A 404-post collection

Friday, Physio and PLNs

I need to get Sillicea pills so my knees won't get worse. I also have to see my Physio today. So that gives me a chance to go place and acquire thing all in one trip.

I couldn't find a tutorial on text boxes that I could understand, so I tried to improvise one and I'll be testing that and finding out what the hell I need to do to make it work properly.

I will therefore, eventually, understand text boxes and all the things I need to do to make them go.

Seriously considering looking up if GameMaker has an extant sudoku template that I can creatively adjust. It might help me out. I'm still planning to do the tutorials but if I understand everything else, I might have an easier time.

I know that I can't do this from scratch on my own. Not in a reasonable amount of time.

So this afternoon, I will be poking around GameMaker as well as cleaning out the catio. At least I no longer have to fret about the branches near the fence. That's taken care of.

Now that I know the afternoons are reasonable for power tool work, I can set up to make Chaos' bread cutting guide next week. Yay.

Here's to getting stuff done randomly.

Thursday, I Got This

I have CachyBrowser loaded up and ready for me to do the daily tale. I know where the tutorial is for GameMaker. I've done my foot stretchies and about to start my wrist stretchies.

I also have a cyclone headache and am waiting for the painkillers to kick in.

I've downloaded two fonts for the cover of the anthology, so the newest variant is going to look super cool. At least after I figure out how to add fonts to my system.

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Tuesday, Pitchathon and Patreon

There's an event on Bluesky called #2025Pit in which authors give their elevator pitch to the app in the hopes of picking up representation.

I pitched: Adapting, B'Nar, Clockwork Souls, Beauties and the Beastly, and ADT because why not?

I have found a video tutorial for pop-up text windows for GameMaker, and I will be using that for a default error message first.

Then putting that into each and every function call so that the WIP will not have any errors for

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Monday, Public Holiday and Procrastination

There's only one thing standing in the way of me publishing last year's anthology - and that's getting Lunacy to open the old *.sketch files. Which no other app can open.

So far, I just have the spinny wheel of doom.

I will eventually figure out SOMETHING. Same with my efforts to get things to happen in GameMaker.

I am rapidly oscillating between, "I've got this," and "I am a clueless, talentless blob of glorp."

Today's a 'glorp' day but I'm going

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Friday, Fun New 'Hobby'

I waited until the afternoon when it was allegedly cooler. That was when the neighbour emerged and asked me to prune all the trees away from the fence line. And I can do that because Christmas chainsaw.

Beloved gives me the best toys :D

But, because firkin heat wave, including some of the worst weather Australia has seen, I can only use it in the afternoon. When it cools off a bit.

I will be getting help from Mayhem because there's a

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Thursday, Brave Enough to Pitch

I'm a day late in doing Weird Writer Wednesday, about to commence my other offerings, and I'm expecting periodic loss of power and cooling because I'm finally getting the AC fixed.

So I'll be doing what I can as fast as I can. Until things are done and payment is settled.

I am going to force myself to at least pitch Adapting to PS Literary while I get things ready to pitch my other novels to two more agencies.

I am going

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Wednesday, Technical Difficulties and So On

The internet is fixed!

I have my first physio happening in an hour. In half an hour, I take off to meet that appointment.

I need to remember to ask about cooling my heel on the evening stretchies cycle. And show off my new knee brace.

Fingers crossed, I get to post today's story before I launch.

After I get back, I'll work on the rant for this week. I have some worries about the state of affairs on the interwebs.


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Friday, Too Hot to Anything

Once again, it's hot and nasty outdoors. I'll be waiting for close to sunset just to be able to clean the catio without dying of heat prostration.

So again, no power tools.


At least I know what I'm doing when I get around to doing it. And there's plenty of time to save up for the other nonsense necessary for Chaos' easier homemade bread experience.


I forgot to finish and upload this, because rampant distractions. Yay. Take it as given

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Monday, Shenanigans Ahead

I PLN on making heritable buttons today. No matter what, they will all go 'click'. Other functions will happen later.

When I figure that mess out.

Bread is postponed until Wednesday, because MeMum needs my car and tomorrow is the best time for shenanigans of that ilk.

I think Thursday/Friday might be the best day for posting stuff to Patreon. Trying to remember to do that is the hurdle for me to overcome.

I have ordered the second half of my

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Sunday, Game Night and Shenanigans

I now possess all the things necessary to make the new bread cutter guide thing. Now all I need is the time and the energy to put it together. I have half the buttons added to GameMaker and I'm about to add the rest into the system.

Then I study up about heritable stuff. Groups and subgroups if available.

Since little enough time is left in today, I think the programming stuff may happen tomorrow. Between bread folding sessions.

Oh yeah. I'm

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Saturday, Parkrun and Further PLNs

I aim get the buttons sorted out this afternoon. I have the mock-ups to go off of when I do all of that. I have the assets ready. I have the instructions. All that's left is a few minutes of jiggery-pokery.

All that's standing in my way is my inhibiting terror that this will all blow up on me. Again.

I've had so many setbacks on this thing that I'm overdue some setforwards.

But before I get on with that, I'm doing

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Monday, Backup Reads and Leyland's Tour

The cats need food, I need to find a knee brace that will keep my kneecap in one firkin place.

The cloth ones are good for bad days, but one particular knee is doing things worse. I might ask about non-thermal knee sleeves while I'm there.

Australia's hot enough without thermal knee sleeves -_-

I tried the spicy sardines this morning, and they're not that bad. My fears of the spicy are dwindling.

When the reads end, I shall be offski

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Sunday, Game Night Accomplished

It was a fun one, this morning. Lots of laughs, a few bits of strategy. More than one fuckup on my account. But the important thing is lots and lots of laughs.

I've had a good lie in this morning, so this afternoon is devoted to my offerings and then unriddling what's going wrong with my updates.

That promises to be "fun".

But for now, I get a wriggle on with everything you expect to see.

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Thursday, Mor Shopping PLNs

We need paper towels. I need coffee. I have further PLNs to make myself some Ginger Con Carne in an effort to train up my baby tongue. I'm sick of being vulnerable to capsaicin.

That's the non-standard ideas in mind for today.

I checked on the feedback from the GameMaker community, nothing. I looked for FUSE in the normal places. Nothing. Looks like I'm going to have to carefully read the instructions in the error and then go poke around and attempt

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