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Learning Journey

A 5-post collection

Challenge #04287-K269: Truly Heroic

Tell me, my student.... what is the difference between a TRUE Hero, and the person many just call a hero?

"I don't know, sir."

It is their heart. For a True Hero does not seek fame or fortune. They do not seek to harm others, no matter what they appear. Their only desire is to aid others whenever possible, and the knowledge they could help be their only reward.

The ones far too many tend to call 'hero'.... are usually far too interested in coin and blood. -- Anon Guest

Yrsa had traveled for half a year to find him, and was immediately disappointed. Grey hair. A straw hat made with holes for his horns. Tatty old clothing that really should have been thrown in the midden instead of the rag pile. Patched and stained and absolutely horrible. Even his sandals were past due to be thrown out. And he was busy working with his hands.

This couldn't possibly be the Thrice-Sworn King, conquerer of nations, instigator of so much peace and inspiration of so much fear.

There was a miniature goat slumbering nearby, only the twitching of her leg told Yrsa that the animal was dreaming and not dead.

She said, "My pardon, sir. I think someone's been playing with me. They told me you are the Thrice-Sworn King?"

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Challenge #04097-K079: Help in All Forms

Several humans, in their early teens, had been Master Twii's students. Having graduated from Twii's classes as they entered their late 20's, now went to a Gyiik temple. Their goal? To learn to cook as well as the Gyiiks and the portions they cooked. These humans wanted to start an all-around service where not only did they physically protect others, but also made sure no one ever went hungry. -- Anon Guest

There's one advantage that Gyiik's have as Heavyworlders[1] inside

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Sunday, Bread Again

I have good news identical to the bad news: The bread is so delicious that the family can't stay away from it.

My loaves got a little burned, but that is a timing issue. The second one is just a little doughy on the bottom, and that's another timing issue. The dough's still stiff and hard to manage, so for the final experiment, I am in mid-process of an 80% hydration batch with the chia soaking.

I'm also using some metal tins

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Thursday, Today I'm Learnding

Today's the day I don't have much else going on, so I shall be dragging myself through A Basic Accomplishment in A Free Software, with the long-term goal of Doing A Thing.

I have animation projects in the back of my head and the potential to actually make them be real in my future. It's all up to what I'm capable of doing and how frustrated I get with it in the process. I'm a stubborn bean so it might actually be

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Challenge #02520-F330: Teach to Learn

You know the one student that's always alone? The one student that, for some reason, just seems unable to make any friends? Often they're bullied while everyone else turns a blind eye even when they ask for help. A student can turn one of many ways in this kind of situation. They can turn into a killer, they can harm themselves, they can bottle it up and explode later, or, for the unusual few, it can make them even gentler even when

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