Leyland's Tour

A 60-post collection

Tuesday, Shopping PLNs

We need a few things, but I need to go to different places to get them. So I'm due for a Leyland's Tour today.

As soon as all the shops are open, of course.

My attempt to get the printer working was an outright failure. Hashtag, I tried.

But I also got all the buttons done, so my GameMaker time will be in placing them on the boards, and then learning how to make each function do what I want it to do.


That's going to take a while. Same with figuring out how to make it a web app.

I will be chronicling my progress as soon as I have something worth sharing. Currently, the buttons go 'click' and the whole thing crashes because function existence failure.

I will be learning how to do pop-up text, so the default placekeeper will be a pop-up that goes, "Whoops. This button hasn't been coded yet!"

That's the current pln.

Offerings soon.

Tuesday, Leyland's Tour Ahoy

Mum needs help with stuff so I'm on the road again. Yoiks and away.

[Which reminds me, I need to stop procrastinating on pitching my books at people. I have found another agency I can pitch at, so they get the book(s) the other ones aren't looking at. Diversity, baby]

I will attempt some minor jiggery-pokery in GameMaker to keep the streak going, tonight. After all the other offerings are done.

The sooner I have all the buttons going 'click', the

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Monday, Backup Reads and Leyland's Tour

The cats need food, I need to find a knee brace that will keep my kneecap in one firkin place.

The cloth ones are good for bad days, but one particular knee is doing things worse. I might ask about non-thermal knee sleeves while I'm there.

Australia's hot enough without thermal knee sleeves -_-

I tried the spicy sardines this morning, and they're not that bad. My fears of the spicy are dwindling.

When the reads end, I shall be offski

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Friday, Shopping Trip and Healing

Toe news: The antibiotics I'm on are working. The injury site is no longer reddened nor warm. Even the scabs are flaking off. My lung issues are also waning, and tomorrow evening is the time I take the last pill. Yay.

Today's PLNs include a trip to the DFO where they sell the best possible shoes at the best possible price. Thus leaving a little extra mad money.

I'm also making a start on bread, today. Baking it tomorrow.

I might even

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Monday, Luncheon Expedition

Word of warning: I have no idea if or when today's offerings will be out. I am BUSY until at least Boxing Day.

Today: Driving out to collect MeMum for a lunch with other relatives pre-crimbo. I also have to organise the kids into being presentable. Fun.
Tomorrow: Going to the doctor about my toes [more on this later] then dropping off a thing at Adorable's, then picking up MeMum for convenience purposes for the day after.
Christmas Day: Familial nonsense including

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Monday, Shenanigans ::Jazz Hands::

I woke tired this morning. Feeling wrung out, strung out, and maybe a smidgeon touch-starved. A hug has helped my emotional 'tanks'.

Started going on Max, and then had Mayhem turn up telling me it was time to take off. I'm back on Max as I speak. JUST ABOUT THREE HOURS LATER.

Because Mayhem applied for flexible hours and got them just as I was half an hour out. Ish. I then had to turn around, fetch Mayhem, and then drive home.

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Monday, Errands Ahoy

I don't have a story to share with the Archive today, and I need to get stuff and things at place. So therefore I am headed out to get all the things we need.

Might be a pinch, this week. Because I had to pay for my hair, because Beloved got an e-bike for the work commute. A necessary expenditure, true. But also a hecking expenditure. A needful dent in the wall of money between us and a true disaster.

I like

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Tuesday, Grand Run-Around Commence!

I'm trying to be as quick as possible on the blog entry this morrow. Why? Well... there's stuff happening today. Including:

  • Trip to MeMum's to set up her TV and remote situation
  • Which includes dragging Beloved along because I have no firkin clue how to do the thing
  • And that includes dropping Beloved off at the buss stop close to noonish so she can get back to the office because all she can swing is a half day
  • Huzzah
  • So I have
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Wednesday, Run-Around and Forget-A-Lot

I wuzgunna post my Patreon shit on Monday, and then I forgot. I wuzgunna catch up, yesterday. Then I forgot. I hope to get my Patreon stuff posted today.


  • I'm driving Mayhem to work, all things being good
  • I need to do a grocery run
  • I have a dentist's appointment
  • And terribad asthma
  • AND I'm baking bread today

I have over-extended so everything offering-oriented will be happening at a weird pace.

I'm doing my stretchies and will post this blog after

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Monday. No stream today because death cough

I'm not dying, I'm just doing a very good impersonation of the last act of Camille or Carmen Buranda. I'm currently taking a dose on Max and I need to go shopping because the cats need more food.

Fun times ahead.

I thought I had more cat food than I do, so it's an emergency run for assorted things. So there's a significant chance I won't be back before stream time. Which is why no stream today.

I may do stream tomorrow.

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Wednesday, Leyland's Tour and Rant Incoming

So here's the PLN:

  1. I do my stretchies because it's 4AM and I have the time
  2. I feed the cats [Most important!]
  3. I get dressed and strap on my knees
  4. I torture my feet
  5. I pack up my pills in a small container
  6. I haul my sorry butt off to MeMum's for an extended pickup relay and technotutorial-slash-unfucking session
  7. Haul myself home for the daily offerings.

I PLN on working on today's rant whilst out and about, thus lightening my load when

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Wednesday: Some Fun Now

Oh man oh boy howdy, I have me a LEYLAND'S TOUR!

I launch after midday to get my Rona Jab update, then take off from there to get Mayhem to APM for his thing. On the way back, there's shopping to do. I pln on hitting Golden Circle Factory Outlet, Aldi, and Woolies. Possibly in that order.

So I only have a couple of hours to get my offerings out.

I'm moving as lickety-darn-split as I can, but the rant will likely

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Wednesday: Leyland's Tour Electric Boogaloo

I'm doing a tech support run-around for MeMum today, and to add complications, this was one of those days where I've had...

Fucking Sleep Issues(tm)!

Yep. Came over all tired from shenanigans yesterday [my main compy is officially unfucked now yay] and went to bed super early.

Which means I achieved consciousness in the wee small hours of this morning. On one hand - more hours to do my stretchies. On the other... I'm guaranteed to want an early night tonight.

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Monday, No Backups and Shenanigans

The backup reads are not happening this week, so I want to go out shopping for essential things. Including my new specs. I'll be getting those first.

But before that, I have to finish my stretchies and torment my falling arches. And feed the cats in the process. The most important thing I do every day. Just ask the cats.

I remember thinking once that I had some economic freedom at long last. That I could just go and get whatever I

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Tuesday, PLNs in Motion

I have a couple of Leyland's Tours in the barrel. Today, after I finish my daily doses, I take off and get shopping done.

I also have to ring the people who service our sullage system and let them know that they can actually reach the machine.

Making phone calls. My kryptonite.

Still, I braved up and did it. Yay me.

Tomorrow, I am taking Mayhem with me to help MeMum with assorted shenanigans that also involve heavy lifting. Huzzah. Part of

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