If it isn’t poisonous, it’s venomous.
If it isn’t venomous, it’s hostile.
If it isn’t hostile, it can still rip your shit if you piss it off.
Just… don’t approach our shy and retiring wildlife without full plate armour. You’ll be safer that way.
If it isn’t poisonous, it’s venomous.
If it isn’t venomous, it’s hostile.
If it isn’t hostile, it can still rip your shit if you piss it off.
Just… don’t approach our shy and retiring wildlife without full plate armour. You’ll be safer that way.
Morning makeup
The girl who The Spine was asking out for a cup of tea… works in a tea shop.
And he’s been seeing her when she’s working.
Read more »Analysing the work of someone still living always runs the risk of “No, that’s not what I meant at all”
Page twenty. Not bad. Especially considering that she’d written it strictly for academia and not for the national newspapers. Her analysis of Hartnell’s greater literary works was getting a lot more notice than she had ever hoped for.
The phone rang. Of course she answered it.
“Hello,” said the voice on the
Read more »very fucking punny you shits
Reblogging for Da
I want this as an internet filter. Yesterday. Especially on news sites.
Some genius make it happen
Read more »Only thing I’m worried about pulling off is my earrings ‘cause we’re fighting bitch
lol classic :D
Rebloggin for teh lolz
a cat walks into a bar
One for my Da ‘cause he loves horrible jokes like this.
Read more »Hejibits [website | tumblr | shop]
[h/t: tastefullyoffensive]
Bad pun is bad.
So of course I’m reblogging it for MeMum to see :)
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by Buttersafe [website | twitter | facebook]
Reblogging for MeMum because sheep.