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A 38-post collection

Challenge #04435-L051: Sure You Can Play Piano...

"Yes, we're technically dead. Yes, the [de-regger corp] has used a new process to animate our corpses to squeeze a few more years of work out of us before we decay beyond economic feasibility of repair. Still, at least we get to see our families again." -- Tor Libram

CRC Agent Tiel entered the mine and was greeted by a monster from so many games. Half their body was replaced with mechanical parts. There was something amiss with the hue of their skin. As if...

As if they were a dead being walking.

It wasn't as if they were rotting, per se. There was something keeping the flesh... nominally alive. There was a sheen, there. Not sweat. It took Tiel a moment to realise... these humans had no hair on their remaining skin.

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Challenge #04369-K351: Impromptu Intervention

They knew humans work longer than most. But this just kept going until they collapsed. Working instead of dealing with their feelings in a healthier way. -- Anon Guest

The manual said to watch your Rescue Human carefully for signs of distress. Community notes in that area also detailed some confounding signs of a Human masking their signs of distress. Though Companion Grosk tried to collate them, the final list looked like literally anything a Human could do.

Human Neis was either

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Challenge #04306-K288: Shared Words

They were not a deregger escapee, but out on the edge, had suffered almost as much as one, at least psychological abuse. It was hard for them to stand up for themselves, and they wept often. But when it came to helping others? That is where they showed they still had some backbone left. -- The New Guy

Many Deregger escapees are broken birds. Shy to say the least of it. Soft-spoken, frequently terrified of breaking the rules. Even the rules they

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Challenge #04299-K281: Slow Escape From Bland

A deregger rescue with tons of issues keeps "losing their meals" each time they eat anything other than bland nutrifood. Not on purpose, their body's just that messed up. The Gyiik temple are determined to find something the person can eat without losing it, by the powers! But this is one tough case, even for them. -- Anon Guest

Gyiiks react in horror when they discover the existence of no-flavour Nutrifood. Given that the product is a scientifically-calculated balance of essential nutrients,

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Challenge #04284-K266: Worth Working up to

They had been dereggers. Though long since rescued, their bodily systems made it hard for them to eat, well, anything very easily. But seeing all that people here enjoyed, made them long for something more than.. blah. They went to the Gyiik temple where they said the people there had magic that could help them. -- Anon Guest

It was a bizarre food allergy, if it could truly qualify as such. The freed former citizens of a now-extinct Greater Deregulation could not

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Challenge #04223-K205: After the Crash

A DeRegger CEO's ship went down. Most of the crew survived, but few were without injury. The CEO and his sons were unhurt.

Shockingly, despite how poorly the people were treated aboard ship, as literally unseen servants, the CEO and his sons began to take care of the injured to avoid infections and help pain. Why? They actually DID appreciate the work, they.. just were not good at showing it. -- Anon Guest

Of course the executive suite survived, all occupants relatively

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Challenge #04214-K196: Consequences? On My Planet?

The Dereggers sending the lawsuit letters learn the hard way the CRC does NOT like it when they try to harm Alliance citizenry.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04133-k115-lawsuits-from-ignorance -- Anon Guest

Most citizens of Mashandar had no idea why the gigantic CRC ships appeared in the sky, large as the moon, and hanging in the sky in precisely the way that moon-sized eggs don't[1]. They were largely concerned with trying to get through their day.

They were so used to

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Challenge #04144-K126: Cost Effective Retribution

Utter chaos ensues when Mr. Sunshine actually gets peeved off. He and his friends go to town on this glittering mask hiding a hell-hole. The dereggers there are shocked. The innocents who didn't know what was going on were spared. Those who were actively involved? Death, when it eventually came, was a blessing.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03972-j320-a-debt-repaid -- Anon Guest

The big problem was finding the source of the rot. They keystones of the culture inherent in the mess of

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Challenge #04142-K124: Limited Choices

Deregger leadership mobilizes their fleet, and tries to hire mercenary fleets, to attack the planet of "evil naked perverts" who are trying to "corrupt the innocent", at least according to their propaganda.

Despite multiple attempts, and, a lot of unfortunate incidents, it does NOT go well. The dereggers scream even louder at the consequences. Esp. when their later attempted lawsuits fail, too.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03558-i269-your-body-your-choice -- Anon Guest

Shakespeare had a phrase that heartily encapsulates the nature of angry

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Challenge #04133-K115: Lawsuits From Ignorance

A strongly male-dominated deregger group sues the woman who has so much time she could practically buy their entire solar system, and that's even after paying her taxes and giving to charity. The "crime" they claim she's committing? She's a woman who's making more money than they are.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02593-g036-safe-as -- Anon Guest

Engineer Dean read the message for the third time, juggling her latest foster child on her hip. She read it out loud in a singsong

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Challenge #04056-K038: Handle With Extreme Caution

This crate contain dimensional rings that bends space in a way so it acts as a nice little pocket to store our customers belongings. You two idiots put it beside our GRAVITY GENERATOR. If you don’t know how gravity works, you better be grateful that I check the cargo and didn’t turn on the engine. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Dimensionally transcendent spaces usually don't mix with scifi (Doctor Who is a documentary lol) and can be a problem for drama

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Challenge #04018-J365: Bad Habits and Good Reminders

The former deregger has trouble letting go of, well, anything. While they tolerate the cleaner animals coming in and dealing with organic debris, their quarters are getting SO full of.....stuff... that it's getting hard to move around in there. Hoarding, sadly, is common with those with severe mental trauma. -- Anon Guest

Cleaners were initially a problem. They were genetically programmed to consume debris and break it down into stable compounds. "Debris" in this case, was defined as anything below a

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Challenge #03942-J290: The First Steps

May we see the CRC's point of view on what happened here? And how they helped this poor young person and all the ones they saved?

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03873-j221-i-need-this-deal -- Anon Guest

CRC Case File: Deregger Taro, confessed criminal offence - Parenting Without a License. Medical intervention necessary: Standard Deregger Poverty Intervention, eye exam, suspected dyslexia. Psychological benefit from supervised visits with prior charges. Immediate intervention, parent license verbal exam.

Taro sat nervously on what should have been a

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Challenge #03941-J289: In Every Home, a Garden

"But.... you're wealthier than I am!"

"Yes, so?"

"But they're making you pay those insanely high taxes!"

"Your point?"

"Why aren't you mad? Why don't you take it out of your people's wages??"

"Do you know why my empire is continuing to grow and so many of your people's empires collapse?"


"Come, let me show you a new path forward." -- Anon Guest

The heretic lead the oligarch around a heretical polity. The air was so clean all over the world

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Challenge #03937-J285: Time to Save

Time is, in the Alliance, literally money. And many people work very hard to save time. However, when you are both the employee, and the boss, it can be hard, without gentle reminders, to avoid being a rather cruel one, at least when it's your own self you're bossing around. -- Anon Guest

Several words and phrases have changed in the Alliance. Since the Shattering, terms like "self-employed", "worker-shareholder", and "public benefit" have transformed into something new. Something a lot more truthful

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