
A 142-post collection

Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news:

  • 15 122 new cases
  • 86 953 total active cases
  • 702 hospitalisations
  • 47 in the ICU
  • and 7 new deaths
  • 5 555 total cases in First Nations people

Vax news:

  • 115 279 national doses
  • 23 200 Qld Doses
  • 3 898 ACT doses
  • 27 467 NSW doses
  • 877 NT doses
  • 10 652 SA doses
  • 5 719 Tas doses
  • 29 759 Vic doses
  • 13 707 WA doses

I have Patreon deliveries to do, today. PLNs to get back on fic tagging, dungeon building, and worldbuilding over at WorldAnvil. I'm plotting to set all my future Fantasy stories in Alfarell so I need to make something I can refer to at any time. And something that has all the WOTC copyrights taken out.

It's going to be fun. Eventually.

In the news:

  • Volcano on or near Tonga has blown up, causing devastation there
  • Muppet keeps making egocentric claims, causing devastation to US politics
  • The plague is still horrible to catch, no matter how "survivable" it is
  • Tonga's actually split in half!
  • Some rando stabbed a student to death while she was working at a furniture shop
  • Randy Andy is now trying to claim that his victim may be suffering from "false memories". Stay classy
  • Tennis Snowflake goes home looking all sad. Aw, go cry about it
  • Unvaxxed all over Aus are starting a cult a secret society
  • Domestic abuse survivor marries bloke who murdered his first wife. I'm sure this is not going to end well
  • Randy Andy could be rendered broke as a consequence of his actions. Boo firkin hoo
  • Australia's Billionaires got even richer over the Plague. Bring out la Guillotine
  • Her Majesty is getting solar
  • Women in Illinois can now get their birth control without medical interference
  • 11 Million YO rainforest fossils found in Australia

And now I set up for the stream. Yay.

Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news:

  • 9 518 new cases
  • 81 581 total active cases
  • 440 in hospital
  • 21 in the ICU

Vax news:

  • 44 113 001 national total vaccines nationally
  • 8 552 797 total vaccines in Queensland
  • 18 354 vaccines given yesterday in Queensland

I've said it before, but I really miss the infographic. Ugh.

I have Patreon nonsense to post, editing to do, and I aim to make myself tag some firkin stories. Yes, folks, my editor is back in business. Huzzah.

Also dungeoning

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon and Schroedinger's Lappy

Plague news: 4 259 new cases, 4 249 local, 10 imports. There's 20 239 total active cases, 180 are in the hospital and 10 of those are in the ICU.

Vax news: [It's in a spreadsheet. Gimmie a mo]

  • 42.7 Million doses administered nationally, total
  • 29.7K increase in national doses
  • 8.2 Million doses administered in Queensland, total
  • 4K increase in Queensland
  • I am mathematically incapable of sorting out anything else from this, pls bring back the infographic, National Health.
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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: 784 new cases, all local transmission. 3 621 total active cases, 72 in hospital.

Vax news:

  • Australia has 94.2% first vax,
  • 91.1% fully vaxxed
  • Queensland has 90.5% first vax,
  • 86.1% fully vaxxed
  • Western Australia has 90.8% first vax,
  • 83.3% fully vaxxed

You see what I mean when I say "tangled" in last place. We're ahead on one, then behind on the other. All the dang time.

Today I do my Patreon nonse and tackle

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: FIFTY-NINE new cases, forty-nine local, ten imports. There's one hundred and ninety-seven total active cases, sixty-six of those are in hospital. Australia's paused at 93.9% first vax, but crawling ahead to 90.5% fully vaxxed. Queensland is still tangled with WA for last place, with 89.8% first vax, 84.7% fully vaxxed.

Crimbolio might be cancelled because of Omicron. We have to wait and see.

Ugh. I do NOT want Crimbolio to be cancelled, but nobody knows how

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague News: TEN new cases, one local, nine imports. There's fifty-six total active cases, twenty-eight of those are in hospital. Australia's at 93% first vax, 89% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 88% first vax, 81% fully vaxxed.

I am posting Patreon nonsense today, and since I now have some money - I also have PLNs to get some stuff. Yay.

The mower guy attacking our yard has yet to return, leaving his busted mower in situ whilst -I presume- he goes and finds

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: Three new cases, all imports. There's thirty-eight total active cases, twenty-nine of those are in hospital. Australia's at 92.9% first vax, 88% fully vaxxed. Queensland's kind of tied with WA still, at 87% first vax, and 78.7% fully vaxxed.

I woke up at 3AM because bullshit internal alarm clock issues. BUT I got more of my Koshdelia story put into words. I have two things from Tale Foundry to share at Patreon and ever more nonsense to put

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: Five new cases, all imports. There's twelve total active cases, seven of those are in hospital. Australia's at 92% first vax, 86.8% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still second-last at 86% first vax, 76% fully vaxxed. It's looking like NSW will be the second to get to that precious >95% status. ACT was first.

I'm posting my bullshit on Patreon today, then working on Dungeon then farting about. Possibly a mix of Koshdelia and Satisfactory.

I'm having some fun with this.

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon, Shrink, and Dink

Plague news: Two new cases, both imports. There's sixteen total active cases, fourteen of them are in hospital. Australia's at 90.5% first vax, 83% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still last in the vax rate at 82% first vax and 70.5% fully vaxxed. Now that we're at 70% first dose, the borders are OPEN.

Bring on the plague carriers from NSW and Victoria, I guess.

Today, I have Patreon nonsense to share, a visit to the shrink, and fleshing out the third

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Tuesday, Day 1, Patreon

Plague news: No new cases! There's thirteen total active cases, ten of those are in hospital. Australia's at 89% first vax, 80% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 79.6% first vax, 67% fully vaxxed.

Western Australia and the Northern Territory are the ones lagging behind. Especially on the second dose.

I have Patreon content to post, people to call, a river to build [TaleSpire's "fun"], and not enough funds to pay for all the things that need fixing.

In order of expense:

  1. The
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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: one new case, an import. There's thirteen total active cases, eleven of those are in hospital. Australia's at 88% first vax, 77.5% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 77.8% first vax, 64% fully vaxxed.

I have Patreon stuff to post. Since I've finished KOSTSS, I'll be filtering the chapters down to the $1 tier AND posting the final chapters to the upper tier.

The plan for today matches yesterday. To the tune of Pick a Little from The Music Man

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Tuesday, Day 3, Patreon

Plague news: no new cases. Twenty-two total active cases, fifteen are in hospital. Australia's at 86.8% first vax, 73% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 75%first vax, 60.7% fully vaxxed. We need to get the firkin lead out.

I have Patreon posts to make today. Some chapters and a Tale Foundry entry, but not a lot for the dollar tier.

My patrons are going to get a sneak peek of the road trip variant of my Chaos Table.

My battle today

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Tuesday, Day 2, Patreon

Plague news: no new cases! There's twenty-five total active cases, eighteen of those are in hospital with one in the ICU. Australia's at 84.8% first vax, 68% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 72.5% first vax, 56.9% fully vaxxed.

Australia seems to be charging ahead on the "opening up, ready or not" policy, disregarding how many infections and so forth that are happening. Like the new variants that are -join the chorus- more infectious and more deadly than previous ones. Huzzah.

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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: one new case, an import. There's thirty-four total active cases, with eighteen in hospital and one of those in the ICU. Australia's at 82% first vax, and 62% fully vaxxed. Queensland's up to 70% first vax, almost 53% fully vaxxed. Today, that count goes up by two as I am taking my spawn to get their second jabs. Huzzah.

I also have 500 words to write, Patreon material to post, and some fiddling about in TaleSpire to do. One of

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Wednesday, Day 0, AUGH

Plague News: Two new cases, local transmissions. There's twenty-seven total active cases, sixteen of them are in hospital. Australia's at 79.9% first vax, 57.4% fully vaxxed. Queensland's STILL at 49% fully vaxxed.

It's 6 days until Miss Chaos gets her second jab. Mayhem gets his later on in the month. Drops in the ocean still fill it all the same.

Today, I am taking a bit of a holiday from my novel because it's fighting me. I need to catch

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