
A 56-post collection

Challenge #04445-L061: Deathworlder Health and Maintenance

"Human, you said water boils at 100 degrees Fahrenheit?"


"And your fever is almost 102."


"Why are you not boiling in your on flesh?"

It feels like it, but our bodies are stronger than that, and it's what kills viruses the fastest. When it comes to kill or cure? Nothing beats our immune systems. -- Fighting Fit

Companion Kank boggled at the Ships' Human. "What did you do before advanced medical intervention?"

"Aw come on. I'm not in a lot of danger until I'm above a hundred and five. For this? We were doing pretty much what we're doing now. Keep up the fluids, get plenty of rest, and have someone monitoring the situation." Human Steev waved to Medik Brok, who rolled their eyes.

"I'm still of the opinion you could survive a direct nuclear strike and shrug it off," said Brok.

Human Steev laughed. "You're worried about me," they singsonged. "You don't have to, Kank. I'll be fine. Water starts to boil at a hundred Fahrenheit. That's only thirty-eight celcius. Not that bad compared to one hundred celcius, which is two hundred and twelve in the old freedom units."

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Challenge #04441-L057: Do Not the Humans

This group of idiotic deathworlders did not listen when the Alliance warned them not to harass the humans. Why do some people have to learn the hard way? -- Anon Guest

"Listen," said the AI guide. "You're big tough Deathworlders, and wish to prove it. There's other Deathworlders, here, and the temptation is very strong to test how Deathworlder they all are. There's arenas for that."

The tourist group grumbled a little, but seemed to accept the limit on their usual behaviour.

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Challenge #04424-L040: Extremes of Limits

They did not believe humans could survive such extremes of temperatures when no other species could. The humans, for their part, considered it no worse than doing a polar bear plunge, and then jumping into a hot tub afterward. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I've heard of people rolling around in the snow after a sauna, not the other one. I'm sure it's "bracing"]

Seeing things like this, it's easy to believe that they're Deathworlders. The survivors of the volcanic cataclysm were sheltering

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Challenge #04411-L027: Bedtime For the Deathworlder

I can't sleep well no matter what I do. Even medicine doesn't help half the time. Can you please help me think of a way to get some rest? -- Anon Guest

Companion Throk could clearly see the shadows under Human Zyr's eyes. She could detect the slump in Zyr's shoulders and the slowness of their movements. She was worried. "Human Zyr... are you suffering another sickness?"

"No, I just had a rough night. I'm having trouble getting settled down, and when

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Challenge #04403-L019: Organic Pest Control

What do you do when your ship is dealing with a bug infestation, and these pests are adapting to your most technological solutions? You call in a human pest control service! -- Anon Guest

If there is anything the Galactic Alliance knew before they knew anything true about Humans, it was that if you wanted something destroyed - they came very much in handy. Just make certain that they understand the assignment.

And don't ask too many questions about where the destroyed

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Challenge #04402-L018: Zero Ammunition Combat Ready

Why do you have so many primitive weapons? Our stunners and plasma rifles are far more efficient.

"True enough, but your stunners and rifles can break down in the wrong kind of environment. With these spears, and things like this bow, all you need is physics, and knowing which direction the sharp end is going." -- Fighting Fit

Everyone knew that the Humans were a little bit strange. If you asked the right ones, they'd confess proudly to being a lottle bit

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Challenge #04401-L017: A Thousand Points of Light

It's again the anniversary of when the Earth circles their star. Even though they are far from Earth, and have never actually been there, they were born and raised on a different world, like the people of Earth, they celebrate with parties, lots of food, and lots of brightly colored drones making the equivalent of silent fireworks in the air. Don't want to scare friends with the bangs after all! -- Anon Guest

[AN: Most Terran colonies celebrate their own solar anniversary,

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Challenge #04389-L005: 'Tis But a Scratch!

Human, why is there a long, red, gash across your hand??

"Oh, that's just a scratch don't worry, already treated it."

But it looks enflamed!

"Yah, we humans do that when we get small cuts like this, it's sterilized, and treated, but it'll look bad for an hour or so, then heal right up." -- Anon Guest

"Are you certain? An injury like that should be inspected by medical. Just to be sure it won't get worse." Companion Gine bobbed in concern,

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Challenge #04384-K366: Poison in Acid? Refreshing!

Human, that fluid is caustic enough to strip paint from metal! And you're drinking it?? How are you not dead yet??

"It tastes good, it's fizzy, and it helps me stay awake. Besides, its just a soda." -- Anon Guest

Companion Laus could barely contain hir anxiety. "But.. the gasses will cause intense digestive pain. Colic is a fatal--"

Human Tam belched, causing Companion Laus to boggle at him. "You can just do that?"

"Yeah, we can reject stuff that's bad for

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Challenge #04380-K362: Not a Nice Kitty

They think the creature is just another earth cat. They should have listened to the warnings about the black creatures with the white stripes down their backs. The invaders need a lot of care and decontamination! -- Anon Guest

"Uh, Byox? Don't pet that one!"

"It's a harmless cat. Look, it has it's tail up, and what a floof!"

"No don't--" too late. Human Dez winced in pure sympathy as Byox got the full treatment from a neighbourhood skunk. "Ooohhhh... Ouch."


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Challenge #04372-K354: Only Looks Harmless

The humans mocked another human calling them a hippo.

The human, much to the shock of their Alliance friends, thanked the mockers.

The mockers were shocked and swore at the human.

The human said "You just compared me to one of THE most feared animals on the planet next to the humble mosquito. An animal that is fast, powerful, literally a living, amphibious, tank. So thanks!" -- Fighting Fit

Of all the things that could happen in the Edge Territories, this was

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Challenge #03994-J342: Another Game of Tag

A swift deathworlder with a strong ship refuses to believe humans cannot be escaped if someone simply TRIES hard enough. They make a challenge. 1 v 1, any person - except a lucker or pax humanis - can be chosen for this. The challenge? They get 1 day head start and the human has the equivalent of one month to catch them. The gambling on this went wild. -- Anon Guest

One average, ordinary, everyday Human accountant with access to any everyday

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Challenge #03917-J265: Five Ends of Them Are Pointy

Wutu's transport was attacked. Deceptive, Dessie, now well grown, was laying near its owner purring. But the pirates learned quickly, that the cat had learned to guard its owner against hostiles, and be gentle toward friendlies. They'd live, but would definitely need quite a lot of medical care. -- Anon Guest

Of all the incontrovertible laws that governed the universe, there was one that Humans insisted be upheld. Once a cat is on your lap, you

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Challenge #03822-J170: Some Culture to Bring Home

Unfortunately, the Thranityr, Daiv, is defeated in the eating competitions. They can't BELIEVE that there are humans that have more of a capacity than them! They'll have to bring this tradition back home, er... first let's ask the humans to help set up the contests. -- Anon Guest

Verne the Vacuum did have stiff competition. Unfortunately for Daiv, the goal was speed and not volume. Well, not completely volume. It was the most volume in

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Challenge #03737-J084: Salty, Fatty, Sweet, and Deep Fried

It makes me wonder, as I sit here looking out the port at the stars. How are the Alliance handling the idea of the Thranityr, especially the Vorax subvariant, no longer being a major danger ever since us humans came along to teach them the foods that we, ourselves, are constantly being told to eat in moderation? -- Anon Guest

It was an old argument against Deathworlders. Let one in and more will follow. And now it seemed to be coming true

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