water. Add tomato sauce. And, because Rain was vegetarian, add vegetables to the mix. Theoretically, it was a pasta dish that was perfect for

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Challenge #03959-J307: Habeas Testiculos

A knomira refuses to listen about safety protocols when entering a space station animal exhibit. They see very fluffy, bright purple and bright red, creatures with signs that read DON'T TOUCH! AGGRESSIVE! POISONOUS BITES!

They learn the hard way what happens when they try to force their way into the cages to pet the fluffy, seemingly cute, animals. -- Anon Guest

The signs were everywhere around the cage. In several common languages. Including pictograms for those not familiar with those languages. There

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Challenge #03956-J304: Too Much Like You

They were trying to be more like the ship's human. The ship's human apologized while treating their friend's injury, though at least it was minor. Sad that their friend hurt themselves trying to push it too far. -- DaniAndShali

"I tried to tell you," said Human Otz as she carefully cleansed Orz' injuries. "My fanciest buugengs[1] are sharp. Why didn't you stick with the light plastic ones I printed for you?"

"You warned me that I was not skilled enough. That

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Challenge #03955-J303: Spooky Scary

Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost!

That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it was illegal -- Anon Guest

Human Wren glared over his crafting supplies as he donned the thick industrial gloves. "Okay. A few things. Ghosts aren't really real like that. Most of it's infra-sound and magnetic fields messing with our jellyware." A tap to his head as he brought out the rolls of chicken wire. "Secondly, I am not about to kill anybody in

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