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Weird Writer Wednesday

A 34-post collection

Wednesday, Rant Due and Leyland PLNs

I have to think of something to talk about for my weekly blog. Perhaps the stories behind the story I'm writing in my "Butcher's Book" and the general mood behind Sanity Projects. "In" prefix optional.

Yes, I made a little pamphlet thingy out of a sheet of Butcher's Paper. Replete with sewing the spine for binding. And yes, I am filling it with a weird little story.

Because I happen to be Like That(tm).

And yes, I plan on showing it to my shrink.

Humans really will do literally anything rather than be bored.

The side-benefit of shopping tomorrow is that I will have extra cashola to cover all the purchases I need to make in order to stock up.

Still going through my stretchies and nutrition. Offerings soon.

Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

We're taping and papering out windows, today. My other plns to hunker and bunker are foiled by having a dental appointment.

The day before the cyclone fucking hits us.

I have excellent fucking timing. It's a gift.

So in the middle of tape and paper [I got a bargain lot of butcher's paper from a newfound source of stuff and things] I have to extract my car from the shed, drive myself down to the dentist's [through the slings and arrows of

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Wednesday, Physio, Rant, and Maybe Shopping

Technical difficulties have been cleared, I have physio today, and some offerings due.

My marketing connection sent me the exact same video they sent me last time, so I sent them a clue.

As in, I know a few things about editing videos. So it could also be a callout.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be learning how to make a one-minute music piece in a GarageBand-like made specifically for Linux. I have to find my own loops, but that's okay.

I might

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Wednesday, I Owe Output

I owe Patreon posts, I owe a Weird Writer Wednesday. I also need to make bread and get meds.

I have the best timing [/sarcasm].

At least this time, I can walk without searing agony. That's something, I guess.

Mayhem wants to make his own bread on the same day that I'm planning my bread and this is just adding to the fun. Yay.

I am going to make myself mess around with brackets in GameMaker at some point. But I also

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Physio

I will probably get to the rant after my physio appointment, today. Which rescheduled three times yesterday. No word of a lie.

And speaking of alterations to things, I had to remove the brackets from the title of this year's anthology because they want the cover and the words in the title to match. Fucking. Hell.

Also, Smashwords and Draft2Digital are doing affiliate links for profit reasons and they were the LAST non-evil self-publishing venue I had. Powers damn it.

The sooner

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

I checked the weather this morning and, as soon as it's legal to use power tools - it's too hot to do anything outdoors where the power tools are.


Hoping for a rainy day so it's cool enough to do things, soon.

I'm wondering what to do for this week's rant, and hoping something will crop up before I have to do it. As for the meantime - bread.

I've got everything measured out and waiting for the starter to ripen.

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Wednesday, Rant and PLNs

I am definitely going to share some thoughts about the game, What Remains of Edith Finch. I also have goals to acquire things to make a different kind of bread cutter guide for Miss Chaos.

Step one - finding a small wooden bread board for cheap - has been a bit of a stumbling block. If I get my nonsense out early today, I shall try some other venues to acquire the necessary materials.

The idea being that, if slicing bread vertically

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Wednesday, Rant Due and NBN!

Between one and five this afternoon, the NBN crew come around to do the box installations that will make us fully connected. And then I find out whether or not the weather is going to have a bad influence on our connectivity.


Tomorrow, I should also feed my starter, no matter what else I have going on.

...which reminds me, I should get my butter out of the fridge so that it's nice and soft for bikkies. That done, I shall

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

Mayhem needs bronchitis mix, I need cream. Holding out for payday means that I can take money out and still afford the shopping.


But Mayhem needs the bronchitis medicine sooner than payday, so I gotta put on my Big Bean clothes and go out and get stuff. Yay?

That will happen after I do a dose on the nebuliser and run through my stretchies.

Which I should do now before I forget. Story when I'm done with the BS.

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Wednesday, Rant due, but Lurgi

I don't know about doing anything extra today. If I do put up something, it'll probably be about home remedies. Because I can share something about that with minimal thought.

...and speaking of minimal thought, Satisfactory is running its Ficsmas event and there is little more fun than running around an alien world, scooping up falling presents, and listening to the in-game AI chide you about wasting time.

It's very tempting, not going to lie.

So is crawling back to bed.


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Wednesday, More Experts and Rant

I have a divided day because experts in the middle of the afternoon. I know what's going to wind up in my extended rant for today, but I do not know when I'll be able to finish and publish that thing.

I know I'll get at least a couple of sentences into my novel because waiting room. Yay.

Meanwhile, I'm doing what I can whilst I can. Including my stretchies.

Moving on to an attempt at my Instant Story.

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Upcoming PLNs

Mayhem once again has Tuesdays off. It was a temporary thing, and has to be reset regularly. Honestly, the sooner Mayhem can drive himself there and back, the better for everyone.

I might cover how I keep writing because I've been asked that again. How I can have such a relentless output. Honestly, it's how to adopt a habit. Getting into the routine of writing.

I've never been wanting for ideas, so my advice would be finding a decent source of writing

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Embuggerance

I got a notification this morning of an NDIS meeting at ten today. So I moved mountains to be ready for that.

And then it didn't happen. Yay.

So now I'm back onto my offerings for the day after taking due care of myself for the day. Betting a dollar that the actual thing will be happening in the afternoon despite the notification about ten.

I'll get that unriddled one way or another if/when it happens.

I need to focus. And

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

At least I remembered my pills with my coffee today. So there's that. The downside is I had the little container full of pills with me for at least a firkin week. Forgotten every single time I was out and needed to take them. Yay.

I need to get back onto the anxiety meds I've run out of. They're non-prescription and specialised so it's a bit of a slog to get them seen to. And, of course, ex$pen$ive.

And speaking

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Wednesday, Rant Day and Psych Day

I just have myself a really firkin crowded week. I'm glad I took the days off to start with. Powers know I don't have the time to relax until next gorram week.

If I'm lucky.

What I have been able to achieve is a source of free sounds to use in Pseuducku. Just for button clicks. I'll be recording duck noises for the game at a later date.

Much later. When I've figured out all the nonsense behind making the buttons do

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