
A 7-post collection

Challenge #04253-K235: Peas For a Goober

It was as dark green as a soybean pod, but the little "peas" inside tasted ... like terran peanuts. Yet it didn't contain any of the chemicals within that was the cause of the allergy so many had to that legume. A safe peanut that those with allergies could try??

One of the scientists, a being with a nasty allergy to the nuts, threw caution to the wind and tried one, medicine at the ready just in case. There was no reaction. -- Lessons

Here's how Humans test potentially dangerous foodstuffs - with a fork in one hand and their cure in the other. Also with Mediks on standby with every rapid life-support technology ready to go.

Culinary Analyst Mats tipped the test tube of green oblate spheres into hir mouth like an alcohol addict downing a shot. Hir lab companions screamed hir name as ze chewed. Ze gave them a thumb's up, grinning while ze masticated. The Mediks made certain their equipment was primed and ready to deploy.

Mats finished chewing, and swallowed. Still breathing easily. "C'n I have a glass o' milk?"

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Challenge #04052-K034: Test That Theorem

A kid who used their strength and size to bully other kids was sent to Lord Kormwind, Kosh to his friends, to try to teach him, the parents were at their wits end and needed help. He refused to listen to them anymore as his parents, weakened after having gotten sick, could no longer get him to stop hanging out with .... less than pleasant crowds. -- Anon Guest

Whitekeep never kept anyone in chains. It was one of the founding principals of

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Challenge #03454-I166: A Test of Character

A person came to meet Twii. They had a lot to talk to them about, but both individuals were wary. Twii wanted to see what KIND of person they are, so, the two fought, briefly. Before sitting to talk, Twii stated, "Sorry about that. But you'd be surprised at how much you learn about a person by fighting them." -- Anon Guest

[AN: Just attacking someone out of the blue makes ZERO sense for: (a) a master of the martial arts, (b)

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Challenge #02746-G189: Fearsome Destructive Capabilities

Carbon fibre plates, reinforced with a titanium alloy. Hi spec thermal regulator, and military grade ballistic glass. Now I just need the human to stress test this livesuit. -- Anon Guest

"What kind of Human?" said Glorz.

"I'm not sure I understand the question."

"Well, there are the Humans you pay to try and destroy it, there's the Humans you pay to life-test it, and the Humans you pay to try and keep it in top condition. Then there's the fourth if

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Challenge #02307-F117: Adequate Testing Procedures

The History of crash-test dummies is one of Sheer Deathworlder Thinking. Instead of doing the sane thing and wait, till the technology is safe enough, they relied in the past on test with crash-test dummies.

Fun fact: Aliens did not know, that the First Dummies were actually other Humans. -- Anon Guest

There's a crucial difference between Havenworlders, Deathworlders, and what one might consider normal cogniscents. That particular difference is in how they approach the relative safety of technology. For most cogniscents,

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Challenge #01801-D340: According to Plan

> Phase 1 of our plan is complete... the internet is ours!
--The Cats -- TheDragonsFlame

Everyone who knows cats believes that they are smarter than they let on. At least until their cat(s) do something demented or scatterbrained and the belief starts to have shaky grounding. Cats do this on purpose. To allay suspicions. And they leave for days on end to report to their central office. To be sure that everything is going to plan.

Unfortunately for them, their plan

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Challenge #01799-D338: Jury's Still Out

Fun fact: Cats meow only to communicate with humans (exception: kittens) -- TheDragonsFlame

Most of the Galactic citizenry are not certain about the cogniscence levels of cats. They're on the lowest boundary of mass for hosting a cogniscent mind. They show capacity for creative problem solving. They can learn procedures, so long as they are sufficiently motivated. They show signs of social strata, co-operation, and means of communication. They even attempt communication with non-felines.

They don't meow past kittenhood, unless they are

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