Budget Blues

A 4-post collection

Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Budget Cycles

The cats are going to need food. And kitty litter. The household is going to need a few things by this Tuesday. I have the money for that, so all is allegedly fine.

I also have the money to get my new glasses.

All I need is the time and the energy to get all those ducks in a row. Not happening today. Not happening tomorrow.

I might be able to get to that on Tuesday. Fingers crossed.

Today, we already had the VTTRPG session - in which my chaos crew adopted another Dark Elf Concubine, and are finally taking things to Skullport. We may be hopping back and forth between TaleSpire and Owlbear to do it... but I have proven I can do it.


Now all I have to to is excise Windose from my drive and all should be well. Theoretically. I'm going to need hand-holding because the process is truly complicated. And loaded with potential flaws.

That's going to be fun when it goes off.

In the meantime, I am going to make my offerings and continue to hope for the best.

And hope for a growing audience.

Monday, the Skin of My Teeth

It's payday tomorrow, I had to buy fuel, I have five dollarydoos left in my account and the oven preheating for the baking.

I need coffee, cream, flour, chia [I'm out at last], salt, and sundry other fixings.

I might take Miss Chaos out shopping with me when we can afford such an excursion. It's a long and complicated trip I have queued up to take most of my moneys.

Costco, Golden Circle Factory Outlet, the meat market, Aldi, and finally Woolies

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Crimbolio Shopping

It's raining, it's pouring, and my face says it's going to get worse because Cyclone Headache.


We do have moneys but IDK if I'll be able to use any of it and my current assets are scant.

I'm also pondering the penning of a Wordpress entry about all the AI "art" that's popping up and how it's a novelty and not the end of creativity as we know it.

Yes, Taylor Swift is "writing" a movie with AI, and none of

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Wednesday, Wordpress & Organisation

My love spent the day and the night and the morning at work. She didn't turn up at home until like 2AM :P At some point, we need to get supplies and do a budget. Balancing things we need to pay for versus things we want to pay for et cetera.

One bit at a time, we shall manage stuff. Wrangle our income, wrestle our expenditures and get things sorted out.

I don't even know IF we're having a date night this

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