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A 207-post collection

Challenge #04463-L079: Sacrifice For Knowledge

And you can add the rest of the Gekk mantra if you like. Eye opener, heart starter, friend in Long nights assignments. Have fun. -- She Who Knits

[AN: Reminder that the titles of prompt posts do not count for the prompt. I have to use what you put inside the post]

"It is said that the Gekk knew a mantra that could restart hearts and open eyes. Friend of the long night. Alas, what is meant by that saying is lost. Just like the Gekk civilisation," said the Keeper of Tomes. "All we have are fragments. Hints. If we could recover the ancient magics... If we could learn again what they knew but we lost in the wars... I'm sure you can imagine the good that could be done."

The Adventurers looked at the paltry fragments that had once been an entire stela. Arranged into what the archeologists supposed was its original shape, based entirely on art fragments and the lines featured on them. "That's some big guesses," said the Wizard. "Temporal magics require a lot of effort. Even if we appealed to Nanogh, there's a chance we won't make it back. The destruction of history as its known is a huge risk."

"Lucky there's not a lot of history about the Gekk," offered the Rogue. "It won't wreck much if there's no records to wreck."

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Challenge #04461-L077: Where it's Safe

From those printed source books that helped Afro American's to safely travel to those real or mental lists of 'I know someone who has'. They are priceless and often weird. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I'm pretty sure the polite term was African American... back in the 1990's]

Resources are more than the base materials used to create something... or many somethings. More often than not, resources are sources of information. Secrets to relative success. Passed along by word of mouth, by sigils

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Challenge #04460-L076: Protecting Dreams

Those that came enmasse were all known as the "unwelcome peoples." Didn't matter the race. They were given warm beds, or rather, sleeping rolls so thick and soft that one did not feel the hard floor, and special blankets enchanted with a magic that chased away bad dreams, and gave gentle ones. And if any came to harm those gathered here, they soon learned where those nightmares went. -- Anon Guest

The sign could be read even by those who did not

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Challenge #04459-L075: The Strength of Hope

Does it really matter what you pick? You sensed it haven’t you, the other choices you made runs parallel to your actions. You haven’t realized you already decided, you already tipped the domino of cause and effect. The multiverse is filled with the corpuses of your failures. -- Anon Guest

It doesn't matter, whispered the voice in the back of the Hellkin's mind. You can try your heart out in proving yourself a hero... they'll still call you a monster.

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Challenge #04455-L071: A Cure For a Cad

Behold this beautiful little flower. So unassuming, so innocent, soft and purple. I wouldn't touch this foxglove if I were you, not unless you wear gloves. You may not like what the sap can do to skin that may have cuts, or otherwise be permeable. -- Anon Guest

Beautiful to look at, wonderful to behold. But if you touch... your end is foretold.

Consider a field of flowers. Pink, white, or purple. The soft petal bells bear little spots, and multitudes of

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Challenge #04453-L069: Celebrate Life

Festivals in the part of the city where the Unwelcome welcome all -- Anon Guest

There's places like this in every city. Usually, it's a tightly packed alley or two that has denizens rather than residents. You can feel every eye watching you warily, and there's a pervading miasma of suspicion and fear.

In a city as big and old as Deepwater, it's an entire district. Minor Perdition was the Hellkin Ghetto, and a place where the Unwelcome, Unwanted, and largely unwashed

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Challenge #04452-L068: Way of the Dragon

This is a strange place where students are taught to fight. Not the ways of the shadow, but how to fight like the dragon-born. The teachers do not care that most of the students here are not, and were never dragons. Or that there are all races. All they care is that these youngsters, and some adults, are their students. And they will help others who are mistreated stand on their feet once more. -- The New Guy

Places like this are

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Challenge #04449-L065: City of Lights in the Dark

In this village, there were no such thing as "low born" and "high born". There were no such thing as "dark" and "light' except for "Were the candles lit so we can read?" In this place, dark elves, kobolds, and hellkin lived peacefully along with humans and other "light" races. Needless to say, adventuring parties learn quickly that discrimination, here, is absolutely forbidden. -- Lessons

[AN: The ability to see in the dark has its limits in Alfarell. People who have it

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Challenge #04447-L063: Almost a Nursery Tale

They thought they were nothing, a nobody, just another face in the crowd. Then they ran and grabbed the reigns of the horses of a runaway carriage before it could end up tipping into the ravine, and their whole life changed. -- Anon Guest

They call the town Cliffbridge, after its most noticeable feature, the D'varuv-made bridge across the ravine that divided the mountains in twain. Legend said that it was the result of a giant's sword, or some demon attempting to

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Challenge #04444-L060: Finding Justice

They called themselves a Cleric of Tyr, but their actions toward the dungeon and the Everdark adventurers that used it for training and loot-gathering, showed this person did not actually believe in what they espoused to be their god. But Tyr doesn't like it when people use their name without following the actual tenants. And it's time the Everdark adventurers had MORE than just one full sized dungeon to explore.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04426-l042-not-made-for-you#@internutter/re-bkf-srlmgn -- DaniandShali

[AN: Following

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Challenge #04443-L059: Imitation of Power

Making a statement - what you choose to wear can say a Lot about how you think. -- Anon Guest

Clothing has had messages behind it since one person decided to do something a little different with their garments. Or, as it may be, their decorations. Who was the first to create style, and who was the first to begin fashion. All that is certain is that the young have been using it to annoy adults since before records became available.


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Challenge #04442-L058: A Very Unusual Place

This species of fae ate dreams. But only bad ones. Needless to say, it lived near the orphanage. No child there ever had a bad dream last very long at all. -- Anon Guest

It wasn't just Elves, Wudsgaad, and Brauniin that came into Mundis Mortalidae in the beginning of the world. Of course they came with magic, but there are other things native to Nanogh that found their way through. Many monsters, and things that go bump in the night.


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Challenge #04440-L056: Put Your Muscle Where Your Mouth is

They claim to be a cleric of Tyr, but they certainly don't seem to believe in the concept of justice. So how can you be a cleric of something you don't actually believe in? Simply put, you're not a true cleric. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Possibly in reference to this: https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04426-l042-not-made-for-you ]

Powers of the Divine come from devoted worship to the god in question. The magic and how it effects the work depend not on the deity,

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Challenge #04428-L044: You Get What You Give

For those who constantly have bad dreams, this gentle hellkin sells charms you wear that turns even the worst dreams good. But, be warned, don't be unkind to this soothing soul. Or you'll have bad dreams for a month. Don't worry, they never make the curse permanent, they're too kind for that. -- Anon Guest

Respite worked as they walked, though some of it didn't look like work at all. The spindle-spinning did indeed look like work. So too did the herb-gathering

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Challenge #04427-L043: Army of Kind Hands

We don't say we're of the light, we don't say we're of the darkness. We won't kill, unless we are absolutely FORCED to. Each time we have to, it breaks our hearts to the core. We are an army who goes in to save lives, not take them. And we have one Mantra. What would Wraithvine do? -- Anon Guest

They carried weapons. They wore armour. They marched in time as they made their way from place to place. They had regimented

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