Disorganised Today - Datorganised Tomorrow

A 75-post collection

Sunday, Day 0, Shenanigans

One new case from yesterday, an import. Twenty-eight total cases, twenty-three of those are in hospital. I'm starting to think the ones that are "wild" have recovered to the point where they can chill out in a hotel.

I, meanwhile, am tuned into Toasty's stream and operating on less sleep because a Scammer tried to put one over on MeMum. MeMum's no slouch and asked them a question they'd only know if they were legit. Hem haw oops signal lost. Yay.

What happened next... from what I can gather... Mum tried the old *69 on them and got my number out of it. I found this out when she did the "justice is coming for you for what you did" spiel. And then hung up. Me, just getting back to sleep, ring back to ask what I did. Because Mum can't hear me on the phone when she's talking and this was a speech-and-hangup deal. Air cleared, I sent what I thought were better instructions, only to learn one nap later that the scammers called her landline.

I've also learned it takes me an hour to get over an adrenaline spike. Well, an hour, some Dutch pancakes, and about three episodes of She-Ra Princess of Power :P


I think I'm staying away from the news today. The good news is now MeMum can't be hacked because of Chrome's Day Zero exploits. Now all we have to worry about is the ones who call in and how the FUCK they managed to either remove themselves from the registry or spoof my number. That's some scary beans on both sides.

Anyway. Stream and chill.


Day 4 of official home quarantine procedures. Mayhem has work, and I started my morning thinking that my cat was going to die.

Apparently, when cats taste something they don't like, they smack their chops and make a lot of spit bubbles. I learned this because I spent a panicked half hour and $100 taking Pippi to the vet to find out that she wasn't poisoned or victim to a surprise disease.


Lots of public places prefer to keep their distance

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I went to the pet shop to acquire some base essentials, which included kibble, litter, and three packets of sachets.

I forgot the damn kibble.

Hence the title.

Part of today's nonsense involves finishing the podcast off, actually acquiring kibble for my poor starving felines, and rearranging my ENTIRE KITCHEN so I have the space to make bread.

I may surrender to the inertia gods and merely add a vinyl mess mat to the table IDK.

There's something about the recent insanities

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Monday Once More... AUGH!

The Sunday I feared is actually happening next week. The wedding attendance is happening tomorrow. And I was up at arse-crack in the morning to watch art happening on a stream session because I'm that addicted to Toasty's work.

I have a money run, house unfuckening, and all the usual output to put out. But the good news is that I've already done my 500 words today so I have more time for fartin' about.


I'm still painfully aware that I

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Tuesday? Okay.

It was busy yesterday because lack of focus. It's busier today because lack of focus plus output on different sites today. Whee.

Further complications are added into this mess because Jolie has decided that she needs my personal love, affection, and round-the-clock attention. This includes singing her sad songs of loneliness, smoodging up to me, and attempting to trample my keyboard whilst also occupying the mouse mat.

I love her dearly, of course, and I lavish attention on her already, but GDI,

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It's seven AM already, and I have yet to do anything related to work. Why? Because I got hit in the face with a collab fanfiction and I'm having an absolute ball with it, that's why.

I am more distractible than a kitten under a disco ball, but I am happy. That counts, right?

It should count.

Anyway. I shall be attempting to get on with the normal workflow at an undefined "later". Possibly whilst 'multitasking' with the aforementioned collab fanfic.


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Thursday Already?

Well shoot. I really need to edit that episode because a new one's gonna be published TOMORROW and oh my goodness what a mess.

I also need to find time to get Chaos some regulation pants. So that promises to be "fun".

I'm going to do everything I can and hope the windows align. Hope the money lasts. Hope for deliverance (cha cha cha).

I seriously have to get my shit together.

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Back to Normal... ish?

Beloved goes back to work, so I'm re-entering my goal of hitting 72K by Friday. I know I haven't done shit all about that goal for like two weeks and it also doesn't matter if I can't find beta readers to clean it up for publication.

I have done all the things I should be doing except my 750 words. Which almost defeats the purpose. Whoops.

I will be getting on with that as soon as I'm done with this.

What I'm

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Okay. I've got this.

A kitty's due to have some jabs today. Mayhem also wishes to get some underpinnings we can get for cheap. So today promises to be... hectic. Especially since he's due to work potentially soon after the underpinnings shenanigans.

Boy insists on wearing a hecking huge winter coat to conceal his uniform and I SWEAR he's gonna get heat stroke or something because Aussie summers SUCK. But of course he swears he's fine and doesn't need me fretting and oh my gosh, he's

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Here we go

back on my bullshit

It's school time again and Mayhem is entering his last term. Hopefully he's still looking for part-time work to help fill the family coffers.

It's not his fault that the job market is so scarce. Late stage capitalism sucks major balls. Content creation for pennies on the hour might be all that he has, poor dear.

It's a Cleaning Day, and a Patreon Day, and I'm trying to do all my other nonsense... so yeah. Busy 'Nutter.


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PLNs afoot

Tomorrow, at one in the firkin morning, Toasty is doing an art livestream. This is interesting for me because I'm going to be USELESS on Monday. Which, I might add, is also a grand unfuckening because the cleaners took a holiday this week.

I did initially try to keep the household organised, but the usual entropy has asserted itself because I went down with the lurgi.


It's going to cost me $300 next week and I am not sure whether or

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Another broken week

Today is a public holiday. This means that it's a gamble as to whether anywhere at all is open for business.

The goal for my novel this week is 114K, which means at the end of the week, there will be two left until I reach the end. I am definitely taking a week to myself before I start the serious work of an actual planned trilogy.


Each book has to be a complete story, but not quite complete. They also

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Dis... Dat... De Other

My Friendo's funeral is happening soon. Not too soon, just... soon. There's probably going to be three days of radio silence or a reasonable impersonation thereof. Frankly, I'll count myself lucky if I can keep the Instants going out.

So much to do in-between.

My car is having coolant issues, so I have to do something about that. The Doctor's office gave me the number for Q-Tax, and I have to do something about that... I have to pack...

At least now,

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Do the Re-organise Shuffle

Chaos starts swimming lessons, this week. I'm 1000% for. Anything that could plausibly save my little darlings' lives gets my vote. Since the lessons happen on Wednesday, that's moved up her tuck shop day to Tuesday.

That's happening this week.

The TangleBag(tm) now has starter walls. It's quicker to do the walls than it is to do the base because trebles are no longer involved. I've gone through three circuits since yesterday and it's starting to look like a wibbly wobbly

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Once more...

  • Onto my bullshit
  • Unto the breach
  • With my lack of focus
  • Kitten brain

Pick any three. I'm blaming the carb feast my Beloved brought home for Valentimes. We're belaying the actual good food for tonight because like literally everywhere was booked out before we even thought of it. So Beloved brought home cheesecake, chocolate, ice cream, and macarons and we binged MacGuyver and ate a lot of crap.

Perfect couple's night IMHO.

Tonight, we're headed off to Hoggies for a belated Valentimes

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