
A 194-post collection

Challenge #04428-L044: You Get What You Give

For those who constantly have bad dreams, this gentle hellkin sells charms you wear that turns even the worst dreams good. But, be warned, don't be unkind to this soothing soul. Or you'll have bad dreams for a month. Don't worry, they never make the curse permanent, they're too kind for that. -- Anon Guest

Respite worked as they walked, though some of it didn't look like work at all. The spindle-spinning did indeed look like work. So too did the herb-gathering or tying the resulting bundles to their pack to dry. What didn't look like work was messing around with bark, herbs, and their strangely-spun thread.

There were also twigs of hazel wood, strands of hair, feathers, and interesting stones in there as well. They looked like an odd mishmash of fisherman's fly, a tatterdemalion's[1] handmade doll, and a hedge-witch's warding charm. Which was not very far from the truth.

Respite made dream charms. If added to a sleeper's bed, they devoured nightmares and transformed them into sweet dreams.

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Challenge #04427-L043: Army of Kind Hands

We don't say we're of the light, we don't say we're of the darkness. We won't kill, unless we are absolutely FORCED to. Each time we have to, it breaks our hearts to the core. We are an army who goes in to save lives, not take them. And we have one Mantra. What would Wraithvine do? -- Anon Guest

They carried weapons. They wore armour. They marched in time as they made their way from place to place. They had regimented

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Challenge #04426-L042: Not Made For You

There's only one rule in this dungeon, stay out of the places with bright light. That is an odd thing, for usually the light brings clarity. But here? It's used to fool the unwary unto danger. -- Anon Guest

One truth is known to those who build and keep dungeons: Adventurers like light. They're surface folk, they can't help it. For them, light is safety, security, and sanctuary. So there was a time that those who wished to discourage Adventurers put deadly

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Challenge #04420-L036: Sore-ting Systems

This library is enchanted. It will always provide you with the knowledge you need. However, it may not be the knowledge you want. You have been warned. -- Fighting Fit

If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, it therefore follows that knowledge must be restricted. Such is the logic of dictators everywhere. Despite this, people still need knowledge, like they need sustenance, or medicine. Even the knowledge of which medicines work is needed. Even the dictators step back from restricting all knowledge.

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Challenge #04416-L032: Undeserving Expectations

The massive house had a large group of Brauniin living within it. Those who stayed there, either as owners or guests, were always required to read the plaques that was by all entrances. "Do not act with greed or entitlement here. Be polite, and always thank the unseen for all that has been done for you. To do otherwise, is to invite misfortune." -- Anon Guest

Every place tells a story, if you know how to listen. It may be in the

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Challenge #04414-L030: Suddenly Learning to Teach

The other hatchling kobolds picked up their native tongue quickly. But this one, smaller than the others, struggled with the language. They had no ancestral memories of previous lives. The humans in the village that were close, dear, friends to this warren, and the kobolds elder, realized this precious life was truly new to this world, in more than one sense. -- Lessons

Some species of Alfarell are born with their language. Well, most of their language. Hellkin know how to talk

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Challenge #04412-L028: Enlightened Self-Preservation

Karma comes in strange ways, for a false healer it was that now, sometimes it worked -- Knitnan

A Traveling Apothecary was an amazing scam. Roll into town with a showy wagon and an amusing sideshow. Sell a few interesting bottles of simple solutions and coloured water. Then get out before the rubes notice that it's all smoke and mirrors. And, of course, steer clear of any place that has a disease running through it. Claim that you're out of the essential

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Challenge #04409-L025: Lies vs Bent Truths

Healing spells also known as holy spells can be sorted into 3 tiers: low, moderate, High. The higher the tier the more complex the Magic will be, therefore consuming more Mana. For example if some individual was heavily poisoned and on the verge of death, a high tier healing is needed. The healing spell herstel although low tier can alleviate the symptoms and eventually cure the poison. But that will take days to weeks to fully cure.

With that information and on

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Challenge #04408-L024: Kharmic Realignment Well Overdue

The child keeps playing pranks on people despite being scolded. Then a very scary, but kind, individual helps them realize, that they can't keep doing that. -- Anon Guest

Don't pull on a horse's tail and act surprised when it kicks. Don't taunt a hungry dog and act surprised when it bites. But most especially, do not cross a Hellkin and act surprised when you get exactly what you deserve.

None of this entered Bili's head as they went into the markets

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Challenge #04405-L021: Where You Learn the Most

My teacher is THE Ancient Elf. I thought the lessons would be exciting, and, sometimes they are, but they're pretty mundane, too. I'm working hard, want to make hir proud. But now they're having me help another beginner, too. Wow, didn't know teaching was this hard. -- Anon Guest

What nobody tells you about learning magic is how boring the practice can be. How humbling it is to know how difficult everything actually was. Including re-learning

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Challenge #04395-L011: Standing Out? Outstanding!

The bullies tricked the person into consuming something the person was severely allergic to. The mage that saved the person got pissed, and taught the bullies why such behavior was a BAD idea. -- Anon Guest

Orleth the Incredulous was minding her own business when she found the kid wheezing and turning red as their hands and face began swelling up. Some quick work with an antitoxin spellwork brought them the ability to breathe again. Orleth stayed nearby and offered her arms

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Challenge #04391-L007: Lives in Her Hands

They were quite close to me. They have so much magic potential. I have no magic, no money, and no knowledge on how to help. Please kind elf, help us? -- Anon Guest

It is known, even amongst the most simple, that those with magic in their blood or bones will leak it. Happy baby Elves sparkle. Upset infant Hellkin make the shadows writhe and the walls bleed. And a neophyte Sorcerer... well. It depends entirely on the origin of their power.

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Challenge #04381-K363: Throwing the Book at Them

Knowledge is very powerful, especially when it's dropped on an enemy from two stories up. -- Anon Guest

The library of Teregoss was a labyrinth of shelves. Some holding scrolls, most holding books, and the filing system was so complicated that it took years of study to learn it.

And somehow, despite many traps to prevent it, Nemmios the Vile had managed to take a tome of otherwise forgotten lore. Something that was bound to cause a tidal wave of pain and

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Challenge #04377-K359: A Second Chance Blooms

Los dientes de león son mis flores favoritas.

¿Por qué?

Porque fueron la primera planta que aprendí a cultivar y comer, y porque salvaron a nuestra gente. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Translated - Dandelions are my favorite flowers./Why?/Because they were the first plant I learned to grow and eat, and because they saved our people.]

The tumbledowns are called that because it's easy for everything to -well- tumble down. The only things that grow there are babies and misery. Everybody's

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Challenge #04370-K352: Strangers in the Woods

A: "It's all natural!"

B: "So're arsenic and cyanide." -- Anon Guest

There are, in magical worlds, places where the people do not trust magic. They shun it, exile those with magic in their bones, and even watch those using sleight of hand with suspicious eyes. The threat of a noose, or a pyre, lurked within those hateful eyes.

They also mistrust anything new, anything from the outside, and anyone who doesn't look like them.

No matter what you do to improve

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