Busy Busy

A 281-post collection

It's fixed!

My car is up and able again and I now have emergency assistance. It became a thing somewhere between the time I go the car and months later, when I finally got a service.

I also had the biggest comedy of errors that anyone could hope to avoid. First - Beloved insisted I take the kids to school. On the one day that I definitely had Other Plans. Then, the car wouldn't start. So I had to nick Beloved's car while the adoration of my life stirred from a comfy bed to breathe life into my vehicle.

THEN, after an hour's round trip, and already being late, I got lost on the way because Google forgot to mention turning onto a service road. I nearly turned into the Toyota service mob until I realised that I had the wrong place.

Fortunately, they didn't mind that I was half a freaking hour late. Also fortunately, I came prepared with stuff to write, stuff to read, and my everpresent phone so I could space out on Tumblr.

And a good thing I did, because it took practically all day. I had just enough time to go home, attempt to print a couple of earring cards (the bed is askew again - boo) before it was time to zoom off again and collect my little darlings.

And of frelling course my car is nearly out of fuel by then, so I have to get $50 worth of that before I go get any further.

Fun, fun times.

Today is going to be no less fun. Beloved has a rare day off, and that means loads of running around and fixing the stuff that's been awaiting a simultaneous day off and payday to fix. Huzzah.

At least we plan to see a movie, sometime during the events, so all should be well.

This is why I need to be mobile

I'm taking my car in for a service, today. They usually occupy most of my frelling time. All day. Spinning my wheels. Followed by a mad rush in the evening to get my work, dinner, and kids done for the day.

Not today! For I have a fully-operational laptop and all my important documents in my Google Docs folder. Yay. I just have to make sure they're "fresh" before I set off.

Which means crossing the house, opening the lappy, refreshing every

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Winter has hit

I know it's not officially winter yet, but you can't fool my bod. All the signs are here. It's dark in the morning. The incidences of Lurgi are increasing. I need a jumper and a huge box of tissues in the morning... and the heater is staying on without anyone wanting to turn it off.

It's very hard to get out of bed in the AM.

I've removed the non-helpful insole from my boots, and that has been very helpful in getting

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Busy Times

The weather is changing and I can literally feel it. The usual low pressure system warning has clung to my head in a band formation. Meaning that I ache across both eye sockets, my teeth, and the nape of my neck.

The chill turn of the weather doesn't help, either.

Something else has come by my mailbox, but I have to go and collect it locally. Which implies that it was too big to jam into the mailbox. Which, in turn, has

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My calendar is full

Driving to and from Tullagawupwup. 3AM wake-up against my will. A dire need for coffee and a dire need for air.

And one of my nineteen parcels arrived, but it wasn't any of the ones that I can confirm as being in Sydney.

Evidently, Aus!Customs has no qualms about a quarter cup's worth of glass shrapnel seed beads. I kid, of course. I'm not going through all this shit just so some forensics mook can dig it out of the scenery.

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Swimming Sunday was cancelled because Real Life interfered. Beloved's dad got whisked to hospital because of a blood circulation thing [he's fine now BTW]. Because my default state in an emergency is to man the phones, I did not want to leave the house.

Because Beloved thought I'd somehow go swimming anyway [WAT?] they decided to NOT FIRKIN CALL WITH ANY GD NEWS.

We've been in a serious relationship since the late 90's, folks. And Still, neither of us knows how the

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Fun times ahead

Friendo is super effective at getting me motivated. The majority of an entire arm of the kitchen countertop has been sorted in the space of a few hours, when its daunting expanse of assorted scrattle had intimidated me to the extreme, previously.

I have the hoarder's edition of OCD - which means (a) I never throw anything out (b) I tend to leave things where they lie, and (c) doing anything to fix it requires at least one person to keep me

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Holy fuck, I have an itinerary

Busy day today. At least, for my standards of "busy".

Gotta take Mayhem only to school, then turn around and take the cat to the vet. With the potential for UNEXPECTED BILL$$$$. Then I have to drop the cat back home before I take Chaos off to faraway Caloundra for a pediatric appointment.

Said appointment is free - yay!

BUT it will also decide how much financial assistance we get, if any - booo.

And the nice people I was advised to

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Our internet is still fucked

Currently using my phone for all data needs, including reblogging stuff on Tumblr.

This is going to cost me a frelling fortune... BUT... I also need to keep this blog active.

Good news for my loyal followers: You will be seeing a lot more fanfic and other original content here, because the staff behind Tumblr have gone insane and decided to obliterate one of their key functionalities - tag tracking.

I will start with anything I've posted on Tumblr since the shift.

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Panic stations, full speed ahead.

$600 owing on Chaos' autism school. The only plus side is this is the last payment ever for a $1.3K/Semester tuition fee.

$600 owing to the vet because I panicked and took the cat to the vet and tests for cancer are spelled with multiple dollar signs.

MeMum has promised me some cash, BUT... I can't spend it on the cat. So - food and petrol :P Also, I have to collect it in person.

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So close, and yet...

::Cue Days of Our Lives music::

When we last left our heroes, MeMum was in a quantum state between being able to communicate online and not being able to communicate online... Telstra had taken twenty-four hours and counting to get back on a one-hour call-back... and Mayhem had forgotten all his Home Ec. crap at school.

Your humble Author is still poor. That $30 has to spend five business days in transit between PayPal and my bank accounts for no apparent reason.

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