Ko-fi donationsBuy Me a Coffee


A 142-post collection

Tuesday, Patreon, Feet, and Shopping

I have enough stability in my feet to actually go out for supplies. Which is a good thing, because we need them. I just need to put on my other knee before I take off, and have ice prepped for the return. We have a stock, so in theory I should be fine.

In theory.

BUT the cats need food and I need a few things here and there and yes, I will probably suffer for it. Needs must be done and I'm the only bean who can do it.

I'll do what I can for Patreon and my other offerings before 10. The rest happens after that. So imagine me writing whilst I grimace because my feet are in ice water.

Fun times for me ahead.

Let's get as much done as possible before I need to don my knees and get going.

Thursday, Further PLNs

Today, to further my PLNs for Pseuducku, I'll be making certain I have all assets necessary to proceed. That may take all my allotted Pseuducku time today.

I also need to get into my Patreon and share all the things accomplished since the last time I posted.

I don't even know how much I have to share. I should check up on such things.

When I finish my stretchies [and a bit more of ADT], I will be getting on with all

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Monday, Public Holiday and Patreon

I posted what I have to offer. Which isn't a lot. Procrastination is my copilot and some degree of exhaustion is at the helm.

Soon, I'll be making my offerings unto the internet. Also, I shall be making bread with the help of the spawn. Because I already borked my wrists by walking with a cane.

I'm cancelling my story streams because schedule issues.

And spending as much time as possible on things I enjoy after that.

The sooner Mayhem has his

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Tuesday, Patreon Perhaps and Pseuducku

I have a day of minimal expectations, so of course I'm piling expectations on myself.

I have updated my Pseuducku pages. Check it out if you're interested. I encourage my user base [Hi, Mum!] to do that. It's linked in the Menu.

I think I'll be sharing a fanfic with my Patrons in order to plump out the yield this week. I don't have a lot of Archive work either and I am trying to not feel bad about this.

The time

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Monday, Patreon and Stream and...

I need to track down one doctor and make an appointment with them. I have to create an appointment with my regular doctor for my asthma meds. I need to run my stream, post my Patreon stuff, push forward my offerings...

I'm a very busy bean. I might even delay the Patreon stuff to tomorrow, since I can't have a day with Beloved because driving.


Mayhem needs to talk to people about brain issues, but one of his brain issues is

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Tuesday, Sniffoos and Patreon

I forgot the Patreon stuff yesterday. Mayhem still has tummy trouble and there's a package in the mail for me at the post box. And I got the sniffoos.


The parcel can wait until I feel better about my part in life. Maybe tomorrow.

Today, I need to focus long enough to get the Patreon stuff up, do my offerings, and maybe pick a side-project to do jiggery-pokery on.

Maybe tomorrow, I will have the wherewithall to go to place and

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Monday, Day of Rest(ish)

Mayhem's picked up a tummy bug, so I don't have to drive. The downside for him is that he has no paid time off. Bummer.

I am going to live relatively luxuriously for those four extra hours today.

There's no backup readings today because the person running the streams couldn't read anything this week. So now the sundry authors of the Archive are milling around in Discord and talking about random nonsense.

Cannibalism, flesh horse, poison, vampires, and so on.

I shall

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Monday, Possibly Patreon and PLNs

Today's agenda includes, in no specific order:

  • Posting to Patreon
  • The daily offerings
  • Working on Pseuducku
  • Attempting to make a place to show off the progress for Pseuducku

I've decided it's going to be a web app and the forum's going to have an arena for update notices, player feedback, Q&A's and so forth. Thus to create interest and to allow ppl like MeMum to test the versions.

Newest versions first. For ease of location. Pretty sure nobody wants to

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Tuesday, Attempts Shall Be Made

I had some irregular sleep, yesterday, so I haven't got moving before eight. After I make my usual offerings, I shall be attempting to get a video up on Patreon without using YouTube.

I suspect that YouTube will be a vile necessity.

I'm planning to do bread this week. Thursday and Friday seem like good days to do that. And at some point, I need to toddle out and go get household supplies.

I've signed up for the 5K Bridge to Brisbane,

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour and Patreon

Mum needs help and hand-holding. IIRC, there's furniture involved and there may or may not be a technical issue somewhere.

The SSD thing is solved at last. Beloved got back to me about my concerns and I am no longer a wet, pathetic beast.

Anyway. I went to bed early yesterday so I could do all the other nonsense this morning. I have learned that I do indeed need to do my stretchies. I also know that, despite my sleep, the B-complex

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Tuesday, Patreon and PLNs

So here's the PLN...

  1. I go shopping for cheese and cream
  2. I return to make my offerings
  3. Including the Patreon stuff
  4. I also help mentor a fellow writer with their offering for the Moth Archive

For the first prompt in April, we're rewriting a story we've written before. It's going to be interesting to see the growth happening.

I've finished my morning beverages, medication, and essential nutrition. I'm about to nick off for a quick trip to the shops for dairy products.

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Tuesday, Patreon and a Lapse

I forgot to do the album sorting yesterday. I almost forgot to do it today. I also have to feed Wilson [my wholemeal Starter] so that's an opportunity to play some vinyl and decide on its keepability.

I keep finding albums I have no memory of purchasing. Or taking from anyone. The theory of spontaneous album generation is probably debunked by my admittedly spotty memory.

Or someone snuck some albums into my boxes.

My immediate PLN is to feed Wilson and bake

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Tuesday, Patreon and Power Problems

Yesterday contained at least three blackouts and a LOT of internet losses.

There's more rain this morning so I am more than a little on edge about loss of anything I'm working on without notice.

I also need to go shopping for Sammich Fillins, so that's added to my daily quest list.

At least I have functioning coffee now. Huzzah.

The new pay schedule is set, though there remains some minor jiggery-pokery regarding a few things here and there. We'll get all

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Tuesday, Patreon and Stencyl Difficulties

Today's the last day that Mayhem is going to Job Training, and I will be glad to have luxury returned to my mornings.

I had a peek into the mechanics of my Stencyl code so far and can't find anything amiss with it. Therefore I have technically worked on Stencyl.

I am going to aim for a bonus point later today. After my offerings, after I have finished the Foundry entry for this week, after my Patreon posts, I shall either work

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Tuesday, Patreon, Tyres, and More Delays

I was planning to start on new bread today. Have some nice fresh loaves by tomorrow night. That's delayed.

Because I am getting the TYRES!

For way less than the price my Beloved gave me. And that even includes some service for the others. Huzzah.

All for less than the initial price of one tyre that I was given. Bonus.

On the other hand, I have my day split because those new tyres are going in close to midday. Hooray.

I will

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