They grow up so fast…
adventures in SPACE
excuse me this rules

They grow up so fast…
adventures in SPACE
excuse me this rules
Steven gets captured by peridot
*not shown* peridot gettin squashed by the gems
all you can eat pasta dinner at my place
At last! A way to make someone eat an entire bowl of dicks.
Indiana is becoming sort of relevant for all the worst reasons. Congratulations.
Read more »here’s a webpageCall your MP to show and explain your disgust.explaining how you can contact your mpalso this website tells you who your mp is and lets you write to them directly
Read more »Fun Story: My director kept telling me and my tenor sax buddy to play softer. No matter what we did, it wasn’t soft enough for him. So getting frustrated, I told my buddy “Dont play this time. Just fake it”
Our Band Director then informed us we sounded perfect.
To my readers: “p” means quiet, “pp” means really quiet. I’ve never seen “pppp” before haha.
On the contrast, “f” means loud, and “ffff”
Tony Abbott could be about to sign away the right to make our own laws.
We don’t have long to stop this.
Fucking Scabbott’s at it again.
Sign. Try to stop this shit. And encourage every Australian you know to not vote for this guy ever again.
Read more »We were bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.
Read more »Boredom led U.S. teens to kill Australian man for ‘fun of it’
So … I’ll just go ahead and assume this horrible incident isn’t going to kick off a serious discussion on the ubiquity of guns in this country. In fact, I’m going to assume that very few people will even mention that these bored teens probably wouldn’t have killed anyone if
a cat walks into a bar
One for my Da ‘cause he loves horrible jokes like this.
Read more »This is why we can't have nice things!
Follow the link in the title to see a shocking exhibit of the most self-entitled douchebros on Twitter. It’s horrible.
That right there? That’s why we need feminism.
Not one of these knob-heads thought for one instant about her thoughts and feelings throughout the entire ordeal. And believe me, it’s an ordeal. I should know, and so should anyone else who’s even thought they found a
Read more »Funniest Patrick Derelle to date.
I like entertainment as much as anyone else, but I’m afraid I’m getting very jaded. Possibly more so now than ever as I round the horn into middle age and everything available just looks increasingly like More of the Same.
I objected to Big Brother when it was new. To my eyes, reality television is neither reality nor television. Just like white chocolate is neither white nor chocolate.
Anyway, onwards to my actual point.
I have, until recently,
Read more »Patent on breast cancer upheld
So… if you have breast cancer, do these dillholes now own your disease? Or just your boobs?
Can they claim you as a dependant, or sue you for copyright infringement?
Is there any possible way to make them responsible for your medical care?
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