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Medical Intervention

A 57-post collection

Challenge #04466-L082: Breakable But Better

In the early days, when humans were first officially recognized by the alliance, not a lot was known about them. Imagine the shock, and a little bit of fear, when injuries, including internal bruising, though no bleeding, and broken bones, not only didn't send the human into shock, but also didn't require full sedation or surgeries. And even more surprising was their recovery rate! -- New Guy

First, there were a few incidents. Close encounters, near misses, glimpses in unfamiliar territory. And unexpected help where both parties ran away to safety. In the space of a few weeks... they were everywhere.


They weren't particularly fast, they lacked what most might consider natural weapons. Or at least, body parts and functions that were utilised as weaponry. They didn't seem to be strong, nor vicious, nor vile. They didn't need to be. What they were was both relentless and persistent. That was plenty.

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Challenge #04465-L081: For the Greater Good

The planet's population was quarantined due to an illness outbreak. "Pure Life" groups kept trying to stop the Galactics and their allies from going in, even trying to use force, because "adaptation is the only way for a population to become immune." The humans with common sense laugh at them and plow through, saving it from becoming a dead world. -- Anon Guest

For every advance in science, society, and technology, there's at least one band of lunatics willing to oppose it

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Challenge #04457-L073: They Heal Slowly Too

Humans. Everyone thinks they're indestructible. But most don't see what I've seen. Like the ones here in this hospital recovering. Sure they saved their crews, but their bodies need a lot of repair, and rest. -- Anon Guest

The warning had gone out years ago, that Humans die slowly. When something causes their demise, it is either swift and messy - or clean, slow, and agonising. When the human is too hurt to complain about the pain, they're really in danger.


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Challenge #04445-L061: Deathworlder Health and Maintenance

"Human, you said water boils at 100 degrees Fahrenheit?"


"And your fever is almost 102."


"Why are you not boiling in your on flesh?"

It feels like it, but our bodies are stronger than that, and it's what kills viruses the fastest. When it comes to kill or cure? Nothing beats our immune systems. -- Fighting Fit

Companion Kank boggled at the Ships' Human. "What did you do before advanced medical intervention?"

"Aw come on. I'm not in a lot

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Challenge #04439-L055: Strangers in the Night

The way the human was staggering, I thought they were drunk. When they passed out to sleep, tests indicated they were merely severely sleep deprived. -- Anon Guest

There is one rule that covers all the space ways. Help others, for the trouble may one day be yours. In space travel, it was to always respond to a distress call. On more stable ground, the habit carried over to helping a stranger who clearly needed help.

Planetside, this meant paying attention to

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Challenge #04422-L038: Not That Harmless

Not all havenworlds are harmless. Some, for the natives, it's paradise. But for those not native to it? A deathtrap. -- Anon Guest

The mistake everyone makes is believing that Havenworlders are weak because they were basically coddled for their entire evolution. What they miss is that the Havenworlder-Deathworlder scales are calibrated according to how much or how little the planetary system is amenable to the lives of its natives.

Flora, fauna, mycotta, weather, geology, microbiota, and other orbiting bodies within the

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Challenge #04415-L031: Maybe Overreacting

The galactics aboard the station were freaking out. The human was coughing, a lot, and wore a mask to cover their face. When asked what was wrong, they simply said "It's just a cold. I'm wearing this for your protection." Unfortunately, the medics were... overreacting a bit. -- Fighting Fit

It was a small station in the middle of nowhere, relatively speaking. There was only one Human on board as part of the regular staff. Most of life on the station was

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Challenge #04410-L026: Palliative Care

The human was sick and running a high fever. The Alliance had never dealt with a very sick human like this before. -- Anon Guest

If you want to survive the Edge Territories, you need a friendly Human. Unfortunately, Deathworlders are largely forbidden from the Alliance and finding a Human is a trial. Some find Humans before they were lost. Which resulted in the ever-growing manual of Human care and maintenance.

It also resulted in a lot of posts starting with the

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Challenge #04409-L025: Lies vs Bent Truths

Healing spells also known as holy spells can be sorted into 3 tiers: low, moderate, High. The higher the tier the more complex the Magic will be, therefore consuming more Mana. For example if some individual was heavily poisoned and on the verge of death, a high tier healing is needed. The healing spell herstel although low tier can alleviate the symptoms and eventually cure the poison. But that will take days to weeks to fully cure.

With that information and on

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Challenge #04375-K357: Medically Approved Distraction

The poor havenworlder was eggbound. And the humans were only working with the most basic of medical as that was all that was available in this emergency. They were asked... please sing? It helped the pain of a difficult delivery. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Knowing a little about what to do for eggbound birds, the usual solution is to very carefully break the egg]

It should have been easy. It should have been an hour or two of relatively difficult work, and

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Challenge #04369-K351: Impromptu Intervention

They knew humans work longer than most. But this just kept going until they collapsed. Working instead of dealing with their feelings in a healthier way. -- Anon Guest

The manual said to watch your Rescue Human carefully for signs of distress. Community notes in that area also detailed some confounding signs of a Human masking their signs of distress. Though Companion Grosk tried to collate them, the final list looked like literally anything a Human could do.

Human Neis was either

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Challenge #04367-K349: Too Cold to Hurt

The one thing about being too cold is that, when you're badly hurt, and your crewmates are trying hard to get you to safety, and get you help, it's not so bad. One the cold numbs the pain a bit and two, it slows down your system, giving them more time. At least you know... you may just make it this time. -- Anon Guest

Cold... hurts. It aches the muscles and creeps into bones. Grinding joints along the way. Thing is.

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Challenge #04310-K292: Little Surprises

A mixed band of older adventurers came to the glade seeking aid for a comrade who had been badly wounded, lest the person, their dear friend, die. Due to their advanced ages, they asked if they could help by setting up a nearby hospital, so she didn't have to do all of this work alone. A peaceful life of aiding others in their golden years.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04255-k237-unpaid-respect -- Anon Guest

In the world of Adventuring, thirty is old.

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Challenge #04302-K284: Desperate Need

They hated hellkin and others like them, and made it very clear, very publicly. Then the time came they were very sick, almost all healers had given up hope. It was a hellkin who saved their life. Sitting with them, talked with them, caring for them. It was then that the hatred learned at the knee of their parental, began to disappear beneath the weight of understanding. -- Anon Guest

There's many places like it. City-states, nations, minor polities all who made

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Challenge #04276-K258: The Pothi Carie

For their kindness, and because more people were seeking their aid, the ones that lived in that small village came together. And, in a show of solidarity, built a clinic that contained quarters for the hellkin and the kobold, and several rooms for patients.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04191-k173-one-good-turn -- Anon Guest

It had to happen sooner or later. There was a new building in the village. It had a garden and a greenhouse for the herbs, and a huge workshop

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