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Tired Bean

A 16-post collection

Wednesday, Catching Up and Relaxing a Bit

The good news is that my feet don't hate me more than usual. The bad news is that I have to wear a thumb brace on my right hand... because I did something weird with a nerve in there, last week, and an even half of everything I do aggravates it.

So my Butcher's Book goes without a contribution for another day.

I'm hard pressed just walking around with my cane. Writing with a pen is awkward at best. Honestly, using my mouse is a little tricky because the thumb brace makes peculiar things happen.

My head hurts, my wrists are taking their turn with adding to my miseries. I've taken my painkillers and my meds and I may be taking today off, writing wise. Minimal offerings only.

IDEK why, but I'm sleepy despite the coffee.

I'll write today's story and see how I feel then.

Sunday, Game Night and Exhaustion Points

Lots of laughs in the game tonight. The adopted Goblin became a level one barbarian with some adjusted statistics because toddler Goblin. All toddlers are barbarians. Fight me.

Despite having a post-game nap, I'm still bloody tired, today. I'll see how I feel by 5PM, when the heat allegedly starts to wane from the day and we'll theoretically be able to do more strategic pruning.

I'm still studying how to make pop-up windows in GameMaker, and I might try a couple of

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

I checked the weather this morning and, as soon as it's legal to use power tools - it's too hot to do anything outdoors where the power tools are.


Hoping for a rainy day so it's cool enough to do things, soon.

I'm wondering what to do for this week's rant, and hoping something will crop up before I have to do it. As for the meantime - bread.

I've got everything measured out and waiting for the starter to ripen.

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Friday, Mor Shenanigans

I have to drop off Mayhem early this AM so I can do the shrink zoom meeting happening today.

Which means hoping he remembers to launch early.

I did finally get to signal for help at the GameMaker community. Yay. I've yet to make a start on my weekly rant.


I'm just so tired and the day hasn't even begun.

Maybe I'll get everything done today. Including cleaning the Catio.

I need all the luck I can get.

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Tuesday, Tech Support and Tired Bean

It's MeMum's birthday so she got free tech support - which included making her mouse pointer way more visible, showing her how to navigate her smart TV, and figuring out how to make DVD's work with that same setup.

Mission accomplished there.

Now I'm back home, I needs must focus on my offerings for the day. For tomorrow, I am back on the bullshit.

Looking forward to free time to work on other things, but I also need a lot of sleep.

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Saturday, Lurgi Again

I was all set and ready to do parkrun today... Until about 7PM when my eyes spontaneously crunchified and my nose began running like a gorram tap.

Yes folks, I once again have Lurgi. Replete with the wonderful world of digestive issues. Yay. Not.

So today I am focussing on achieving bodily stability whilst also working on bread. Because I also need to make bread this weekend.

Offerings soon. Attempts at project maybe. Farting around for sure.

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Sunday, So Tired

My foot firkin HATES me, so I'm highly motivated to stay off it. And I've also realised how much I've left by the wayside this week gone. My brain has been fixated with attempts to remain organised and as a result, I've let a lot of other things go by the wayside.

I gotta bake - my loaves have gone mouldy. I gotta feed my Starter. I gotta go shopping... I gotta make my daily offerings.

And I would much rather take

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Wednesday: Ranting Due and Shenanigans

I'm squeezing productivity out of my minutes available this morning. I have a two-hour round trip commencing in a few minutes, followed by shopping for varied essentials. Then there's the time window to wedge in the rest of my offerings today.

When Mayhem moves to part-time, following his training, we'll both have a schedule to operate with.

This is more planning than I'm used to.

I'm halfway tempted to talk about scheduling issues this week. I am NOT going grumpy again. I'll

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Saturday, Parkrun, B12, and Assorted Shenanigans

As I write this, my Beloved is having a nap. I am stocking up on some internal caffeine because the B-complex I'm taking only stretches a little further than 24 hours after I took it.

Translation: my energy levels are still shit.

I expect this shall be sorted out in a week or two, but in the meantime I have to deal by other means.

I've seen another image in which it's revealed that Beloved has even more hardware in her arm

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Monday, Tale Foundry reads and some PLNs

The Foundry peeps are sharing their stories as I write, which means the offerings may be delayed.

I hope to spare some time for a chapter at a later point, but given how things are sideways, I do doubt.

I'll probably end up messing about in Satisfactory if I'm honest about things.

I need the endorphins, and mucking about in game space gives me something I can actually do and I'm facing today tired.

Tomorrow, I shall likely be visiting, so all

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Saturday, Latest Entry of All?

It wasn't just the Parkrun, today. It was the Parkrun and taking Friendo Awesome to the hairdressers for a confidence booster and brunch at a place that served Coffee Milkshakes [vital!] and then taking everyone and finally us home.

Then I fell ASLEEP.

I just woke up, I'm doing my work on my laptop and then most likely returning to slumber. If I don't get bitten by the urge to write until midnight.

So without further ado, let's get on with doing

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Saturday, Painful Start

I had some intestinal issues that highlight my need to self-maintain a bit more vigorously. Acquire meal schedule. Have healthier meals. Eat more fibre.

It's a little painful to sit at the moment. I shall leave it at that.

So far, my 2K summary stands at 500 words and I need to get more words in there.

I want to sleep through the day again, and that may yet happen.

Beloved is off doing a long walk for exercise and I am

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Thursday, Game Night, Catching Up

It's been a week of it. Monday was too dang tired, Tuesday was tech support, Wednesday was running about for some interesting things...

For those who are interested, getting my hair done and checking out Miss Chaos' school's job expo. Then we had date night.

Today's the first chance I've had to sit down and work on things. I refuse to feel guilty about it, other people needed my time, presence, and muscle. I am only one bean, and I have my

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Long Monday, Around and Around...

Once more, I am in a holding pattern pending payday. Once more, it's a "next payday" situation to wait for the cat's dental.

Tomorrow, I am going to ring the vet's and see if I can pay for it on the installment plan. I don't like waiting this long and it feels like I may never have all of the money I need all at once. Blargh.

It's a momentous week, this week. I am plotting and PLN'ing to get samples of

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