Moving Forward

A 3-post collection

Monday, Moving and Sundry

No, I am not moving house. I am moving my Wordpress blog to new digs. I shall be replacing everything on my Wordpress with a screed against using stuff to feed LLM's without gaining permission nor paying the original artist.

But I gotta do the stream for this week before I get on with the big move.

Which is happening soon, because administrivia on various things has absorbed ALL of my morning.

This techno-luddite is trying to trust things again, and the work is difficult. BUT I also need it so... here I am. TRYING to trust it when I know damn well that it'll stab me in the back at the earliest opportunity.

It's not that I don't believe in technology. It's that I don't fucking trust the bodies corporate that are making it. I am a very anti-capitalist bean.

I have some minutes to prep for the stream. I'll make sure I have a drinkie.

Sunday, Game Night and the Future

I'm playing with my international maniacs, tonight. Which means I have less expectations. I don't even have to worry about Miss Chaos being ready for school.

Tale Foundry will start in a few minutes, and I will FOR SURE be trying to write the story entry early. I love doing that.

I finished another chapter of A Devil's Tale yesterday. Another one for MeMum to complain about. I might make progress on another one today. Still no ending in sight. I want

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Challenge #03207-H298: Solution Evolution

They knew their name, Lillian, named after the lovely flower. They knew that they'd gotten hurt, possibly died. They knew they'd fallen into the mana pool. Now the pool was gone, but they could still feel the upwelling of mana, the raw essence of magic, everywhere. When the magi told them they were a walking, talking, mana fount, their body had become the container for it, they laughed it off. Now, they were learning to take pieces of amber and fill these

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