Wednesday, Wordpress and Date Night PLNs

I didn't get around to dungeon map, yesterday, so doing some of that today is among my priorities. Alongside getting to some plot resolution in A Devil's Tale. Which, I might add, has now commenced in it's THIRD firkin GoogDoc.

I should be getting my regular phone back tomorrow, so retrieving it and my meds will likely happen then. I have my prescriptions ready and the hope that they've not expired yet because visiting the quacks has got expensive.


I'm even more in favour of Permascriptions now than ever before. I might yet write a thing about those, but I bet you can guess what they are.

As for Date Night... it's another quiet night in with at-home luxuries. Because everything else costs a firkin mint.

Anyway. Onwards with my offerings to the internets, and thence to the other projects that are under the hood.