Tuesday - Day 2

Another round of duck-hunt phone tag is scheduled sometime after 9AM today. I got the ansaphone yesterday and I suspect persistence today will get me past the case manager screening their calls tomorrow. Nothing like being a very nice and polite pain in the butt to get that administrivial assistance you need to get past the hedge of red tape.

In the headlines:

  • It's been revealed that the Muppet wanted to wear and reveal a superman suit/shirt [reports differ] upon his exit from hospital
  • Global cases of the plague hit one million in a day
  • UK enters second lockdown and the provisions for those trapped indoors are even worse, including spoiled food and allergens
  • North Korea reveals a big phallic extension missile
  • Red voters are actively fighting blue voters and vice versa, possibly encouraged by the radicalisation of both sides by money-hungry social media
  • THE FUCKING TALIBAN endorse the Muppet in a move that should shock very few who've been paying attention
  • Records reveal that public servant's claims of having nothing to do with Victoria's outbreak actually had a LOT to do with same. Dude has since resigned, like that fixes anything
  • NSW Premier caught out for having an affair

It's five AM and I've been technically awake for three hours. My sleep is disordered and I have no social life. What's new? Haha.

Onwards to storytime.