Sunday - Day Three - Leyland's Tour!

Yesterday was almost complete shenanigans and most of it was spending too much money getting supplies. Thanks to the lack of community transmission, I actually felt bold enough to shop around rather than go on the most efficient path to obtain the thing.

Things have changed so much it's disorienting.

  • Big W has two dedicated exits and one dedicated entrance
  • Golden Circle Factory Outlet has moved
  • Right next to a Silly Solly's
  • I went to six different places and forgot to get two things

So... about average for me.

In the news:

  • Muppet claims he's going to barricade himself in the Oval Office and summon his loyal followers to defend his position
  • Biden claims that the White House people are very good at "evicting trespassers" lol
  • Now that Biden's in charge, he's going to pressure Australia to act on climate change
  • Scotty From Marketing is not pleased. Boohoo
  • We've lost Jeanne Little and only fellow Aussies know what this means
  • Muppet continues to deny Biden's ever-increasing win, claiming the winning votes aren't "legal votes" 9_9
  • Emails claiming to be from the Orange Menace are begging for money to fight the "Democrats' plan to steal the election"
  • Muppet's chief of staff has the plague
  • A smiley face gendered sponge [the girl ones are PINK] is a new hit item at Coles
  • WA Premier calls out the Liberals [the Aussie right wing] for backing Clive Palmer's aggregious shitbaggery for profit scheme to open up the borders to the plague
  • Clive Palmer's court case fails abominably and we're all laughing
  • Also it's looking like the plague may well vanish within Australia, so long as the Karens remain on a tight leash
  • One particular state ended up electing a representative who'd died of Covid before the election. It's going to be interesting to watch that mess get sorted out

The internet continues to go berserk about all number of things happening at once, including the zombie representative. There's all manner of elation going around among the left-wing, peace-love-and-mung-beans, gender-bending Tumblrinas.

Poor Toasty couldn't focus today. They made a character based on shitposting chaos gremlins like me and the results were BEAUTIFUL. Click. Love. Adore. Start writing the Netflix series for Talfryn Geargreaser and the Starsteamers.

I may have already posted some headcannons.

Onwards to storytime.