Real sonic rainboom. Caused by water droplets and refractions. Way more boring than rainbow pegasii traveling through the sound barrier.

Real sonic rainboom. Caused by water droplets and refractions. Way more boring than rainbow pegasii traveling through the sound barrier.
I still object to the “un-derping” in the “fixed” version, though.
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Read more »Again with the censorship?
Hasbro is censoring Derpy by re-voicing her, removing her name, and correcting her lovely eyes - just for the DVD edition.
Warm up your protest pens and keyboards, folks. You can contact Hasbro with your opinion via this handy link. Get to it. Write! Outrage! Send support art!
I’ve already vented my outrage. So can you!
My reaction to Derpy being "underped"
Once again, it’s time to go to arms over Derpy. This time, she’s being censored. Apparently, the DVD version of the cartoon is going to have Derpy’s famous eyes corrected.
Good God in Heaven… [or the deity of your choice] WHY?
Looks like if you can’t make the problem [the mentally disabled] go away, they’re going to pretend it didn’t exist.
So remind
Read more »Hello, bandwagon. Allow me to jump on you.
If you’ve read my recently-published tale, Late Bloomer and have any artistic talent, please post or send me something.
I’m looking to share Late Bloomer on EqD and they like it when you have art for a title page.
If anyone, anywhere, loves the story enough to make some non-spoilery fan art, please send it to or even post it as a reply here. Or send me a link to where you posted it. Whatever.
Read more »Finally finished this about two months after I started it.
Warning: Long story is LOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG
Late Bloomer
“Excuse me?”
Twilight startled. She swore there hadn’t been anyone else in the library a minute ago. “Where did you come from?”
The strange unicorn was tall and gangly, though of about adult pony height, she had obviously yet to fill out. “Trotston. Originally,” she said. Her straight, brown mane hung over most of her face as
“Don’t make me go away?” – by me
I love Derpy. I love her even more now that she’s had a few lines in the show. Now, some folks seem to think that Derpy and her portrayal is “ableist”. I think it’s quite the opposite.
There are kids out there who have learning difficulties. They are going to have to deal with people like Rainbow Dash who don’t have or
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I think I just died from overexposure to awesome.
Me in a nutshell :) Except for the wanting to quit part.
I know my art sucks, but I should at least try to improve and this looks like it might keep me in practice. And, let’s face it, I would be hella slow.
What say you?
Read more »I’m new to drawing on a tablet device and my art skills are not the best.
That’s why I chose to fingerpaint some ponies as humans and share the results with you.
Each humanised pony took about two hours for me to get right. And I still hate what happened with the hands and feet. I suck at both.
By the time I was done focussing on the important part, I was all fgsfds when it came to
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