
A 4-post collection

Friday, Pride Prep PLNs

In a few minutes, I will get on with cleaning the catio and doing the Starter business. I have just been out collecting my Beloved and a postal order from the wilderness. Not in that order.

I have also begun today's recordings and the triumphant fanfare is because I have passed recording two hundred chapters. One hundred and twenty-something to go. Huzzah.

I am not certain I will have any time to try anything else in Stencyl, but I can plausibly attempt to get that going regardless.

Tomorrow is Brisbane Pride and I will be rainbows for the diem. It'll be happening after parkrun, so that is going to be "interesting".

We find out when we find out.

One more recording and then I rattle along in my PLNs

Challenge #03304-I016: Faces of Gratitude

They have rescued thousands of Dereggers over their lifetime. And they are at home with their family bragging. Puffing up their feathers, they are so proud of themselves. They do it, not for money, not for fame, not for recognition, but because they care for the people they've rescued. But that doesn't mean they can't have a proud moment knowing of all those people who now get a new chance at life. -- Anon Guest

Tia Rruku had a wall of portraits

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Challenge #02008-E184: What About Me?

The older jade-skinned female shook her head with a sympathetic smile - not angry, but understanding good intentions gone misinformed.

"Lana, you're young and determined, but also human. Tall, white, human. Not short, not green, and definitely not goblin. I appreciate you wanting to plan this 'goblin pride' rally thing, but it's kinda romanticised. Just because we mixed into human society doesn't mean we risk losing ourselves. We still know our history and have our beliefs and traditions, as crude and vulgar

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queer-werewolf: autistic pride is so important because autistic children like myself are constantly treated as and made to feel like...


autistic pride is so important because autistic children like myself are constantly treated as and made to feel like burdens to their loved ones, their family, and even society as a whole.

we literally get people saying things like “if i was autistic, i would kill myself” and caretakers who get sympathy for wanting to kill autistic kids. people will justify our existence only by how productive we are and how neurotypical we can appear. when parents find out their kid

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