Another internet has been won.

Another internet has been won.
Never stops to be thanked
[Reblogging to show MeMum]
The OP has not only won an internet, and unlimited cookies, but also the dubious honour of me nicking their idea wholesale for an impending fanfic.
I want to have a pair of portable speakers that hook up with my iPhone 4.
And on the stroke of midnight…
I will walk the darkened streets with the speakers (and phone) over my head blasting “Still Alive” on loop until someone either gets the joke or makes me stop.
[But I’ll probably sleep through it, alas.]
Read more »Better Be Meta: writingkills:Writer: I’ve planned and plotted this novel. I know...
Writer: I've planned and plotted this novel. I know what's going to happen, and I know my characters like the back of my hand.
Main character: Lol no
Writer: What - what are you doing. You aren't supposed to do that.
Main character: wanna do it
Side character: hey you…
Reblogging for total GPOY
Read more »I have an in-joke with my progeny we call “the Fartarsing Competition” which is generally aimed at any kind of road-building activity that’s mostly inactivity designed to impede traffic flow for months on end. You know. Road works.
On our way home from an outing, today, I decided to narrate the local crew allegedly doing something in regards to drainage.
Me: [Bad David Attenborough impression] “We now join the inaction in progress. I see five gentlemen standing
Read more »It was suggested to me by a brilliant friend that this version might be better. Enjoy Oompa Mitt!
Reblogging for MeMum… And the lols.
Me, when I decide to quit fiddling around on the iPad and get back to work on my writing.Read more »Enough fartarsing around. Time for some professional fartarsing around!
Every now and again, I come up with rules that my country seems to follow.
This is one of them.
If a vessel is left alone for any significant portion of time, it will have a spider in it.
Read more »It’s the Tumblr bestiary and it’s right under the cut.
I’ve noticed a few trends with Tumblr of late, and these are the three that get on my pecs the most.
This blogger used to say insightful things. Or post lots of images that just plain made your day. You scoped out their whole blog, which was also loaded with insightful wisdom. For a few weeks, your life is made better by their insights.
Read more »…specifically in the area of sexual harassment.
I’ve been meddling with the idea for a few weeks, what with all the oppression stuff on my dash lately. It does require like-minded ladies to gang up for the duration.
It basically goes: (1) Pick a local-area douchebag (2) Literally treat him like a piece of meat.
On to the juicy details…
Come up with meat-related terms of endearment [eg: “cutlet”, “sausage”, “prime rib”
Read more »Some say it’s the end of the world. Some say it’s a new beginning. I like the latter. Namely, because people of all kidneys have been predicting the end of the world since time immemorial and not one of them got it right.
So. Here’s a few of my predictions for that particular day.
1) Squid-all nothing/business as usual. Yup. It’s going to be just another day when the world didn’t
Read more »Biting the hand that feeds it.
I’m not naming names, but anyone who follows Slashdot knows that a very big publishing corporation is suing an author for contractual violations. Her violation? Taking a completely different book to get published on Amazon.
Sure $20000 is a relatively small steak, but the big stakes here are authors leaving the publishing corp’s for nicer pastures. The publishers know this, but instead of going after Amazon, another big company that can afford
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