Disorganised Today - Datorganised Tomorrow

A 77-post collection

Friday, Unfucking, PLN'd Delays, and Disorganisation

I cleaned out the catio, evicted a wasp nest, and ferried Mayhem to the train. Not in that order.

I am juggling timelines so that I won't be spending all my free hours with Beloved being diverted by bread.

It does mean that I have to ration the remaining chia bread to last me until Monday. Where I will be reasonably free to mess around with the jiggery-pokery involved.

Two days' worth, true, but also stuff I can work on during other stuff.

And if I want my bread to last a little while, I also need to keep the rest of the fam in cheap white loaves. Argh. On the other hand, I also have more than enough flour to work with for the second half of the pay cycle.

I've already figured it out. I can have one batch of dough being prepared while the one I made the day before is being prepared. I just need to make sure my identical bowls are free for the splitting.

Or make sure I have a second set of identical bowls. [I have glass ones, but... glass. It has its own hazards.]

A five-dollar investment could plausibly have me baking bread every day. With the slight downside of... baking every day.

At least until the fam tires of my bread.

Offerings soon. Game time tonight. Cuddles with Beloved tomorrow.

Tuesday, Patreon and Sundry PLNs

I'm in the procrasti-nation this week. Just started working on the entry for the Foundry. I have NO idea where I'm going for the All Hallow's Read.

All going well, I get some quality time with Beloved tonight and tomorrow.

That's the highlight of the week, if I must be honest.

I have sore wrists this morning, so I shall be longer about my nonsense than usual.

Trying to finish up the Foundry entry before I get on with the rest of

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Friday, PLNs to be Busy

Cake for breakfast is one of the better perks of a birthday week. The cake is running out and should be out of temptation range very soon to now.

I'm not weighing myself until after the cake is gone. That just makes sense.

I'm going to do all the other things I normally do and repeat trying to make myself doing all the things I despise doing.

AKA: Summarising my dang books.

I'm going to save Rael for a rewrite. I got

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Monday, Disorganised Today...

I need to draw a duck. I need to write at least one chapter.

Just so I have content for my Patrons.

Because Tale Foundry cancelled, I don't have a story for them. Though I do have something for a different writing contest. I just need to double-check the limits and cook up anything extra if necessary.

I might add the extra anyway because I do have some spare ideas to add for the fun of it. And because I know I

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Monday, Ongoing PLNs

I have to go fix a dungeon map because what I believed to be a rendering error was not quite the rendering error I thought it was. Fun times ahead there. But there is the Wall Tool and it will do what I want it to. Draw a firkin wall where I wanted a wall all along.


I shall get on with today's tale, do the Tale Foundry reads and then get on with fixing the issues I gave myself. As

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Thursday, Wise Words of Bullwinkle

Every now and again, things fuck up SO greatly that the only recourse is to start all over again. With the wisest words of Bullwinkle J. Moose:

This time fer sure!

Today is one of those days. Allow me to elaborate...

  1. Saturday 10th: Beloved and I do the Park Run. Since the only available vehicle was my zippy little car, Beloved took the key fob that would allow it to stay locked.
  2. Said key fob was returned to me when we got
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Tuesday, Patreon, Lining Things Up

Guy Councilman1 came by to see what the hell was up with the sullage system and I was able to float my idea for a permanent sullage garden. Turns out that those plns will involve different stuff to the things we already paid money for.

There's going to be a trench to dig and different pipes and different sprinklers and it's going to CO$T so part of getting that all together is going to be negotiating payment rates. Yaaaayyy...


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Wednesday, Continuing Shenanigans

I have individuated thirty chapters for Mum's ease of access and... she can't access them for some reason -_- fml...

I asked her what she meant by "it won't Expand" but there was no indication about that from her. Fun stuff. I might find out at a later hour. I might have to go there and find out in person.

Not tomorrow, since I am helping Beloved with funerary arrangements and doing the whole prop-up and support thing. I shall be

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Saturday, Absolute Chaos!

Beloved initially had PLNs to take most of the fam to Scenic Coominya for the benefit of Capt S. BUT Miss Chaos has a hair appointment and I firkin need sleep in order to function.

Therefore Beloved has elected to only ask KIABIL if he wants to come along and is leaving Mayhem at home. She may be alone on the journey. I hope not.

Today should be the day that one annoyance gets dealt with. Hopefully permanently.

As for tonight... Beloved

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Friday, Organisations

So my news feed this morning has an Anti-Vaxxer trying to open a PLANE DOOR in the middle of a firkin flight. Apparently this numpty wanted people to record him going off about vaccine mandates.





The good news is that airline has banned him for life and he may yet end up on a no-fly list. Sucks to be him I guess.

My PLNs today include the usuals, and may or may not get completed.

  • OPEP sessions
  • Dungeon
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Long Monday, Disorganised today...

Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are apparently running the world. Ugh. I'm just waiting for it to bite some bums to be honest. I just hope they're not my bum.

I just played four hours of D&D that included familiaris interruptus [aka when the fam interrupts gameplay] and virus interruptus [aka: coughs and sneezies interrupting everything]. Fun stuff. Typical for an in-the-flesh game, too.

I'm going to do my story and attempt to stay awake until

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Thursday, Day 0, Procrastination

Plague news:

  • 19 932 new cases
  • 89 638 total active cases
  • 835 hospitalisations
  • 52 in the ICU
  • and 11 new deaths
  • 6 318 total cases in First Nations people

Vax news:

  • 321 959 national doses
  • 60 746 Qld doses
  • 9 090 ACT doses
  • 101 572 NSW doses
  • 3 166 NT doses
  • 23 491 SA doses
  • 6 370 Tas doses
  • 76 918 Vic doses
  • 40 606 WA doses

I have just today realised that I've skipped out on editing my novel or my

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Thursday, Day 0, Sdrawkcab!

Plague news:

  • 22 069 new cases
  • 130 947 total active cases
  • 555 hospitalisations
  • 30 in the ICU

Vax news:

  • 327 415 new doses nationally
  • 72 952 new doses in Queensland
  • I want the infographic back, damnit

I messed up and posted my stories (a) backwards, and (b) before the blog update today. While I could go fix it, it's too much of a pain in the arse with my current brain fog. Please forgive.

Still in my TTD list is:

  • Build more
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Thursday, Day 0, Organised? Pls?

Plague news: One new case, an import. There's fourteen total active cases, twelve are in hospital. Australia's at 90.9% first vax, 83.9% fully vaxxed. Queensland is tied with WA for last in the race to get jabbed; at 83% first vax, and 71.6% fully vaxxed.

Queensland's borders are open. Yay?

BUT more importantly, Beloved is one year older this very day. Merry birthmas, Beloved. May you get everything you need.

I gotta show her a good time tonight. Or

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Thursday, Day 2, Frustration

Plague News: no new cases! There's twelve total active cases, all of them are in hospital. The government source on the vax news hasn't updated since November 1 for some reason. News.com doesn't have any information for me either. Dangit.

My internet is absolute BULLSHIT today so it may render working on TaleSpire moot. If it does, I'll probably be attempting to entertain myself - aka writing a lot. Anything that needs internet to work is going to SUCK.

I'm doing

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