Thursday - Day FIVE!

Woo! Five days without idiots from over the border trying to bring restrictions back into fashion. Nine to go and I can actually go shopping without a mask on. Whee.

I, for one, am glad to add a new tag to my blog system.

In the news:

  • Pilots have been taking up Aussie farming jobs as a direct result of the cultural devaluation of farming jobs. People are complaining now. The job gets you 150K a year and they promise better internet than the city. I'm not buying it
  • Plague set to break out again in Sydney as restaurant is a potential vector site
  • Vice President potentially in trouble because Muppet refuses to surrender power despite being obviously incompetent to hold office. The downside of having an egomaniacal despot in charge
  • Aldi is reducing the plastic content of their packaging. Yay
  • Muppet promised stimulus package, stock market rose. Muppet said "Lol JK!" and the stock crashed. Speculation points to manipulators behind the scenes trying to make the inevitable Democrat takeover look as bad as possible
  • Aussie credit card debt at a massive low. Bankers may be nervous about this

Today's PLN includes securing kitty litter and working out what the first How To Do That lesson is going to be. It's probably going to be "How to install Ecosia on your browser". These are for MeMum primarily, and anyone who's just as technologically impaired.

Wish me luck, folks.