
A 6-post collection

Challenge #04449-L065: City of Lights in the Dark

In this village, there were no such thing as "low born" and "high born". There were no such thing as "dark" and "light' except for "Were the candles lit so we can read?" In this place, dark elves, kobolds, and hellkin lived peacefully along with humans and other "light" races. Needless to say, adventuring parties learn quickly that discrimination, here, is absolutely forbidden. -- Lessons

[AN: The ability to see in the dark has its limits in Alfarell. People who have it can see hues of grey and shapes. Reading requires light enough to see colour, and twilight situations completely mess them up. Therefore, all libraries have enough light to read with]

There's a name for settlements like Haven Hollow. Places where the exiles make a space of their own of relative safety. They're called Unwelcome Towns. They're towns almost entirely populated by the Unwelcome People.

Hellkin, halfbreds, Dark Elves, Deep D'varuv... Kobolds and Gobelliin and Harukh, oh my. If there's Humans there, it's a safe bet they were born there[1] or "stolen fair and square" from a situation in which they'd have otherwise died. Places like this generally have one threat - Adventurers.

So very many of the "good folk"[2] mistake an Unwelcome Town for a den of evil.

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Challenge #04310-K292: Little Surprises

A mixed band of older adventurers came to the glade seeking aid for a comrade who had been badly wounded, lest the person, their dear friend, die. Due to their advanced ages, they asked if they could help by setting up a nearby hospital, so she didn't have to do all of this work alone. A peaceful life of aiding others in their golden years. -- Anon Guest

In the world of Adventuring, thirty is old.

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Challenge #04103-K085: Returning to Kindness

A family whose parentals were once foster children of Fosterhaus visit to offer their assistance. They get to introduce their own children to Wraithvine and hir friends as well, who was there helping with some repairs after a storm had rolled through. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Possible reference to ]

Isolated villages in the middle of nowhere are places to come from. Adventurers come from tiny flyspecks on the map with names like Bendihollow, North Haverbrook, and,

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Challenge #03475-I187: Conflicting Values

A young magic user has only one special ability. When they sing, they heal those that are sick and / or injured. A powerful ability that, sadly, the greedy tend to covet. Good thing they've gentle friends to help them. -- Anon Guest

Blessed was a blood-red Tiefling. Hir eyes were pitch black, and only someone who knew hir could tell where ze was looking at any given time. Ze had wickedly spiked horns, and cruelly sharp fingers, as well as hooves that

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Challenge #03168-H259: We're Starting a Band

Wraithvine introduces Amatu to some of the other chosen, and brings him to meet the child Vee and her family.

From these prompts

And -- Anon Guest

There are many things to be said about chosen ones, but, "At least this one isn't taking along their mum," is fairly rare. It has been sighed a few times by Wraithvine as ze drove the cart along some very specific trackways with

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Challenge #02132-E303: Occam's Solution

"We do this every month, and it always ends the same way!"

"But I'm telling you it shouldn't! We change every variable every time."

"But never the most important variable -- YOU!" -- Anon Guest

The wizard Narbic Parvin Charm boggled at the heroes. "So I just have to sit and wait like a bump on a log while you do all the complicated things to open the unopenable door?"

"That's looking like the shape of it," said the leader of the

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