A 375-post collection

Thursday, Day 0, PLNs

Plague News: 1 589 new cases, all local. 6 368 total active cases, 93 of those are in hospital.

Vax News:

  • Australia's at 94.2% first vax,
  • 91.2% fully vaxxed
  • Queensland's at 90.5% first vax,
  • 86.2% fully vaxxed
  • Still tangled with WA at 91.0% first vax,
  • 83.5% fully vaxxed
  • Northern Territory is now last at 89.2% first vax,
  • 84.1% fully vaxxed

Everyone seems to have paused on getting the jabs and it looks like they're giving up on containing Omicron. I can only hope it doesn't kill me when it gets to me.

Today's pln will probably involve shopping for the Girl's Day Out, this Friday. BUT I also aim to do a little bit more dungeon map, and maybe try to find a better tutorial for ClipStudio. I think I'm getting a handle on WorldAnvil, but there's some things I must yet unriddle about it.

Baby steps. I refuse to let myself get frustrated out of doing the thing. Or my multitude of things.

In the news:

  • Doctors tell us to not give up on at least trying to slow the plague down
  • NSW cases now in five figures
  • NT feels the quake that hit Indonesia
  • People are still mining Nostradamus for predictions for next year
  • NOW the rapid tests are coming out 9_9
  • Elon Musk sets deadline to put someone on Mars
  • 40% of polled New Year's Resolutions include promises to go Greener

And now, the stories for the day.

Friday, Day 0, Crimbus Eve

Plague news: THREE HUNDRED and sixty-nine new cases, and according to government site that can't do math, all of them are local transmissions plus one import. Grrr. Apparently, there's eight hundred and seven total active cases, ninety-four of those are in hospital, and one is in the ICU.

At some point later today, I shall record a special Crimbolio message for Twitch. That way, I can do all my social media messages while Twitch gets the video.

Today, I shall be cleaning

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Thursday, Day 0, Antici-pation

Plague news: one hundred and eighty-six new cases, only two of those are imports. There's four hundred and forty-seven active cases, eighty of those are in hospital, and one of those is in the ICU. Australia's at 94% first vax, 90.8% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still tangled with WA for last place in the vax race at 90% first vax, 85% fully vaxxed.

We made a mistake in listening to everyone who wanted to pretend the plague was over. The sooner we

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Saturday, Day 0, PLNs Upset

Plague news: TWENTY new cases, nine local, eleven imports. There's eighty-four total active cases, forty-two of them are in hospital. Australia's at 93.7% first vax, 90% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still mingled in last place with WA at 89% first vax, 83.6% fully vaxxed.

I got a date for Beloved booked today so I can't go visit MeMum like I planned. Mea culpa, I forgot the date was on. Thankfully, MeMum undstands. Also, still ready for the assorted nonsense come the

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Thursday, Day 0, Dentist

Plague News: Six new cases, all imports. There's fifty total active cases, with twenty-eight of those in hospital. Australia's at 93.5% first vax, 89% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still doddling along in last place with WA at 88.8% first vax, and 82.6% fully vaxxed.

I have a dental appointment today and I know damn well I've been neglecting my teeth.

I have to get on my arse about looking after myself. Maybe enlist Beloved to help me stay on task

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Sunday, Day 0, Shenanigans

Plague news: One new case, a local. There's forty-six total active cases, twenty-nine of those are in hospital. Australia's at 93% first vax, 89% fully vaxxed. Queensland's back in its semi-tie with WA, at 88% first vax, and 81% fully vaxxed.

Mower guy started yesterday despite my warnings. Got bogged. Busted a fan belt. Trying again today. Yay?

He's also threatened to leafblow the immense amounts of grass debris. I'm going out there with my sunhat and a rake and some bags.

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Thursday, Day 0, Runaround

Plague news: Two new cases, both imports. There's sixteen total active cases, fourteen of those are in hospital. Australia's at 92.5% first vax, 87% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 86.7% first vax, 76.8% fully vaxxed.

Experts are saying the symptoms of Omicron are "milder" but that's no true guide to how bad it is. I'm calling it now. Thousands of leaders are going to dismiss the potential threat of Omicron and then learn later on in the year that Long

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Friday, Day 0, Floods?

Plague news: Three new cases, all imports. There's five total active cases, two of those are in hospital. Australia's at 91.9% first vax, 86% fully vaxxed. Queensland is still second last in the race to get everyone jabbed, with 85.6% first vax, and 74.9% fully vaxxed.

Meanwhile, Clive Palmer, late of the Clive Palmer party for by and about Clive Palmer, has taken out an add that's just video of his anti-vax-mandate speech to a bunch of similarly-minded people.

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Friday, Day 1, Busy Day?

Plague news: No new cases! There's eleven total active cases, ten of those are in hospital. Australia's at 91% first vax, 84% fully vaxxed. Queensland is barely inching ahead of WA with 83.6% first vax, and 72% fully vaxxed.

Beloved came home so late that we're celebrating her birthday today. There is cheesecake, but IDK when that's all going off.

I have:

  • Starters to feed
  • Bikkie to make and consume
  • Dungeon to dress
  • Words to create
  • Beloved to spoil rotten.


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Wednesday, Day 1, Wordpress

Plague news: No new cases! There's fifteen total active cases, thirteen of them are in hospital. Australia's at 90.7% first vax, 83.5% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still last in the race to get jabbed, at 82.8% first vax, 71% fully vaxxed.

We have taxes sorted, we have more than half a pln to afford Jolie's dental. Yay. Now if only I could capture a wild landscaper to deal with our yard, then all would be well.

I have managed to

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Thursday, Day 0, Organised?

Plague news: Three new cases, all local. There's fifteen total active cases, twelve of those are in hospital. Australia's at 89.7% first vax, 81.5% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 80% first vax, 68% fully vaxxed.

Miss Chaos will be very glad because she doesn't need her mask everywhere. I am glad because Aabria Iyengar, one of the more famous DM's of online D&D RealPlays, is herding the McElboys through an adventure. It'll be interesting to see how a pro

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Sunday, Day 0, LOOOONNNG day

Plague news: One new case, a local. There's nine total active cases, seven of them are in hospital. Australia's at 89% first vax, 80% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 79% first vax, 66.9% fully vaxxed.

Today is a long, long day for me.

1AM - (Now) Watching Toasty create magnificent arts
6AM - Tale Foundry
9AM - My stream immediately following Tale Foundry
10AM - Meatspace shenanigans
4PM - Sleep for 6 hours, or try to
10PM - Wake, get coffee, set

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Saturday, Day 0, Shenanigans

Plague news: Three new cases??? Again??? There's twelve total active cases, nine of them are in hospital. For a moment, I thought the information was looping from yesterday. Australia's at 89% first vax, 79.6% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 79% first vax, 66% fully vaxxed. We're getting there.

Time zones are promising to make my weekends "interesting". I have to start D&D an hour earlier so my story hour on Monday mornings is happening at 4AM because FUCK going to

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Friday, Day 0, Shenanigans!

Plague news: Three new cases, all local transmission. Dangit. We were doing so well... Australia's at 88.9% first vax, 79% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 78.8% first vax, 65.8% fully vaxxed.

At least I have access to stats again. Sigh.

It's looking like the new Ashwagandha is working, so now I'm going to purchase half a dozen more bottles and hoping that THIS lot isn't discontinued also.

I have Starters to feed, and when I run out of flour, I'm

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Thursday, Day 0, PLNs

Plague news: one new case, an import. Seventeen total active cases, thirteen of those are in hospital. Australia's at 87% first vax, 74.8% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 76% first vax, and 61.8% fully vaxxed.

Today, I will be doing a lot of unriddling with an aim to become a reporting streamer for Game of Tomes. All going well, I should be able to do all of the things necessary. Fingers crossed.

If it goes badly, I might be building wibbly

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