Busy Busy

A 274-post collection

Friday, Unfuckening, Parcels, and Sundry Shenanigans

I have cleaned out the catio. I have created and consumed The Bikkie. And I have learned that it's much better to cook the thing in an oven than to fry it like the guy in the tutorial did.

Baking a BREAD PRODUCT is better than frying it. WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT!

After I'm done with the offerings, I shall go pick up a parcel. Then perhaps add some groceries on the way back.

THEN I can mess around on Satisfactory or whatever tickles my fancy.

Beloved and Adorable will be having a chat with a lot of genderqueer folks tonight. I might see if I can join online since they're doing quarantine because Lurgi.

During the following week or so, I am going through some personal experiments. There's a medication that could do me good, but it's going to take some time to find out if its working.

Further bulletins as news warrants.

Saturday, Parkrun and PLN'd Shenanigans

It's been a long day. As you might guess by the lateness of this post. Not just parkrun, but also getting our hair did and getting food and going shopping and doing a bunch of other stuff while we were there.

Needless to say, I am a very tired bean and I have yet to create or post my offerings for today.

As for tomorrow? There may not be any entries at all.

Tomorrow, the QPP is heading out to introduce ourselves

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Friday, Scrum Time!

So. I have cleaned out the Catio. I have realised that I have the wrong size leggings for my winter activewear. We're also running very low on the tissues supply.

As a direct result, I am watching the clock and plotting to take off somewhere close to 9:30 so I can do Costco and the place where I can actually get activewear leggings in my size.

Pockets are a must.

I shall therefore be absent from my keyboard until I can

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Friday, A Heads-Up

The PLN today is to take Mayhem over to MeMum's for some heavy lifting before the day gets punishing. So immediately after I publish this blog, I am getting ready and hauling myself and son-of-mine all the way to the other side of Brisbane so we can do that.

And since we're there, we may also be doing some other helpful things. Which may take some time.

So if the story happens today, it shall be happening later. If not, there will

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Sunday, Running Around, and Still Streaming

As I write these very words, it is approaching ten minutes past two in the morning and I am in the middle of an asthma attack that crept up on me in a really bad way.

To put it in the most interesting way possible: I started my day at one in the morning by googling "feeling like a ghost is taking my pulse on the left of my neck" since three other searches could not find anything unrelated to a heart

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Saturday, Crimbo Eve

So. We're picking up a friendo to go to the only Parkrun open in the Brisbane-ish area on Crimbo Eve, this morning. Which means a launch from our place at 5:30 AM

Parkrun and the aftermath usually takes until Noonish.
After which, we shall drop friendo off at their place, head back to our place so Beloved can get a move on with the last-minute details, and then I harry off to fetch MeMum since she prefers to stay over to

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Friday, the Crimbolening

It's the day before a MULTITUDE of shenanigans. So we have to finish unfucking the house, organising our nonsense.

Which means a lot of time offline.

I shall be cleaning the catio, making The Bikkie, tidying up garbage, washing stuff, drying stuff, and setting stuff in order.

I fully expect to be offline for a majority of the day. If any more of A Devil's Tale happens during these hours, it will be the result of a true miracle.

We're not decorating

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Tuesday, Crimbo PLNs

We're having MeMum over, we're having a friendo come over because they're alone this season, it's going to be interesting.

I honestly don't know whether to share Everything, Everywhere, All at Once with Mum, Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio with everyone, or put on the Muppet's Christmas Carol and be done with it.

I will probably end up sharing all three at various points in the shenanigans.

Today's mission includes Patreon content, the usual streaming, and gathering Party Pies. Because despite literally everything

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Thursday, Scrombling PLNs

I have worked out that I am going to have to set up each map before my players play it. Huzzah. In the meantime, I can make sure there's counters for all the mobs in advance and do the reading ahead and all that nonsense. Huzzah.

So I am scrombling to make sure I have all the tokens. Which means that I can go on and start drawing the next level so this whole thing can maybe go faster.


I should

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Sunday,Plott'n and Pln'n

I am streaming early today so that I have the time to go do other things. Like get the supplies of cat food up to snuff. Or finally do the sullage pipes because the hours my love and I actually share are ridiculous and it takes some mutual planning to get things done sometimes.

So after I'm done prepping for the stream, I shall be sending out the "soon to now" notice.

Watch my Tumblr for further bulletins. Or just tune into

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Tuesday, Shrinky Dinks and Unriddling

I have a Telehealth shrink appointment today. Huzzah. I also have some technical difficulties to unriddle on the opposite side of Brisbane involving GoogDrive, chevrons, and whatever the heck my Mum is doing to view my chapters ;_;

I can't really get there until tomorrow, and BOM is telling us there's going to be cataclysmic rain sometime real soon now. Whee.

Next on my agenda is attempting to unriddle whatever the fuck is going on with OwlBear Rodeo so I can populate my

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Saturday, What a Day

So I started this morning with a double spider attack. A relatively tiny [1.5inch across] Huntsman spider decided to jump on me whilst I was in the shower. It effectively vanished until I rinsed my hair and climbed onto my hand.

Obviously, it had to die.

We set off after this to the Parkrun with Beloved's friend from the gender support group. Whom I shall henceforth name as Ms Awesome.

I managed to walk 4K this week. Wahoo!

Then, following a

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Thursday, Round Round Run Around...

I'll run around!

Immediately after Miss Chaos is on the bus to school today, I am taking off to MeMum's for paperwork-related missions and perhaps sorting out tech issues.

All that fun stuff.

Poor Beloved came home long about 3AM so she could catch some semblance of sleep. The demo of the thing is today and after that, she needs a day off.

Which will be at least partially spent at Chaos' graduation.

Which also means I have to cancel tomorrow's stream.

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Tuesday, Vet Visit, Patreon

Today, Jolie is getting some of her shots. Vaccinate every living creature you love, my dear readers. That includes yourself.

Also today, I am sharing some of my literary output with my dear readers over in Patreon. I aim to be working on the tags and dungeon and so forth, today. I might even get an album or two sorted.

Beloved has been out all night on the big project, and will be coming home later to catch up on her sleep.

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Thursday, Spinning Plates

I have to stop wanting to do more things. In the space of an early wakening, I almost volunteered myself for: doing audiobooks, making animations, creating some variety of serial entertainment for YouTube, and maybe being involved with the filming of A Devil's Tale.

Fortunately, Beloved is 90% of my self-restraint.

I kept to reading her some chapters and leaving it there.

I must focus on finishing some projects before beginning others. Making more work to do is just going to make

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