
A 3-post collection

Thursday, Meds Run

New script in hand, I shall be wending my way to getting more of what it takes to stay stable. Well. Relatively stable. But that can wait until the road trip to drop off Mayhem. More of a chapter will happen thanks to that wait. Yay.

Since I don't have to be anywhere else, I may actually have a chance to work on Pseuducku. Huzzah.

Miss Chaos now has two game creation programs and is in the midst of messing around and discovering things.

For a personal brain hack, I have managed to catastrophise the consequences of not doing my heel stretchies. If I fail to do them, they're going to stick a needle in my heel. Works a charm to make me remember to do the dang things.

If it's daft and it works, it's not that daft.

Pseuducku: Button Layout Mockup

Now that decisions have been made about the look of some things, now we're looking at how the buttons go and in which order.

This is not an interactive experience

This exists to make aesthetic choices

I feel like I have to keep putting that up until I have something that's actually interactive.

Some significant time after I made the initial mockups, I realised that I needed way more buttons than I initially created in the BS version. So. Version 1 (immediately

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Tuesday, Announcement Incoming!

I am biting the bullet and committing to making Pseuducku exist. So... between my daily offerings, working on my WIP, and some essential relaxation activities - I will be learning and doing.

Learning: How to make a game on Stencyl.

Doing: Making a game based on the lessons I've absorbed so far.

Hacking one's own brain is an essential skill, and I've figured out I don't keep information about new skills very well.

The good news is that I've figured out how

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