Up to my eyes in it

So today is an interesting schedule. I have a plumber coming at an unspecified time. I have the cleaners coming. Both will want paying and I only have the cash for one of those people and I worry about that sort of thing.

Fortunately there are ATMs, and I definitely used the Suncorp account this morning. Huzzah. So after a short school run, I now have enough money for everyone including myself.

I also found out that the account I can access has MASSIVE amounts of money that I probably should not touch unless vitally necessary. I also need to look into setting up the network banking for the same thing and setting up autopayments into the card that I'm used to.

And thus control my spending tendencies by controlling how much money I actually have.

Chaos has her concert thing tonight, which just makes planning for the evening a little bit more technical.

And to top it all off, David "The Spine" Bennett is streaming stuff and I firkin love watching the livestreams and doing my nerd thing.

I'll try to focus, but there's no guarantees.