
A 142-post collection

Tuesday, Patreon and Other Nonsense

I need to fix the footnotes for B'Nar -- This will be happening _after I fix the chapters. Nothing is ever easy.

Le sigh.

Today, I must unearth or create stuff for my Patreon patrons, build a chamber of dungeon for my players to dragon in, do the first formatting pass for B'Nar at minimum, and perhaps devote some hours to creating articles for Alfarell.

Goblins and Brownies to start with. Since I put them in A Devil's Tale.

Now that I've passed the Meet Cute, I also need to expand Spitebane's character development as he learns how to manage people who are not paid to like him.

That promises to be fun.

But I also have to slog. Darnit.

Let's get on with that.

Tuesday, Patreon and Shrinky Dinks

I forgot I had a shrink appointment today. Whoopsy doodles. Fortunately, automated systems saved my butt and I can keep an eye on the time.

So I can rant about the publishing slog BUT I gotta remember to talk about self-blame and get some strategies because I need that AND I've been forgetting for a large amount of time. If I forget again, my Beloved will be ticked.

Chaos is going on an overnight thing again tomorrow, and she seems to enjoy

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Tuesday, Patreon, and maybe shopping?

We're short on cream and I need to get more, so that's going to be an interesting journey. I cried the last time there was a grocery shop.

At least this time I can focus on what we need, get it, and get out. And I have some cashes to help alleviate the impact on my bank account.

Yesterday, I did manage to filter ten more potential publishers. Some have specific time windows when they're open for submissions, so I may have

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Tuesday, Patreon, PLNs

Today is my Beloved's Outaversary! Which means I will be baking and frosting a cake to the best of my limited ability, and wrapping a present that is a very awkward shape.

I shall also be posting my Patreon stuff today and buying kittycat fodder and litter. I has the money. We shall see how far it goes.

I already know. Not very. Blargh.

Firkin economy.

Tomorrow, my love and I will be cable hunting. I predict frustration abounding. We shall see.

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Tuesday, Plague Day 22, Patreon & PLNs

I am officially off the roid pills today. I'm still on the puffer though and I shall see how that goes for me.

On the pills and the puffer - shaking like a little wet dog but also clear nasal passages. Off the pills but still on the puffer - the nose is closing up and I am still shaking like a little wet dog. I can still breathe, but the tightness in the throat that "reads" like an incipient asthma attack.

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Tuesday, Plague Day 15, Patreon

I'm still battling with clogged bronchii and I'll be doing some time on the OPEP to get some of my ability to breathe back. Or at least shake loose the clinker that's still in there.

I have done three self-cares this morning. Trying to get back into some kind of routine with those. Namely - Took my preventer, brushed my teeth, and did my face-care routine.

I'm re-establishing my gut biota by ingesting Aldi's Yakult-esque in the form of a fruit smoothie.

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Tuesday, Plague Day 8, Patreon and Freedom

I am technically free to wander the wilds of the world. I am not over the side-effects of the plague.

Breathing is still a twitch difficult, but going about my daily stuff is seeming increasingly achievable.

I still have some gastric reflux and some uncertainty in the bowel department. I am not feeling inclined to go anywhere and do anything.

I shall see if I feel at all inclined to have an actual meal rather than a series of small snacks.


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Tuesday, Patreon and Content Creation

My kind Patrons are getting more storydump and world-building today. I am doing at least ONE more chamber in TaleSpire and one more thing for Alfarell, then I shall either sit and write or go make a thing in the Minecraft server or fart around.

Tale Foundry should be activating their writing competition at some point and I have a thing ready to go. You see it first on my Patreon if you're paying enough. Or if you're a part of the

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Tuesday, Patreon and Continuing Issues

Despite the best medicine I could find, Beloved is still fighting the cough. Might be time to visit a quack about it. Blargh.

I am powering on with A Devil's Tale and having fun playing with the adventures of my devilish dude, time, and the lady he will eventually meet, love, and marry.

I will eventually get back to writing the last book of my planned trilogy. Forced writing is bad writing, so going with the fun stuff is helping me stay

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Tuesday, Patreon and Building Things

I have Patreon posts to make, chambers and world to build, red tape to unriddle... lots and lots of things to do.

MeMum has battled financial nonsense and why she owes Mr Taxman a huge honk of moolah. Going through the liveplay of that was... "fun".

I did offer to help with the websites and how to print emails and all other technogeek things, but she'd rather whimper in a corner. I empathise entirely. I, too, would like to whimper in a

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Tuesday, Patreon and Wuzgunnas

I was gonna find time to cash in all the bottles and cans confounding our carport. That time keeps cycling around. And not arriving.

So, with the forces of determination on my side, I should make some hours to cash in the cans. And, if I'm really lucky about it, do a Costco run to stock up on all kinds of stuff that we've run out of.

Fingers crossed.

If not today, I might make it part of our nonsense tomorrow. Sometimes,

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Tuesday, Patreon Organised!

I'm feeling accomplished this morning. Woke up early and used my time to publish all my Patreon stuff. Which kind of makes up for being overheated and bothered by an innard rebellion.

Besides my insides trying to be outsides, I have all the rest of the day to worldbuild, chamber-build, and maybe write a few things besides.

...and watch CritRole. Because of course watch CritRole.

Still attempting to be kind to myself. Kind of need to write a few things about my

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Tuesday, Patreon and Other PLNs

Miss Chaos is still coughing, and rumbling in the lungs, so she's staying home until the mucous is no longer an issue. Which means I have to call in after this bit is done to make sure the school knows she's still on the sick list.

Unless she gets chronic lung issues like I have, in which case it's Choose Your Mask, and wear that in public situations. I'm teaching her all of my dumb lung tricks, just in case.

...we may

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Tuesday, Patreon, Nerfing and Nonsense

Beloved and I tried to remove the remaining acrylic on my nails and... nothing shifted. Even literally soaking my nails in acetone did squat. So I'm left with picking it off or growing it off.

Lucky my nails grow fast.

It's Patreon day today! I get to unearth all the cool stuff I deem fit to share with my Esteemed Patrons, and then post it so they can take a peeksie.


I also have to go about nerfing the Lockbox of

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Tuesday, Patreon and Dungeon building

I have a cyclone headache and the painkillers have done JACK SQUAT this morning. I shall be doing all computer things with sunnies on. Blargh.

The good news is that I'm nearly done with creating Level 10 of 23. If I make it to level 12, I can call myself halfway done with building the entire dang dungeon.

But I won't relax until I am DONE done with it all.

Today's the day I put Patreon rewards up for everyone. No new

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