
A 8-post collection

Challenge #04216-K198: To Solve the Problem

A person who ran a massive Inn asked Wraithvine, Gikka, and the small dragon hiding in the guise of a brownie to please bless the Inn with protections. The Innkeeper never charged the poor for food and shelter, but did their best to help, but the local rich lord was getting VERY angry about this. -- The New Guy

[AN: Bibrid disguised himself as a Gnome]

"I could deal with the lord permanently," offered Gikka. She made a gesture close to her neck. "One of their replacements has got to be better than that."

"Murder is the solution of absolute last resort," chided Wraithvine."We would rather educate and improve."

"What is the actual problem?" asked Bibrid. "Why does your local lord object?"

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Challenge #04215-K197: Counter-Measure Up

"DON'T attack the Fairy Good-Parent's planets. You won't like what happens."

They named themselves after a damn children's story, how strong can they be??

"Ok, but remember, I did warn you, sir."

Just shut up, you still owe me decades in debt!

"Yes sir." -- Anon Guest

Planetary Respite, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairy Goodparent Corporation, seemed to be on its eternal dance in the cosmos, unprotected. Like a luxurious gem waiting to be plucked

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Challenge #03424-I136: Ferocious Friend

Captain Gorx and his crew find out that this pax humanis member is actually a kind individual, and a good friend, even during a fight, it shows. -- Lessons

It was the stare, more than anything else. Daiz had an unblinking way of viewing the world. A habit of standing just a fraction too close. An air of alertness not often seen outside of the wild. The closest domesticated analogy that Captain Gorx could reach was

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Challenge #03398-I110: Earned Trust

A colony of Phloran peoples that are a break-away from their normal polity are more open to strangers, albeit very carefully to avoid being eaten. They invite Xue to bring the child to the colony to learn to care for the child. -- Anon Guest

Sprout wore Toxic Colours, as well as a patch that was their family crest. A Masked Lapwing, rampant[1], and the words, Death to All Threats on the scrolling underneath. Black

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Challenge #02888-G331: Unconscionable Prevention

Imagine a world where people are required to get vaccinated, required to wear masks and take precautions if there's an outbreak, and are given universal healthcare and a basic universal income. Now imagine that these rules are enforced by law. If people refuse, they are required to be placed in quarantine areas away from the general population due to the risk they pose to the population. Now imagine "pure lifers" coming in. Knowing full well the polity they were trying to move

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Challenge #02648-G091: United We...

It was played across the entire galactic alliance. On the emergency frequency on every ship it was picked up. For many it was a slight annoyance but for the humans they riled in pain an old memory of the collective mind. The med teams across the alliance didn’t know what to do since it affected the humans on the team as well. The frequency was picked up by a group of translators realizing it was an ancient language the humans spoke.

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Challenge #02241-F051: Courage Pour L'enfents

There is no living creature more dangerous than a mother wanting to protect children. Even if the mother is an Havenworlder. -- Anon Guest

The UFTP vessel Vengeance tried their best to make it to the Havenworld Yannomar in time. They had pushed everything to the limit, including the Human crew. They had hoped to make it in time to save lives, and found scenes of devastation instead. Too late. The Konthar had already struck, and apparently left the southern continents in

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geekhyena: npr: Back in the 1960s, the U.S. started vaccinating kids for measles. As expected, children stopped getting measles.But...



Back in the 1960s, the U.S. started vaccinating kids for measles. As expected, children stopped getting measles.

But something else happened.

Childhood deaths from all infectious diseases plummeted. Even deaths from diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea were cut by half.

“So it’s really been a mystery — why do children stop dying at such high rates from all these different infections following introduction of the measles vaccine,” says Michael Mina, a postdoc in biology at Princeton University and a

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