Busy Busy

A 273-post collection

Thursday, proposal, and shenanigans

I do not have much time this morning so I make an effort to be quick.

Bullet points:

  • Re-proposed to Beloved as part of the pre-anniversary celebrations
  • Beloved has a tummy bug. Not related
  • Mayhem has a job interview
  • I'm trying to build the Box of House as a base for my players
  • I still want to have merch but I have little in the way of time today because of the above
  • If I don't hurry, I won't get my story out until the afternoon.
  • Stick a broom up my bum and I can sweep the floor while I'm doing it all.

Off I go. Nyoom.

Thursday, Day 0, STILL busy

I'm feeling a bit better about my place in the world this morning, but I know I'm still on recovery. So. No stats. No news. Just me doing my utmost to just achieve stability.

Speaking of stability, Mayhem is renewing his learner's permit, an event that I predicted. He's starting to realise that time and procrastination is going to bite him in the bum. BY having time and procrastination bite him in the bum.

...speaking of time and procrastination, I should focus

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Wednesday, Day 0, Wordpress

Plague news:

  • 20 566 new cases
  • 109 524 total active cases
  • 529 hospitalisations
  • 27 in ICU
  • 1 new death.

Vax news:

  • 289 717 doses given nationally
  • 53 208 doses given in Qld

I have stuff to do today. Dungeon room for the players to dragon in, title checks for the anthology, at least one page of edits in Adapting, the WORDPRESS THING... I'm a little bit lost for ideas and all my old ones still suck.

Maybe Learn Some Manners: OR YOU'RE

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Friday, Day 1, Bikkie Day

Plague news: No new cases! There's thirty-eight total active cases, twenty-seven of those are in hospital. Australia's at 93% first vax, 88.7% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still tied with WA for last place in the vax race at 87.9% first vax, 80% fully vaxxed. Because Omicron, we're all going to need a booster. I shall be discussing that with my quack at a later time.

I have starters to feed, bikkie to make, Catbox to change and maybe a task or

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Friday, Day 0, Ho Boy

Plague news: Three new cases, all locally acquired. There's eighteen total active cases, fourteen of them are in hospital. Australia's at 92.6% first vax, 87% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 86.8% first vax, 77% fully vaxxed.

I have starters to feed, bikkie to make, bikkie to consume, catbox to see to, more dungeon to build, and maybe some time to play.

Streaming my flash fictions is helping me stay on track, so I shall be keeping on with that through next

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Tuesday, Day 3, Busy busy busy...

Plague news: No new cases! There's four total active cases and all of them are in hospital. Australia's at 91.5% first vax, 85% fully vaxxed. Queensland's just edging out of being last at getting the jabs, at 84.6% first vax, 73% fully vaxxed.

I have Patreon nonsense to share, the usual story, and shopping to do. There's a lot of rain so when I go out on my adventures, I will be driving carefully.

Miss Chaos missed her bus yesterday,

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Friday, Day 1, Busy Day?

Plague news: No new cases! There's eleven total active cases, ten of those are in hospital. Australia's at 91% first vax, 84% fully vaxxed. Queensland is barely inching ahead of WA with 83.6% first vax, and 72% fully vaxxed.

Beloved came home so late that we're celebrating her birthday today. There is cheesecake, but IDK when that's all going off.

I have:

  • Starters to feed
  • Bikkie to make and consume
  • Dungeon to dress
  • Words to create
  • Beloved to spoil rotten.


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Friday, Day 0, Busy 'Nutter

Plague news: Three new cases, two local and one import. There's sixteen total active cases, twelve of those are in hospital. Australia's at 89.9% first vax, 81.9% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 80.5% first vax, 68.8% fully vaxxed. My fair sunshine state is the LAST ONE in the race to fully vax the population. ARGH...

Today on my agenda (in no particular order):

  • Feed starters
  • Cook bikkie
  • Consume same
  • Capture and vaccinate Jolie
  • Phone the landscaping people and ask
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Thursday, Day 0, Organised?

Plague news: Three new cases, all local. There's fifteen total active cases, twelve of those are in hospital. Australia's at 89.7% first vax, 81.5% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 80% first vax, 68% fully vaxxed.

Miss Chaos will be very glad because she doesn't need her mask everywhere. I am glad because Aabria Iyengar, one of the more famous DM's of online D&D RealPlays, is herding the McElboys through an adventure. It'll be interesting to see how a pro

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Sunday, Day 0, LOOOONNNG day

Plague news: One new case, a local. There's nine total active cases, seven of them are in hospital. Australia's at 89% first vax, 80% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 79% first vax, 66.9% fully vaxxed.

Today is a long, long day for me.

1AM - (Now) Watching Toasty create magnificent arts
6AM - Tale Foundry
9AM - My stream immediately following Tale Foundry
10AM - Meatspace shenanigans
4PM - Sleep for 6 hours, or try to
10PM - Wake, get coffee, set

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Friday, Day 0, Mor PLNs

Plague news: FIVE new cases, one local and four imports. Damnit. Australia's at 85.*% first vax, 70.8% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 73.7% first vax, 58.7% fully vaxxed. We're getting there.

I shall be keeping an eye out on that local case thing. According to MeMum, it was an unvaxxed, infected Knomira who skated through on the Gold Coast. Fun.

Mayhem is suffering side-effects from the second jab. We're doing palliative care and keeping an eye on him. So far,

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Thursday, Day 0, Prep Window

Plague News: Three new cases, all imports. There's twenty-six total active cases, fifteen are in hospital. Australia's at 80% first vax, 58% fully vaxxed. Queensland has finally reached 50% fully vaxxed. Huzzah.

Today, I'm reading up on my adventure book and picking voices for the NPC's along the way. Which I must add to my Trello board so I can remember these things.


I broke a record making some simple maps for my group of murder hobos, now I have to

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Friday, Day 0, Busyness

Plague news: Three new cases - one local, two imports. Thirty-two total active cases, twenty in hospital and one in the ICU.

Something broke for me last night and I am shifting chunks like nobody's business today. I only feel like I'm breathing easier so one of my tasks this morrow is to put myself on Max for another dose.

My head firkin HURTS today. I've already taken ibuprofen and paracetamol for it. It's not kicking in so great. Alas. I predict

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Friday, Day 0, Busiest Day

Plague news: One new case, a local transmission. There's twenty-one total active cases with nineteen of them in hospital. Once more, lockdown looms.

I tried not to jinx it. I should just... not mention doughnut days. Sigh.

Today, after story post, I feed the starters, clean the catbox in the catio, make the bikkie, write one thousand words, tag a week's worth of fiction and adjust some mob stats in yet another board for D&D.

I also wrote a poem,

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Thursday, Day 2, Org Day

Plague news: No new cases again! It's been a hot while since that's happened. There's seventeen total active cases with thirteen in hospital.

Not going to jinx it. Not saying anything more about numbers.

Today, I wrangle finances, get money, spend money, and perhaps organise things for greater convenience.

On the Honeydew list:

  1. Get a slasher in to knock down the weeds and tall grass in our yard
  2. [related] Purchase a MowerBot to keep the grass in check
  3. Rent a huge firkin
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