
A 59-post collection


MeMum's compy has been going do-lally and not behaving according to wants. And there was mention of clicking a pop-up... which might mean virii have been installed.

But then again, MeMum is legendary with technological incompetence, and could not properly install the last virus. For all I know, everything is (a) hunky, (b) dory, and, (c) not plugged in properly (again).

Nevertheless, I am installing a damn add blocker. I know some good ones. And so does Beloved.

The little darlings have both submitted offerings of hand-made cards to celebrate Father's Day. We never got the chance to go shopping because illness and busy. And some folks are kind'a hard to shop for.

Today is going to be the third weekend in a row when we're run off our feet for varying reasons. And since I'm still not over the last stages of this damn virus, I fully expect to be wiped out for the evening. And possibly tomorrow.

Bloody virii.

I overdid it yesterday

I'm still not over this blasted bug, but I'm over enough to think that I can get back to healthy life.

In this case - it was a trip to the local shops to replace some foods and obtain a new potato chipper. You know the ones. The grid of blades that you feet spuds through and turn them into chips.

I was planning to use it on carrots, but that's not the story.

One trip to Woolies and one mall-crawl that

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It's one of my fave acronyms when things go agley to the point of explosive frustration. And this morning has definitely been GFDI material.

I discovered this morning that the love of my life had not acquired their 'Flu shot this year. And apparently the fact that the entire family caught a virus was enough to convince them that this year's 'Flu shots are a crock of crap.

Which meant that I had to spend some time quietly explaining the science behind

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O Chaos

The reason why I am so late getting today's content to you runs... long and complicated. So I shall attempt to summarise...

  1. Mayhem was sick, last night
  2. Leading me to make an appointment with the doctors as soon as I could because new policies are coming into place
  3. Beloved's car was in repairs and I did not know this until it was time to go delivering little darlings to their respective destinations
  4. Beloved's car rescue was happening at the same time as
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Passing for normal

My health is back up to baseline. Yay. I can finally stop procrastinating on the things I really should have done days ago.

For instance, I booked my little darlings and I an appointment to get stuck in the arm with a sharp stick. And since it's vaccinate or die when it comes to the flu shots, for me, I choose vaccinate.

Please vaccinate yourself, your little darlings, and push everyone you know to get jabs. It helps protect people like me

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I feel... not yet fantastic

Throwing off lurgi is easier with ginger and rest. It's day three of feeling awful, and I'm almost back up to my base levels.

At least I have an appetite, now.

Which means that I can go ahead with booking the flu jabs for the family. Which means the dreaded phone call because the health app won't let you do multiple bookings.

On the downside, there is something wrong with the rig I had thought was recharging my laptop and investigation needs

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There go my pants...

My best-laid plans to get a proper pair of jeans have gang aft agley, and there is a hole in my last pair of pants, and my unprotected skin is peeking through.

Which means I have to go and spend money ahead of the time when we can completely afford it.

Curse planned obsolescence to the five hells.

But I am definitely going to get the pants that are cheap, well-made, and have decent fucking pockets. Which means I shall be shopping

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Damn it...

I've been meaning to get the Flu shot for a few days, now. Scheduling and my own scattered brain have frequently got in the way. And now it might be verging on too late because I think I'm getting a lurgi.

Scratchy throat, general feeling of nausea, mild aches that could also be me growing old. And a constant feeling of fullness that is in direct conflict with the fact that I have not eaten very much at all.

Seriously. I had

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Thank you for your suggestion, but...

About a week ago, MeMum suggested that I should have breakfast before I go on my daily walk. Apparently it's supposed to help boost my metabolism and burn fat and thereby assist in losing weight.

It hasn't been that effective because I sit at my computer and browse Tumblr whilst I ingest. Because multi-tasking is a habit that's more or less expected, these days.

And once I'm done with breakfast, I automatically get started on my blog, story, and where applicable, my

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Print crazy

Many of you probably don't remember the first time you got a printer. I do. Of course, this was before I found out what the internet was, but the ability to make copies of things, or even print out stuff on demand? It was like magic.

I'm pretty sure I did more damage to the rainforests of the world with my first printer than I have throughout the rest of my life. Heck, I even printed and bound a "book" of sorts,

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Progress and setbacks

I hit the 92 zone, this morning. 92.6 kilos. On one hand - hooray, I'm losing weight and that should be good for me. On the other - boo, the corset I have is now too big. And I have no idea where to get cheap and comfy corset stuffing.

I have got in contact with the corset people to see if I can swap it out for the same style in one size down. Fingers crossed that it won't break

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The blockage in my lungs is not preventing me from getting air, apparently. I've been taking the nebuliser to little or no actual effect. And certainly zero relief.

I couldn't sleep because of the blockage. It's a struggle to breathe in. So, long about midnight, we had the home service doctors swing on by and take a look at me. That's how I know my asthma meds are working, even though it feels like some invisible python is crushing my windpipe. Or

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Zip ties and superglue solve lots of problems

...but not the one where I have to spend a lot of money to keep breathing.

Beloved and I restocked my medication stores, yesterday. It was quite the shopping list:

  • Ventolin nebules
  • Atrovent nebules
  • Magnesium tablets
  • Olive leaf extract tablets [I refuse to take the liquid, it is gut-wrenchingly gross]
  • Vitamin C
  • Probiotics
  • Cough syrup of the expectorant variety
  • Herbal anti-anxiety stuff

And a few items of sundry miscellany that were neither here or there. Now... how much would you expect to

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Why do I hurt myself?

I could not get to sleep, last night. I thought I was anxious about getting my cosplay together, but it turns out I was having a Clayton's asthma attack.

Clayton's(adj): The thing you have when you're not having a thing.

In my case, it's not realising I'm having an asthma attack until I look at my fingernails [instead of glance at them] and say, "Holy fuck, those are purple!"

I was probably one very bad night away from full-blown cyanosis. And

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Day four of pre-hydration

OK so yesterday, I didn't weigh myself and I had what some might call some bad choices for my meals.

Pre-hydration - drinking about half a litre of water before meals - seems to work its best when one can do so before every meal.

I skipped out on lunch's water, yesterday, and it kinda shows.

I'm back up above the 95 kilo mark. BUT, I'm not back up to my previous level of stagnation, so that has to be something. I

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