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Leyland's Tour

A 65-post collection

Wednesday, Tech Support Leyland's Tour

I am currently out with MeMum, one tech issue dealt with and awaiting a good breakfast. During the rush. Yay.

With all good luck, I should have at least a story for you this afternoon. I don't know about the rant. It might not occur tomorrow, either, because physio and incoming spandek. The receipt for which I forgot in my bag. Whoops.

I hope a photo will do.

I also hope that they come on the Thursday like they said.

Food is here. Further updates as needed.

Thursday, The Quest For Spandek(tm)

It's an absolutely wonderful day to go on a Leyland's Tour to find, purchase, and haul a specifically wobbly sheet of metal homewards. By which I mean it's fucking raining.

I have a cyclone headache, digestive issues, my wrist hates me, my shoulder is in need of deep heat and a big burly massage, my feet are deciding whether or not they hate me, I'm constantly tired, and my right thumb has a glitch.

Recap: Last week, I turned a tap off

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Tuesday, Family Support and Maybe Patreon

I'm taking MeMum hither and thither today, fixing tech issues and helping with the shopping and so on. As a result, there may not be Patreon posts until tomorrow.

There's another embuggerance on top of the regular furforal... Mum's waiting for people to pick up some equipment loaned to help with the flood nonsense. So now we're waiting for those folks to turn up.

On the plus side, I have the time to write this blog, so yay.

I'll be working on

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Thursday, Crossed Wires and Running Around

I previously thought I was seeing my physio today. I checked my schedule and no. I'm seeing my physio tomorrow. Nevertheless, I have run out of stuff and things and I need to go on a supply run.

It's a long, long run. Here, there, an extra stop at Bunnings for some corrugated iron, and another stop at a chemist for a restock of some meds. Of course I'm getting the refrigeratables last.

The sheet of corrugated iron is going to be

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Tuesday, Grand Tech Expedition

Today, I help MeMum fight the forces of enshittification by securing her Kindle collection. And finding a way to purchase more ebooks without giving Bezos any more money. This will include instructions about how to transfer said ebooks to the Kindle.

I expect it's going to be a long day.

So I therefore suspect that I may not have time to get any of my expected offerings out onto the interwebs. If that happens, I'll have a grand catch-up session on

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Tuesday, Shopping PLNs

We need a few things, but I need to go to different places to get them. So I'm due for a Leyland's Tour today.

As soon as all the shops are open, of course.

My attempt to get the printer working was an outright failure. Hashtag, I tried.

But I also got all the buttons done, so my GameMaker time will be in placing them on the boards, and then learning how to make each function do what I want it to

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour Ahoy

Mum needs help with stuff so I'm on the road again. Yoiks and away.

[Which reminds me, I need to stop procrastinating on pitching my books at people. I have found another agency I can pitch at, so they get the book(s) the other ones aren't looking at. Diversity, baby]

I will attempt some minor jiggery-pokery in GameMaker to keep the streak going, tonight. After all the other offerings are done.

The sooner I have all the buttons going 'click', the

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Monday, Backup Reads and Leyland's Tour

The cats need food, I need to find a knee brace that will keep my kneecap in one firkin place.

The cloth ones are good for bad days, but one particular knee is doing things worse. I might ask about non-thermal knee sleeves while I'm there.

Australia's hot enough without thermal knee sleeves -_-

I tried the spicy sardines this morning, and they're not that bad. My fears of the spicy are dwindling.

When the reads end, I shall be offski

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Friday, Shopping Trip and Healing

Toe news: The antibiotics I'm on are working. The injury site is no longer reddened nor warm. Even the scabs are flaking off. My lung issues are also waning, and tomorrow evening is the time I take the last pill. Yay.

Today's PLNs include a trip to the DFO where they sell the best possible shoes at the best possible price. Thus leaving a little extra mad money.

I'm also making a start on bread, today. Baking it tomorrow.

I might even

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Monday, Luncheon Expedition

Word of warning: I have no idea if or when today's offerings will be out. I am BUSY until at least Boxing Day.

Today: Driving out to collect MeMum for a lunch with other relatives pre-crimbo. I also have to organise the kids into being presentable. Fun.
Tomorrow: Going to the doctor about my toes [more on this later] then dropping off a thing at Adorable's, then picking up MeMum for convenience purposes for the day after.
Christmas Day: Familial nonsense including

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Monday, Shenanigans ::Jazz Hands::

I woke tired this morning. Feeling wrung out, strung out, and maybe a smidgeon touch-starved. A hug has helped my emotional 'tanks'.

Started going on Max, and then had Mayhem turn up telling me it was time to take off. I'm back on Max as I speak. JUST ABOUT THREE HOURS LATER.

Because Mayhem applied for flexible hours and got them just as I was half an hour out. Ish. I then had to turn around, fetch Mayhem, and then drive home.

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Monday, Errands Ahoy

I don't have a story to share with the Archive today, and I need to get stuff and things at place. So therefore I am headed out to get all the things we need.

Might be a pinch, this week. Because I had to pay for my hair, because Beloved got an e-bike for the work commute. A necessary expenditure, true. But also a hecking expenditure. A needful dent in the wall of money between us and a true disaster.

I like

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Tuesday, Grand Run-Around Commence!

I'm trying to be as quick as possible on the blog entry this morrow. Why? Well... there's stuff happening today. Including:

  • Trip to MeMum's to set up her TV and remote situation
  • Which includes dragging Beloved along because I have no firkin clue how to do the thing
  • And that includes dropping Beloved off at the buss stop close to noonish so she can get back to the office because all she can swing is a half day
  • Huzzah
  • So I have
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Wednesday, Run-Around and Forget-A-Lot

I wuzgunna post my Patreon shit on Monday, and then I forgot. I wuzgunna catch up, yesterday. Then I forgot. I hope to get my Patreon stuff posted today.


  • I'm driving Mayhem to work, all things being good
  • I need to do a grocery run
  • I have a dentist's appointment
  • And terribad asthma
  • AND I'm baking bread today

I have over-extended so everything offering-oriented will be happening at a weird pace.

I'm doing my stretchies and will post this blog after

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Monday. No stream today because death cough

I'm not dying, I'm just doing a very good impersonation of the last act of Camille or Carmen Buranda. I'm currently taking a dose on Max and I need to go shopping because the cats need more food.

Fun times ahead.

I thought I had more cat food than I do, so it's an emergency run for assorted things. So there's a significant chance I won't be back before stream time. Which is why no stream today.

I may do stream tomorrow.

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