Texas versus Planned Parenthood, re: women's health
Just when I think humanity is fixing itself, I find shit like this.
Thanks a bunch, Texas. Way to put humanity back into the stone age for the sake of a few foetii…
Texas versus Planned Parenthood, re: women's health
Just when I think humanity is fixing itself, I find shit like this.
Thanks a bunch, Texas. Way to put humanity back into the stone age for the sake of a few foetii…
Zimmerman to be charged in killing of Trayvon Martin
Took them long enough.
I’d like to say, “better late than never,” but there’s also the hundreds [if not thousands] of other deaths caused by pallid police shooting at innocent brown people. There’s too many of those and not enough outrage IMO.
One small step towards good progress, anyway.
Read more »And yes, I also got a picture with Vermin Supreme. He’s an anti-capitalist wizard who’s been known to glitter bomb conservative politicians… how could I not?
I freaking love Vermin Supreme. Vermin Supreme for next POTUS.
There needs to be a full inquisition. There are so many “why’s” unanswered.
Like: why is it looking like another pointless “race war” in the midst of a strictly economic crisis?
Read more »You need to stop. Seriously. Anger destroys yourself, your family and the things you care for. While I understand that you have an innate fear/dislike of everything “different”, I have to impart some shocking news.
There is “average”, which is a nebulous enough to encapsulate a group, but the “average” person is brown, a little under 6 feet tall, most likely bi and not christian. Shocker,
Read more »Put basically: If they’re offering it to plebes like you, the bubble is about to burst.
There are numerous economic bubbles in past and present. The stock bubble. The internet bubble. The housing bubble. The quantum chocolate bubble. Okay, I just wish there was a quantum chocolate bubble…
The point is, bubbles are just like pyramid schemes. Sooner or later, they’re going to run out of people to sell it to and the whole shebang is going
Read more »I'm assuming Anonymous already has plans...
There’s an instruction manual containing words that can get anyone who uses them on a terrorist watch list just for using them online.
Lots of them can be used in completely innocent ways. For instance: telling all the folks in InternetLand all the words that you’re not allowed to use any more.
How long, folks, before there’s an online competition to use as many of these words as humanly possible
Read more »America.
Reagan’s on the wrong side. He was the champion of “trickle down” economics and tax cuts for the wealthy.
I do not believe for one second that OWS has fizzled out. Especially overnight.
Given all the laws and whatnot flying around, and the protests and outrage concerning them, I can only guess what’s happened in the space of twenty-four hours
1) They arrested absolutely everybody and haven’t told anyone.
2) They’re censoring everything OWS.
3) Corporate America suddenly realised there’s bugger all elsewhere to go once they’ve finished raping America and
Read more »…and possibly take most of the world with it.
Just because I haven’t been contributing to the OWS threads, lately, doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping track of things.
One thing I’ve learned from the patterns of history is this: If a nation does not stop itself from an impending fall, it will plummet all the way to the bottom and then some. Especially if it’s been warned by everybody and
Read more »Behind-closed-doors anti piracy move threatens to enact SOPA/PIPA/ACTA without Govt approval
Something needs to be done about this ASAP. If not earlier.
Read more »Read more »Bank of America Gets Foreclosed
Bank of America has little patience for homeowners who have fallen on hard times and behind on their mortgages. The lending giant is in the midst of foreclosure battles in every state as well as defending against allegations that they engaged in fraud and misrepresentation during the foreclosure process.
Given all the increased scrutiny you would think the bank would be extra diligent before pursuing homeowners in court. Think again.
First the mega-bank wrongfully foreclosed on
First, before anything: if you had bailed out the homeowners and not the banks, you would not be in your present pickle. There would likely not be throngs protesting in the streets, right now. There would not be thousands deriding you for following the whims of your owners campaign contributors instead of actually fulfilling so much as one campaign promise.
Secondly: If you continue to allow yourself to be bought by psychopathic corporations instead of concerning yourself with the interests of the
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