A 6-post collection

Sunday, Laziness

The D&D stream went well. The bit I had prepared for the lols didn't fly, but that's okay. I had fun doing it anyway.

Finally, after a subjective age of errors, I am able to watch Dungeon Meshi aka Delicious in Dungeons, which is a fun anime about cooking and eating the monsters in D&D dungeons.

I shall be moving along with today's offerings and a sentence or two in A Devil's Tale. At a leisurely pace.

See you there.

Wednesday, Wordpress and Other PLNs

Beloved is in the wars, and due to be out of hospital tomorrow. So that's the new Date Night(tm) this week.

IDFK what I'm doing with myself today.

I'm probably taking Beloved to a controlled environment tomorrow evening, all the better to ease her recuperation.

So the final tally is:

  1. Broken arm
  2. Broken jaw
  3. Added plate in the jaw
  4. Braces to restraighten her teeth

While they were in there, they took out some teeth that were just about gone anyway.


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Monday, Stream and Slob

I now have a new heat sink and that seems to have solved the slowing issue. The tower's been on since about 3PM yesterday and it's still holding steady at about 70 degrees Celcius. Huzzah.

Immediately after the stream, I am headed to bed for some sleeps. Story will be posted when I achieve consciousness again.

Currently, Discord is blooping at me and I'm going nuts trying to figure out how to mute it again.

Stream soon. Story later. Everything else is

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Long(?) Monday, Chillaxing

I shall be streaming in a few minutes, then napping, then returning to consciousness for the TaleFoundry reads.

Thereafter? Who knows?

We didn't get to the sullage pipes as I had hoped, alas. Today might be the day. It might not. The hours my love and I share to arrange all the nonsense are rare and often filled with more important nonsense.


Onwards to the written nonsense.

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Tuesday, Rough Days

Capt. S passed on at roughly ten-thirty last night.

Beloved is likely to need me, and it's my job to be the support for her. Things may be off-schedule as a direct result. She's taking some leave in order to deal with everything.

I might be cancelling or delaying stuff in order to help out. I thank you for your patience with me during this difficult time.

Her stress is my stress too.

I shall try to get everything done today. I

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