Has this been done already?
I played a game with myself called “how ridiculous can I make their faces before I realize it’s time to go to bed?” 10/10 would recommend.
I love the entire rainbow of crap out of this comic

Has this been done already?
I played a game with myself called “how ridiculous can I make their faces before I realize it’s time to go to bed?” 10/10 would recommend.
I love the entire rainbow of crap out of this comic
Me in a nutshell :) Except for the wanting to quit part.
“Her eyes are up there, pal.”
I did it. I created humanised pony art.
Why I did this:
I’ve been browsing the internet fan art scene for a while and the humanised portraits are either porn or of little girls. I’ve also been thinking about what they’d really be like if they were people.
Fluttershy is shy for a reason. Amongst other cruelties like not finding her talent until she was expelled from her
Read more »Biting the hand that feeds it.
I’m not naming names, but anyone who follows Slashdot knows that a very big publishing corporation is suing an author for contractual violations. Her violation? Taking a completely different book to get published on Amazon.
Sure $20000 is a relatively small steak, but the big stakes here are authors leaving the publishing corp’s for nicer pastures. The publishers know this, but instead of going after Amazon, another big company that can afford
Read more »Here, I tried to encapsulate what’s wrong with the economy as well as why folks who buy from corporations are protesting corporations. (Like there’s a viable alternative to buying from corporations…)
I think I nearly sprained my hand drawing this. I have teh fail. [Again, click the pic for the HUGE version]
Less words typed == more time to rest my poor wrists.
I think the scribble here pretty much says it all :) [Click for the HUGE version]