Disorganised Today - Datorganised Tomorrow

A 77-post collection

Monday, Some Progress at Least

Miss Chaos is at least making an effort, so that's something. I need to figure out where she went wrong with a part of it. Get her to re-do that part and see if it works when she follows the instructions more precisely.

There's less garbage in the carport and there will be more space for her bike. In good time.

After I'm done with the backup reads, I'll supervise her practicing riding her bike up and down the road.

I have to reboot my compy because my browsers aren't behaving. Bleh.

Offerings as soon as I can wrangle things.

Thursday, Bread and Nonsense

Once again, it's too hot to work outdoors where the power tools are. It's even hotter than it was yesterday. I've got my first loaf in the incubator and the Dutch Oven preheating.

The PLN today is:

  1. Bake my bread
  2. Set up for the next loaf
  3. Go fetch more meds and a calendar
  4. Bake my second loaf

And somewhere between steps 3 and 4, I will be making my offerings. Probably partially between 1 and 2 also.

Right now, I'm finishing up

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Monday, Shenanigans Ahead

I PLN on making heritable buttons today. No matter what, they will all go 'click'. Other functions will happen later.

When I figure that mess out.

Bread is postponed until Wednesday, because MeMum needs my car and tomorrow is the best time for shenanigans of that ilk.

I think Thursday/Friday might be the best day for posting stuff to Patreon. Trying to remember to do that is the hurdle for me to overcome.

I have ordered the second half of my

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Monday, Attempts at Organisation

I have some butter fridge-defrosting at the moment. I've located my melon baller. I know where all my bits are. I shall locate and acquire some lables tomorrow.

Almost all set up for making my Crimbo present for everyone. Yay.

I'm taking my lappy for the hurry-up-and-wait. Which means there shall be progress on yet another chapter of A Devil's Tale.

I sincerely hope to get it finished early next year.

I also sincerely hope to stop at a sextology. Mostly because

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Thursday, Ringing Around

I got the call from the Sullage People, and they couldn't do Monday. Rearranged my calendar for Tuesday, which is a day off from driving anyway and then called the Council Guy about the day of that deed.

I got the call from the Friendly Support Person who's sending me a list of people who can help Miss Chaos gain employ and take a first step on independence. Yay.

I have the Bikkie in the oven while I'm on the phone with

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Friday, Back-arseward BS

I can at least say that an attempt was made. The attempt: Hanging out in a cafe near Mayhem's work for a bit, so that I didn't spend so much fuel on the back and forth. Alas, the local gremlins heard us plotting and decided to fuck things up for us.

I had a breakfast - defending it from a local pewit (long story) and managed to doodle some good buttons while I waited. Those pictures may be up on or after

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Wednesday, Rant Soon?

I just about finished off my meds and doses, and I got the text from Mayhem to come fetch him back home. I'm still finishing off my morning soup.

I'll run and go fetch him real soon.

When I get back... It's daily offerings, the rant, and maybe even time enough to muck around with GameMaker.


I am taking chill time.

But first... a fetch quest.

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Monday, Shenanigans ::Jazz Hands::

I woke tired this morning. Feeling wrung out, strung out, and maybe a smidgeon touch-starved. A hug has helped my emotional 'tanks'.

Started going on Max, and then had Mayhem turn up telling me it was time to take off. I'm back on Max as I speak. JUST ABOUT THREE HOURS LATER.

Because Mayhem applied for flexible hours and got them just as I was half an hour out. Ish. I then had to turn around, fetch Mayhem, and then drive home.

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Thursday, Further Disorganisation

So here's my day so far:

  • Wake late and commence the self-care regimes
  • Foot torture and commence stretches
  • Drive Mayhem to work
  • Drive home
  • Attempt to complete stretches
  • Phone call from Mayhem
  • Drive there and back again to fetch Mayhem
  • Complete stretches and half a chapter.

and now it's 2 in the afternoon and I am just now getting to today's blog entry. Offerings very soon, I should hope.

I also hope to figure out buttons in Gamemaker, but I'll probably end

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Monday, Busy Bean

So here's my day, starting with last night, because sleep issues.

  • Needed white noise to fall asleep, it was super-effective
  • Woke up close to 6, got on with my PLNs to be ready for the doc
  • Fed the cats
  • Check my time versus Mayhem's work time
  • Detect conflict, shit a brick
  • Get Mayhem going for an early drop-off
  • Long drive #1
  • Head on down to inner Brisbane for special doc's
  • Long drive #2
  • Have to drive around thrice to get a park
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Tuesday, Everything is Sideways

It's afternoon and I have barely started my nonsense for the day. Things that interrupted today's process are:

  1. A late night leading to a late start
  2. Driving Mayhem to work
  3. The cats
  4. Dinner creation

So now I'm doing what I can to get to completing my offerings before other stuff has to happen.

If I can focus long enough to do that.

Also, I may be getting a call from some maybe-scammers at some point. I need every luck I can get.

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Thursday, All Going Well?

All going well, I shall move more entries from my Wordpress blog to the new self-hosted arena. All going well, I meet up with my Beloved this afternoon. All going well, I have her to snuggle until Monday morning.

All going well... I will not suffer from any lingering Lurgi effects.

All going well, we resume our PLNs to go parkrun on the southside of Brisbane, followed by a market crawl.

All going well, I can get my offerings and some of

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Friday, Let Me Check My Notes

Day firkin FOUR of my GD cyclone headache and at least the painkillers are helping. My bread turned out a little bit doughy and I think I know where I went wrong.

I forgot one of my folding processes just before the long proof.

Then again, I was very much disorganised this week. Distracted, diverted, and delayed in almost all my PLNs.

This effort of bread has way more visible chia in it because the chia I bought has a lot of

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