
A 8-post collection

Friday, Return of Beloved?

I can't send a message to Beloved because our chat app is having server issues. Fun. But I did get a message saying that they were getting ready to travel so I can continue hoping for a return to hugs and together time.

...and a return to working out where Book 5 ends and Book 6 begins.

I might even get Adorable over to help me wrangle things so I can continue with my PLNs to make a better advertising video.

And once I know what to do about having them done, I may not need to spend any more money on the "Market Analysis". Whee fun.

I now know a little something about marketing, and I hope to apply it in the near future. Once I have overcome the learning curve of the programs I need to do the thing.

Later this arvo, I'll do the catio. Today, I'm doing my offerings. Tomorrow, I'm off on parkrun with Chaos.

I'm helping MeMum back up her Kindle this coming Tuesday.

Friday, Wiring Install MAYBE

Today's the day that the tradie comes by to put in some VERY EXPENSIVE WIRES so that we can has NBN. The steeper side of a three-figure price tag.

Fortunately, we can use that expense to our benefit.

That's happening early this afternoon. IF all is well. Which I sincerely hope it is. Time will have to tell on that one.

In other news: Pippi has figured out how to push through the gate between most of the house and the "forbidden

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Monday, Backup Reads and PLNs

Mayhem has switched to straight ginger ale. I might have to do another crate run for that at a later point in time. Possibly when I'm also doing the run for cold hard folding to include in the gifts for Mayhem and Chaos.

It's not going to be a lot of cold hard folding, alas. Hopefully enough to cover at least one frivolous indulgence.

I've taken an inventory of my inanimate objects and I definitely have enough for my purposes. I might

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Tuesday, Cyclone Headache and Potentiality

Beloved should be in my arms tonight if all goes well. I'm still halfway prepared for it to be a wash all the same.

My braining difficulties are not helped by a cyclone headache today. Also not helped by an urgent phone call in the middle of my stretchies. MeMum had mislaid her phone and tracing it was literal hell.

I know she won't like it, but maybe adding the voice command and utilising some variant of "where are you" to make

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Thursday, Behind the Curtain

I didn't tag a week, yesterday, but I did get a chapter summarised, so there is that.

I hope to tag a week, summarise a chapter, and at least draw a dungeon floor map before I play PathFinder with my peeps in the Rainbow Chat Group.

Wish me luck.

I also plan to drip sentences or paragraphs into my working chapter as I go.

Chapter Count: Began working on Chapter 262

Fingers crossed that I get to at least halfway through it

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Friday, Day 1, Gearing Up

Plague news: NO NEW CASES! Seventy-nine total active cases, with twenty-one in hospital and one in the ICU.

Anxiety is at a peak here in the household as today we PLN to get some final gussying-up before we drop the big reveal tomorrow. That will be happening after household unfuckening and maybe after Chaos returns from school.

I'm still being gentle with myself until all reasons to be panicking are dealt with. One way or another. Stress is hell on inspiration.


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Ice Cream at Last!

I have been waiting since BEFORE EASTER to finally had a tub of ice cream from Messrs Ben and Jerry. So here's a recap of what went agley:

  • Chocolate takes priority - actual Erastide loaded with the chocolatey goodness and an ENTIRE BIG BOWL of fun-size sugary temptation. Did not even consider ice cream
  • Big Day at the Movies - Going out to see some action thing with the fam. And an assortment of carby deliciousness that survived through the NEXT FUCKING
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My birthday is this Tuesday, so we're having a little mini-party today. Cake, family, and presents. Nothing huge, hugely expensive, or extravagant.

I still count that trip to Tucson in March as a late-Christmas/early-birthday present combo. That was a budgetary blowout of epic proportions. Therefore anything extra today is a blessing.

Beloved has promised me something I will enjoy but they will probably regret. I have to confess to being interested in seeing what the heck it is. And then try

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