A 368-post collection

Thursday, Assorted Shenanigans

Tonight, I shall be playing D&D on the move. I can do the thing on my lappy, and I shall have to tonight.

Beloved and Friendo Awesome and I are going to have an involved gasbag concerning shared involvements on seemingly random things.

Further bulletins as events warrant. I can't really share until I know what the flip is actually going on

I also have to arrange a Cans Run at some point. Possibly this Monday.

Hooray for I Have to do A Thing Paralysis I guess.

Well I am done with the nebuliser, so now I am going to do coffee and meds.

Following that, I get on with the daily offerings.

Sunday, Inactivity PLNs

Tale Foundry cancelled for health reasons, so I'm streaming early. Thereafter, I shall post and then slack off for the remains of the day.


A hot bath may yet be in order.

The downside of going out for Bath Bombs is that I'll also have to wear the Torture Shoes because fucking bone spurs need correcting again. OTOH maybe the place isn't open by the time I'm done with my bullshit.

D&D news: I have technically finished the maps!

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Sunday, Meatspace PLNs

We're up to shenanigans, today. Huzzah! Going out with friends and family to drive tiny cars around an indoor racetrack for the afternoon.

With possible option for treats afterwards.

Current detail bothering me: I am driving Miss Chaos to the place and picking up KIABIL along the way. Alas, I know not where the fucking destination is and I kind'a need that for the GPS.

I'm sure it will be sorted before I take off.

Chapter count: Wrote the first words into

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Saturday, Parkrun and Altered PLNs

We got the parkrun done, and I managed to sleep until the early afternoon.

Story finished, and I shall be altering my usual plans. Doing tomorrow's story stream one hour after the game stream. All so we can be ready for the PLNs of the day.

That's right! It's go-carting day tomorrow.

As for today? The remains of today... I post, I've done the meme, I try to write a little bit more of A Devil's Tale. Speaking of...

Chapter count: Just

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Monday, Tale Foundry Reads

I am on call to read for a friend, so that's going to take up most of the day.

Tomorrow, I go do a Tech Day for MeMum, and the day after that, I'm taking Mayhem to see the D&D movie.

I expect not a lot to get done behind the curtain this week.

Chapter count: Made a start into Chapter 272

We're out of moneys for the meanwhile, so now we're using my cash reserves for frivolous things like.

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Sunday, Streams and Dubious PLNs

Beloved and I were going to go out and acquire activewear that was relatively winter-proof.

Alas, we have run out of moneys. Or rather, Beloved has run out of moneys. So I shall be using my cash funds to do anything until payday.

So I might have to limit myself to just the leggings for the meanwhile.

I do not wish for my knees to freeze.

On the positive side, I now have enough Keto-snacks to keep me happy for quite some

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Tuesday, Patreon and Vet arrangements

Jolie is overdue to get her teeth checked. That feels kinda doomed to wind up as expensive.

Pippi up and decided to sit on my left arm. Fortunately, typing anyway convinced her I'm not a comfortable pillow.

I expect further delays of the like.

Chapter Count: Just finished Chapter 270, have yet to write the first words of Chapter 271. Uncharted territories are slow going. Difficult writing terrain if you will.

I'll get there.

I know what parts of the story I

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Sunday, Streamy Shenanigans

Tale Foundry is doing their thing. I have finished dressing a dungeon and begun another. I am pondering doing the meme whilst I wait to stream again...

And then I remembered I should probably blog.

Chapter count: Finally on the second page of Ch 270. Uncharted territory slows me the fuck down. Should be on things I've rehearsed real soon now.


No other plns but messing around on the interwebs today, but I shall force myself to get some raw images

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Thursday, Catching Up?

There's been shenanigans on shenanigans around here and I had a bad case of the DunWannas where I was chasing my endorphin fixes for a while.

I might still be doing that.

There's a lot to do and my digestive system is not helping my inclination to get the thing done.

Things be going right through me these days. Bit of a pain.

Speaking of pain...

I haven't done jack towards my longer-term goals and the more I procrastinate, the deeper my

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Thursday, Stuff and Things

I have a dental appointment today, and I have to turn up early. That will dictate where the rest of my day goes.

I will have either one or two curses to remove during my following nonsense.

Aunt E has some continuing troubles and curse removal seems like a viable option at this point. Fortunately, I know a few places who sell some decent curse removal stuff.

As for the other curse... my laptop has developed some quirk. The mouse pad has

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Wednesday, Wordpress and other things

I'm going to add a completion counter to the fanficcy variant of A Devil's Tale that I'm posting today. Needs to happen.

So I can have rants or samples ready for the next one after I run out of fic to post. So my readers know how much remains. So anyone coming in knows exactly how far I'll take an idea before a novel takes over.

So I can be fair to the peeps following my silly little story.

And just maybe

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Thursday, Going Forward

I didn't do anything productive, yesterday. I wound up spending most of my waking hours playing Minecraft and watching YouTube.


I got a bit of gastro interference in my PLNs to snuggle cuddly with my Beloved, but I should hope I am much better after a long rest.

I shall at least try to accomplish some behind-the-curtain stuff today. According to my capabilities of course.

I am also looking forward to Game Night with Friendo Awesome and the rainbow crew. Fingers

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Tuesday, Grand Night Out

My Beloved, KIABIL, a whole passel of rainbow-coded people, and my good self are going out to catch a live performance of Hamilton.

Which means I really need to focus on my offerings today or y'all will be left short.

I shall be taking public transit because FUCK trying to find a parking space in Brisbane, these days. But also because public transit, I have a fine opportunity to work on the ever-growing WIP known as A Devil's Tale.

I'm in the

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Monday, Tale Foundry Reads

The reads are going on as I write this. Tomorrow, my Patreon peeps get a twofer on the $5 tier. Because there was the prompt we voted for, and then our host sprang a trick prompt on us because April Fool.

I have NO idea what I'm doing on April 1 this year. Probably a pun storm. I dunno.

Most of my internet prank ideas involve too much effort on my part.

Best to not.

I shall focus on the offering, for

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