What The Hell America?

A 1-post collection

We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.

We were bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.

Boredom led U.S. teens to kill Australian man for ‘fun of it’

So … I’ll just go ahead and assume this horrible incident isn’t going to kick off a serious discussion on the ubiquity of guns in this country. In fact, I’m going to assume that very few people will even mention that these bored teens probably wouldn’t have killed anyone if they didn’t have a gun ready to hand.

HT: Matt Langdon.

(via kohenari)




I’m not going to go on a gun control rant, because these sick little fucks could have easily chosen knives, baseball bats, or half-bricks in socks.

I’d much rather rant about how killing someone can be something to do when you’re bored.

How the shit does that work?