Ko-fi donationsBuy Me a Coffee

Game Nite

A 77-post collection

Sunday, Game Nights and Interesting PLNs

I need to get more supplies for the fam. I actually left the house to get meds, today. Considering the backup reads, the plans with Beloved for Tuesday... and some in-fam tech issues... I'm going to be a busy bean this coming week.

Fun times.

I have my second loaf in the incubator and baking today. Yay. I forgot to turn on the incubator so I have to add another hour after the current timer runs out.


One more hour into the loafing around isn't that bad.

If I do my supply run on Tuesday, I can still get changed and ready for the first date night in WAY-too-long. Of course, all the expected stuff will be significantly delayed.

Trying to do everything is... eep.

I should have learned to juggle.

Sunday, Game Night and Bread

I am going to have a long day. Because I need to make bread.

I can't put it to rest in the fridge until it's done with the fourth fold, and there's six hours after the starter's done incubating. Which takes four hours. So that's ten hours hence. More or less.

I'm getting to bed closer to midnight. Yikes.

At least I had a nap after VTTRPG.

We have a new player - who got bit by the newly werebat Kobold Rogue.

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Sunday, Game Night and Chill

Fun was had with my international maniacs, early this AM, and I am much better for a nap afterwards. The PLN for today is to grab screencaps and seek help for the "brackets issue" in GameMaker.

After the usual offerings, of course.

I am starting to recognise that the physio is getting my painful heels to behave themselves, so now I'm invested in doing all the physio things.

The rest of my day is reserved for time to chillax. Which means that

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Sunday, Game Night and Shenanigans

I now possess all the things necessary to make the new bread cutter guide thing. Now all I need is the time and the energy to put it together. I have half the buttons added to GameMaker and I'm about to add the rest into the system.

Then I study up about heritable stuff. Groups and subgroups if available.

Since little enough time is left in today, I think the programming stuff may happen tomorrow. Between bread folding sessions.

Oh yeah. I'm

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Sunday, Game Night Accomplished

It was a fun one, this morning. Lots of laughs, a few bits of strategy. More than one fuckup on my account. But the important thing is lots and lots of laughs.

I've had a good lie in this morning, so this afternoon is devoted to my offerings and then unriddling what's going wrong with my updates.

That promises to be "fun".

But for now, I get a wriggle on with everything you expect to see.

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Sunday, Sesh Done and Shopping PLNs

Beloved has a fridge in her rental car, so there will be Crimbo prawns. Huzzah.

I do love Crimbo prawns :D

As soon as I finish this blog entry, I'm offski again to acquire more last-minute things. The good news is that my hand-baked presents are wrapped and ready for delivery. Secure from assault from local predators and cat hair. Hooray.

I shall get to today's offerings when I'm done with the last-minute shuffle.

As for the session... My players were all

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Sunday, Stream and Games

Ran a game in the wee small hours of this morning. Due to be running in a game sometime after darkness has crawled over the land.

I've had a really good long rest, I somehow acquired a cyclone headache. I took my painkillers, and I'm still waiting for them to kick in.

So the offerings shall occur, and I hope to heck that I do them quick enough to have fun in between now and then.

Onwards to the nonsense.

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Saturday, Parkrun, Game Night, and Time Zones

I'm getting up an hour earlier because daylight savings in Europe. I just got back from both parkrun and a Leyland's Tour.

I really need to hurry through my offerings so I can get a proper rest because waking up at 2 fucking AM to run a VTTRPG sesh for four hours.

I am going to be firkin useless tomorrow. Be warned.

My workload for the foreseeable future includes:

  • Working on the summary for Beauties
  • Collating the Advance Reader Copy for book
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Sunday, Game Night and Expenses

I forgot to check my alarms this morning -_- Bleh. Still managed to get a game sesh on for my international peeps.

The cats are now fed, and I am currently watching the Foundry until it's time to my story stream.

The rest of my day is for offerings and other shenanigans. Including working out the schedule for the rainbow crowd game night henceforth.

Whee fun.

I might even have time to fix my "evil" playthrough in BG3. Or I might

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Sunday, Games and Streams and Fun Times

We're back into the game and, after some MONDO dicking around, the crew got into some PLOT!

Fenri has a surprise sister. Fiver's found her kid that she forgot she had, and both of them and the asshole that killed Fiver's lover are in a carnival in the thrall of an Archfey.

And I threw Marvellous Magical Marvin in there too. For the lols.

I have to make up a bunch of intelligent attractions that are also in the thrall of a

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Saturday, Parkrun and Impending Panic

I am waking up early tomorrow morning, and it looks like the rainbow crowd is having a game night tonight.


I shall probably end up spending a lot of my weekend asleep, this time around.

I don't expect a lot of extracurricular activities until after Monday.

I shall get my offerings done, maybe play a bit of Baldur's Gate 3, and then catch a napnap before tonights game.

I'm going to check that it's really on before committing to being awake

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Thursday, Aftermaths and Twofer Day

We busted our voices singing the Greatest Hits of Queen among other songs, I consumed WAAAAYYY too much sugar. Great bonding experience all around.

For a majority of yesterday, it was Hurry-Up-And-Wait. Followed by Go-Places-And-Do-Things. So I didn't get many of my offerings out yesterday.

Plus, when I am roaming around the place with the security blanket lappy, my brain goes on "Must write book" mode.

Eh, at least I got some extra verbiage done.

Chapter Count: 3/5ths through Chapter 300.

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Saturday, Parkrun and Game PLNs

Whoopsydoodles, I forgot to work on the blog before setting off towards today's story.

Successful parkrun, today. Beloved walked, and had to slow down because OW, fractured arm. She didn't take her sling, which she still needs when doing a lot of moving about.

Derp de derp derp, my love.

Something we will remember for the next time.

We have to wrap that lovely lady in cotton wool.

The three of us managed to get Miss Chaos moving faster than a taffy-esque

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Thursday, Cyclone Headache and Game Nite

I awoke with a cyclone headache, which is still persisting despite the painkillers I took with my coffee. It's VTTRPG [Virtual Table Top Role Playing Game] night and the further adventures of the chaos crew are bound to contain lots more dicking around.

We spent at least half of last sesh adapting to the new Owlbear, and this is the crew that takes two hours to cross a bridge.

We have fun.

The painkillers are starting to make my head fade from

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