Busy Busy

A 281-post collection

Sunday, Game Night and Shenanigans

I continue to be a busy busy bean, today. I forgot The Bikkie this Friday, so I fed my starter this morning and hoping for the best. One day is not that bad for a starter in the fridge.

I do have some wholemeal flour to make myself some bread with. Since bread is what I miss the most about going Keto. I plan on doing One Giant Loaf and subdividing it into daily servings and freezing them for later use. I also plan on using Chia seeds in some manner and seeing how that goes.

This experiment: Soak the seeds in the water for the bread for like half an hour and see how it goes.

I'll be the only person eating it so it should all be good.


I think I'm at about the halfway point of writing Chpater 360 of A Devil's Tale so that should be going on to it's fourth GoogDoc real soon now.

5.5 chapters until I start posting starter sentences in my socials.


Tomorrow evening, I am welcoming Beloved and Adorable home from the South Americas. On Tuesday, I shall be getting a huge amount of gravel delivered to my home, and therefore be able to un-pothole my swamp backyard.

The sooner I'm able to drive my car into the shed, the happier I'll be.

Soon, soon, soon, I shall stream a story. Then? I can nap.

Friday, Missed Connections and Disrupted PLNs

I spent ALL of yesterday waiting for a phone call from our financiers. I told them to call that day and they firkin didn't DO that.


I still have to go shopping for better supplies, and that has to happen today because other shenanigans on other days. Yay.

I also have the usual unfucking to attempt.

I have, in the process of this week, learned that expecting two side-projects every day is a little bit rich for me.

Lesson learned.


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Thursday, Shopping PLNs

Today's usually a day of rest for me. BUT...

I need to get cat food. I need to pick up a few little things. I need to make sure we have enough.

Enough bread. Enough butter. Enough eggs. Enough cheese. That sort of thing.

I have to wait for Costco to open before I get going on that. And it's going to be hot as balls today. My goal is to get what we need and get back into the AC before

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Tuesday, Tech Support Excursion

Patreon and all my other offerings will be LATE today. Because the instant I finish my morning routine, I'm offski to MeMum's for extended tech support and budget wrangling.

It's going to be interesting times, as Mum has just broken something else in her new TV.

And to top it all off, I have a cyclone headache this morning. Huzzah.

Of course I've taken my painkillers. I can drive with one of these bastard heads and have done so before. With good

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Friday, Preparation PLNs, Unfucking, and Other Things(tm)

I am gathering lists of things to acquire, places to go to get them, and maybe even the budget for doing all of that. Fun.

My aim is to get as many non-perishables or freezables as possible so I can avoid as much pre-holiday zombie hordes as I can.

Mayhem's making two pies. He can keep those cool or frozen before the Big Day(tm). Finally got some ideas out of Miss Chaos, so now I can concoct a PLN. Yay.


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Monday, Doctor's Appointment and Supplies

I got the quack's today because apparently you need to constantly top up your prescriptions every firkin year and I haven't done that since 2021.

Temporally challenged. As far as I'm aware, I just got a prescription a couple of months ago. What the fuck? TWO YEARS? No firkin way.

This happens more often than you may believe.

I'm not going to get better about this.

But the story will not be happening until after I've done all of that and shopping

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Friday, Busy Bean Again

Okay. For realsies. THIS time, I'm going to go out and get my Ashwagandha, some Crimbo shopping, and household essentials.

Not going to be saving a lot this pay cycle.

When I finally get back from my excursion, I have to remember my stretchies or I shall hurt myself by writing.


I am just so firkin tired already. AND I still have to unfuck my habitat.

The house is still a shambles and I can feel time running down. Grr.


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Thursday, Busy Bean

So. Last night, I discussed arranging a means by which MeMum could cock a snook at the people cutting her off from Doctor Who and other things for the sake of profit and profit alone.

Lots more of us will want to know about that for sure. Watch for cautionary posts telling you what not to do so you don't accidentally commit a piracy. Coughcough.

One of the essential tools for that sort of thing is a Smart TV. Be very careful

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Wednesday, Leyland's Tour, Date Night, and More

So here's my nonsense so far:

  • Dental appointment at 8AM
  • Plan to leave the house at 7:30 so I can drop off Beloved on the way to said appointment
  • Plan derailed by Beloved wanting to be at the station ASAP. An hour ahead
  • Lucky I got up early to get ready early
  • Still have to go home again before dentist
  • After dentist, return home AGAIN because waiting for the shops to open
  • [Now] Shops are open, so I am off on
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Friday, Busy Busy Bean

I have to get new underwear. Mostly because the old stuff fell apart way too easily. So now my super-fussy criteria goeth thusly:

  • 100% cotton
  • A structural integrity better than a wet tissue
  • Made of fabric thicker than the same
  • With no bits that are going to cause me physical harm

I expect a LOOOONNNNG firkin search for anything close. Because everything is made cheap and sold dear.

I despise late-stage capitalism.

That's going to take a bit of a while, so

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Car Maintenance, and a Date

In one hour, allegedly, the nice ppl from Lube Mobile will turn up to service my car. Since it's no longer in warranty, this will be cheaper and take less time than going to Torque Ford. And that is why I am camped by the front door and listening for car noises.

This may or may not make me more effective at getting my offerings, but it will make the day a little more interesting.

The PLN, such as it is, goeth

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Tuesday, Patreon and Busy Bean

My Beloved has a lot of shenanigans tomorrow. So I shall be working by remote. I have a lot to share with my peeps on Patreon, today. It feels like I've bitten off more than I can chew.

I gotta do it so that I shall have less waiting for me to do. More gets done, less left to do. Theoretically.

There's still a huge pile, but I shall nibble it away in good time. I hope.

Doing what I can with

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Thursday, Game Night and Cuddles

I have my Beloved for another evening, this week. I am making myself either one or many dinners with the slow cooker. I've got some pork tongues slowly stewing with the following:

  • Probably about a litre of cheap white vinegar [I measured all this with my heart]
  • About 2 tbsp powdered ginger
  • A pinch of whole peppercorns
  • A generous pinch of salt
  • 5 whole cloves
  • About 2 tbsp cinnamon
  • 2 granny smith apples, finely sliced
  • 2 litres of water

I had it

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Thursday, Fare Thee Well Tesla

Come midday today, the Tesla is no longer ours.

  • Because we can't afford to keep it
  • Because it has been trying (and failing!) to kill us since we got it
  • Because the owner and CEO of the company is a transphobic sack of dogshit shambling around in a human suit
  • Because giving that aforementioned stain on the underwear of the human race any more money is not comfortable
  • And also life without it will be easier than life with it.

Because the

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