Unlikely Heroes

A 166-post collection

Challenge #03630-I342: And Two Hands For You

A person finds Wraithvine and friends. They present hir with boots made especially for long, hard, wearing, with spells embedded in the boots to boost longevity of the materials, though they were well made to be proofed even against mud and water. Also new clothes also made for centuries of wearing, and a brand new heavy winter clothing. The same person made clothing and new footwear for hir friends, and even a little winter jacket for Lilbit, though was unsure how to make footwear for kitties. -- Anon Guest

[AN: How to make footwear for kitties - don't. If you're concerned about your kitty's paddy paws, maybe carry them]

There is a saying: What goes around, comes around. And it generally means that if you spend your waking hours choosing to be an arsehole, that arseholery will come back at you like the forgotten boomerang of fate. For those who spread kindness, it certainly feels like only the assholery gets to boomerang. For them, it feels like kindness is soaked up by the dry ground of the universe, never to be seen again.

The real test of charity is to keep doing it.

There are some benefits. And some of them take a very long time to occur. Such as... an Elf who once swore on a God's heart to make the world better before ze died. An Elf who helped others and kept helping. Century after century. Eon after eon.

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Challenge #03624-I336: Welcome Deeds

The air is getting crisp, the leaves are falling, and the harvest is being gathered. A family invites Gikka, Wraithvine, and friends to join their village in the fall festival. -- Anon Guest

The little village in the middle of nowhere was having a harvest festival. The winter crops had been planted, the summer crops had been reaped, and all the preserves were stocked away for the snows.

This was the time for music and dancing, and light against the fading darkness.

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Challenge #03530-I242: Not a Happy Ending

Kevin, Ma, Venin, Abundance, the newly adopted child that used to be the lich king, and the former rogue serpent that tried to kidnap Kevin, and was now a part of the odd little family, all had a long talk, and decided to take over this little kingdom that once was the lich king's, and have a new, permanent home, their family from back on the old farm could come to them, right? Would Wraithvine and Pondermore stay and join them? Or

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Challenge #03523-I235: Meet Your Teammates

Yautto looked upon Wraithvine, Kevin, Gikka, and, Abundance, and Venin, never having had seen such kindness in their lives before. They were grateful, but nervous, as they went on the adventure. Would these people remain friends, or would they chase Yautto out, too, eventually?



https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03336-i048-youve-been-mothered -- Anon Guest

[AN: While I don't always pay attention to continuity in these works (10-minute limit on Wiki Walks)

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Challenge #03513-I225: Time to Spare

Several kids flying kites accidentally run into Wraithvine and hir friends. Giggling, they offer the kite strings to the individuals, asking the group to come play -- Anon Guest

They had the time. And why not? Between one place and another, with all the urgencies currently out of the way, playing in a park had its lures. Especially for Marvin.

Wraithvine hadn't held a kite string for too long, and accepted the spool with giddy laughter. Which more or less gave the

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Challenge #03504-I216: The Right Teacher

A young wizard politely asks Wraithvine to teach them how to duel for self defense. -- Fighting Fit

The problem with immortals is that they get a reputation. Strodius had been through five mummers so far who claimed to be the immortal Elf of lore and legend. They would hear him out, listen to his cause, and then attempt to charge gold for their services.

The real Wraithvine would do no such thing. Gold did not enter into an equation where the

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Challenge #03490-I202: Strange Happenstances

A Nagha, Kevin, Ma, Wraithvine, Podmore, the Raven-folk a tiefling named Abundance, and young Venin the Goblin all ready the place of destiny that Kevin and Ma were supposed to go. However, what they were to do, was a bit.. complicated. And not at all what anyone expected. But when they finally settle down, the motley crew at least have family to rely on, that is to say, each other.

Beings are from these stories.



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Challenge #03489-I201: Keeping the Balance

A person, a historian who wrote the chronicles of the world once asked, what happened to all the kingdoms, empires, and other lands where the corrupt leaders were felled by Wraithvine the Eternal, and there ended up power vacuums? Did he leave the lands in such a state, to go to war with itself as new powers tried to claim the thrones? Or did he find a way to rule them, until ones could be found that were worthy of such seats

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Challenge #03467-I179: Lofty Goals

What if Amatu were to go up on cliffs and up in trees and work on his fear of heights. Sometimes, even severe phobias, can be lessened and controlled through careful exposure. While they're not always overcome, they can sometimes at least be controlled. After all, flying is an incredible thing to have when being an adventurer.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03375-i087-elevation-trepidation -- The New Guy

On the Windy Plains there was an entirely different method of play. They called it

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Challenge #03460-I172: Well Met Again

Could we have a story where the new young reborn Anthe and the young, highly magic, thief that Wraithvine adopted meet? Maybe they're both at his side at some point? Please?

From stories:



https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03371-i083-deja-vu-all-over-again -- Anon Guest

[AN: Sorry, Nonny, but those stories are unrelated. Different time zones]

She was introduced as Gikka Winbelburrough at the next inn. Given good warm food and some relaxing tea. And a very confusing

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Challenge #03434-I146: Born Again Gormlessness

They find a necromancer willing to make a new body for the poor idiot. But the person will lose all their magic and have to learn everything back from square one. Maybe learn better manners and respect as well.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03245-h336-2020-hindsight -- Anon Guest

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'll need a holiday after this. I'm getting old and creaky."

Yngvar, barely visible under a newly-invented Helm of Obviousness, said, "How long do Kobolds

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Challenge #03391-I103: Time Enough

The thoughts and inner feelings of the old witch as new students come to call. Someone to pass their knowledge to, and, perhaps, a new, young apprentice here to take their place when old age finally takes its dues?

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03335-i047-accepting-the-price -- Anon Guest

Varicelle had taken an overdose in her elder years, and had been looking for cures for old age for millennia. Alas, every fountain of youth had its price. A price too severe for an

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Challenge #03384-I096: Evening the Scores

They have been "brat" their entire life. Or, when called to with less harsh tones, "brainless". They were intelligent, they tried to be kind, but always the same cruel words. As they wandered the world they met a band a travelers who helped them find a new name, and took the traveler into their arms, helping heal a broken spirit. -- Fighting Fit

There are houses with too many children. Spaces too small for the people occupying them. Nevertheless, those spaces can

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Challenge #03375-I087: Elevation Trepidation

They begin a determined quest to find a way to protect wraithvine and other GOOD magic users from the devastating effects of that powerful spell. And, begin to test Amatu to see just how powerful his abilities truly are, including to see if those wings really will help him fly.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03327-i039-a-brief-and-regrettable-encounter -- DaniAndShali

The water looked even further down from the top of the overhang. "I'm not sure about this," said Amatu. "I've only ever glided before.

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Challenge #03369-I081: Consequences of the Forgotten

Can we have a story about Wraithvine having to teach this doofus to be a "mini me" of him as it were? That is, since he was begging to follow hir around and basically learn to be just like them?

It's from this one. https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03319-i031-lesson-two -- Anon Guest

Nobody trailed after Wraithvine like a lost duckling. There were things to learn and the eternal Wizard knew everything. Including the simple fact that there is more to learn.

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